Chapter 494 War on top. ([-])

After Big Bear, Akainu, who has been paying attention to the battle situation on the field, can't sit still.

Since you pirates dare to step into this sacred place of the navy, then all of you are going to die!

I saw that the entire arm of Akainu turned into red hot magma in an instant, and then rapidly multiplied and swelled, rolling and rolling like boiling water, and the thick smoke turned into a pile of flowing magma in no time!

"Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu punched the sky, and a thick column of magma was blasted into the sky in an instant, and then burst into countless meteor flames, falling from the sky, like a meteorite missile, and fell towards the group of white-bearded pirates directly below Bombarded away.

Countless meteors and fire rain fell from the sky, falling rapidly from the sky, and falling on the field with the sound of '咻咻' rushing through the wind.

Each 'magma missile' is more than one meter in diameter!It bombarded the group of pirates like a meteor falling, and exploded at the moment of landing, and the flame magma swept across a range of tens of meters in an instant, just like a heavy artillery bombardment, blasting off countless limbs and broken arms of the pirates!What's more, it was directly burned into residue by the hot magma!

Just for a moment, the field turned into a sea of ​​fire and lava. Fortunately, the strong among the pirates could at least resist it, but the ordinary pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy casualties. At least some Hundreds of pirates were killed or injured under the terrifying meteor volcano!

This is Akainu!Among the three generals of the navy, he is the one with the strongest group damage. A meteor volcano is almost equivalent to a salvo of map guns!If you give him a few more shots, it can even directly sink an island!
Akainu looked at Whitebeard from a distance, and said loudly: "Whitebeard, this is the holy land of the navy, the forbidden place for you pirates! If you want to set foot on this land, use your life as the ticket! I will Take your head and hang your head above the Navy Building!"

Whitebeard stood on the bow of the Moby Dick, staring at Akainu with stern eyes, holding a naginata in his hand and poking it casually into the sky, he inserted an oncoming bolide into the blade, and let it fall Blowing a breath in front of his eyes, he blew out the raging flames on the surface of the magma!
"Above this sea, there are too many people who want this old man's head, and you, Akainu, can't be ranked!

And the old man is standing here, if you want my head, then come and get it! "

"That can't be done! Whitebeard! How can you give your head to someone else?!" A loud voice from nowhere suddenly sounded in the arena. All pressed down.

"Because... your old guy's head is mine!"

Everyone: "!!!"

Sengoku, who was directing the battle on the high platform of the square, suddenly changed his expression, "This voice is Kaido!"

This guy!Sure enough, he still appeared!
The pirates and marines in the audience were stunned for a moment, and those who recognized Kaido's voice, such as Whitebeard and Sengoku, looked back instantly, only to see a few small characters suddenly appearing in the distant sea. small dark spots
For Whitebeard and the others, distance has never been a problem. As long as they can see everything, they can see clearly that it is Kaido's fleet!Even the excited maniacal smile on Kaido's face, they could clearly see it!

When the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates were in a chaotic battle, Kaido finally appeared on the stage. At this perfect time to cut in, he directly killed him from the side!For a while, both the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy were embarrassed.

Sure enough, every person who can sit on the throne of the Four Emperors is impossible to be simple. Even if Kaido has a manic and reckless personality, it is only a characteristic of his personality.

In an instant, both the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy fell into vigilance and defense because of Kaido's arrival. After all, neither of them knew what Kaido was here for!

Kaido's behavior and habits are completely unpredictable. He is an extremely crazy guy. No one knows what he is thinking in his mind and what kind of actions he will take.

But listening to what Kaido said just now, that guy seems to be going directly to Whitebeard—this makes the Whitebeard Pirates a little passive. If Kaido leads someone to stab them in the back, Things are really troublesome!
White Beard narrowed his eyes slightly. Fortunately, that guy is still a little far away.

Heh, Whitebeard suddenly showed a chuckle, and glanced at Sengoku and Akainu and others in Marin Vanduo Square, then just let that guy Kaido play a role, let him make a big fuss in the Navy headquarters!

Whitebeard raised his right hand holding the knife high, then pointed the pheasant knife in his hand to the execution platform where Ace was, and shouted: "Boys, rush into Marlin Vandor and rescue your brother Ace!"

The arrival of Kaido may turn their Whitebeard Pirates into a situation where they are facing enemies. Whitebeard will not let that happen, so he will lead people directly to the square of Marlin Vandor. At that time, even if Kaido When it arrives, it will only be a scene of a three-party battle.

The more chaotic the battle situation, the more unfavorable it will be for the navy, and the easier it will be for them to rescue Ace, so Whitebeard directly ordered his men to rush to Marin Vandor.

Kaido's arrival instantly changed the situation on the battlefield, and Whitebeard no longer stayed on the protruding shape above the bow of the ship. He jumped directly and fell directly in front of the battle line between the two sides.

"Wooah!" The tall and unusually tall white beard fell from the sky with a roar, and slashed heavily in the void with the huge naginata in his hand. The space was directly shattered and broken, and the huge shock and impact spread and swept out in an instant. The navy in the field who had no time to dodge instantly killed them on the spot!

After landing, Whitebeard seemed to have returned to the glorious years of his youth. Regardless of the obstruction of the captain's sons under him, he rushed to the forefront and acted as a pioneer for the team.

"Big fire!"

Standing on the high wall in front of the headquarters square, Akainu saw that Whitebeard had actually made a move. Without even thinking about it, a huge mass of magma stretching hundreds of meters hit Whitebeard, trying to block him on the high wall Before.

After all, with White Beard's ability to shake fruit, even the thick and high walls of the headquarters can't stop his punch!

On the other side, the empress who was showing "an actor's self-cultivation" saw White Beard rushing over with those sons in person, and immediately dragged the female captain under White Beard's command to change the battlefield without a trace, avoiding the way.

Just kidding, that's white beard!How heartless must the empress be to stand in front of Whitebeard for the sake of the navy and the world government?Isn't that making yourself uncomfortable?

A huge pillar of magma fire came oncoming, Whitebeard just smiled disdainfully, then raised his left arm and folded it in front of his right shoulder, leaning forward and punched violently in the space.

In just an instant, the thick magma column collapsed completely. Even if Whitebeard is getting old, his strength has declined, and his body is still sick, as long as he has enough physical strength, even a junior like Akainu ', White Beard still had the confidence to push him to the ground and explode with the hammer!

A nearly transparent white mask appeared on the naginata in Whitebeard's hand, flickering endlessly, and then continued to grow in size
"Get out of here, old man!"

Whitebeard yelled angrily, swung his knife violently, and the terrifying ball of white light was instantly thrown out vigorously, and smashed towards the high wall standing in front of Marin Vanduo Square.

Wherever the white light sphere passed, the space was shattered inch by inch, and the path behind it brought out a terrifying space crack!

 Thank you book friends, Forward 3 for your reward.
(End of this chapter)

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