Chapter 495

Faced with Whitebeard's attack that could destroy even space, even Akainu couldn't help but lose face. He didn't dare to block it alone, and quickly dodged away from the high wall.

The moment he evacuated, a destructive force bombarded the high wall. In just an instant, their Navy Headquarters spent a lot of materials and time to build a high wall with a huge crack in an instant. !

You know, in order to protect the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates, the navy did not spend much time building this high wall before. Its strength standard can easily withstand heavy artillery strikes!But under Whitebeard's attack, it was instantly shattered and destroyed, which shows how amazing Whitebeard's shaking fruit and its own power are!
And after the high wall collapsed, the powerful shock wave and space cracks still continued to spread towards the square, which made it impossible for Akainu to retreat, otherwise, even the combat readiness facilities on the square and the people on the square Those navies will be affected, but as the admiral of the navy, he must be set in front to block it!
The good thing is that Huang Yuan's 'punching to work' guy finally finished fishing and rushed over.

"Ah, this is really amazing destructive power, we can't let it continue to spread, Sakaski, let's do it together."

The red dog glanced at the yellow monkey, but did not speak, thick smoke came out of his body, and between the rolling of the magma, dozens of hundreds of huge magma clusters flew out of his body, expanding towards the circle that was constantly expanding outwards. The shock ripple hits away.

On the other hand, the yellow monkey raised his hands flat, and the yellow flashing particles continued to condense into laser beams, and cooperated with the red dog to attack that area, offsetting and annihilating each other with the power of Whitebeard.

The two admirals shot together to intercept Whitebeard's attack, and when Akainu was alone, he couldn't even resist Whitebeard's name as the strongest man in the sea alone, which is worthy of the name!

Even if he is old, his strength is declining, and his physical condition is not good, he still has the power to overwhelm a single admiral!

On the other side, White Beard had already led people into Marlin Vanduo Square through the breach in the high wall.

Whitebeard held up the naginata in his hand and shouted: "Okay, boys, show your strength to the navy! Let them know that we are the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Warring States on the high platform: "." Still didn't stop the guy with white beard from rushing to the square?
The current scene is quite different from his plan. In his original expectation, this time should be a little later, and the casualties of the Whitebeard Pirates have not yet reached his goal. expected.

Although until now, their navy has always had the upper hand, and the Whitebeard Pirates did suffer a lot of casualties, but most of them were insignificant small characters, just ordinary pirates, to put it bluntly, they were cannon fodder. This kind of guy can have as much as he wants in the sea, and he can make up for it casually.

However, the real elite of the Whitebeard Pirates has not been consumed much. In addition, Kaido, the troublesome guy, really appeared.

Sengoku narrowed his eyes, picked up the phone directly and sent an order: "I order all navies, at all costs, to suppress the Whitebeard Pirates at the pier of the square, as a buffer zone between us and Kaido!"

If possible, it would be best to let Kaido and their navy indirectly flank the Whitebeard Pirates. Although Kaido is also a pirate, he should use all resources and fighters reasonably in the war. It is a necessary quality for a commander, and the Warring States, known as a wise general, naturally does not lack such a tactical mind.

If he really holds the fighter in his hands and allows things to develop according to his arrangements and wishes, then the arrival of Kaido, the "shit stirrer", may be turned into a good thing.

Under the command of the Warring States period of "at all costs", the battle on the field became more intense in an instant, and without the support of geographical advantage and long-range artillery suppression, the casualties of the navy's side gradually began to increase. up.

After the fortified battle has turned into a frontal encounter, even if the navy has an advantage in numbers and equipment, it is inevitable to face the Four Emperor Pirates like the Whitebeard Pirates, and casualties are inevitable.

In other words, after all the advantages and designs have become useless, the progress of the war depends on the high-level combat power of both sides. After all, in One Piece, individual force can truly surpass the group , One man is against a hundred, and there are really not a few strong men who form an army with one man.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield changed immediately. The admirals found the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates one after another. One.

The reason why I don't mention the battles between the grassroots navy and the pirates is because it is really unnecessary. After all, unless one side is in the form of crushing the other, the struggle between them cannot determine the situation on the battlefield. and win or lose.

The grass-roots combat power and strength, although the navy is relatively strong, but the Whitebeard Pirates have tens of thousands of people, even if they are not the opponent of the navy, they will definitely not be able to tell the winner in a short time.

And at this moment, Kaido, who was feared by both the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy, also entered the arena. Although there was an ice barrier, it was not a problem for Kaido's Beasts Pirates. Many pirates jumped onto the ice one after another, and then rushed towards Marin Fando, shouting and screaming all the way.

In an instant, a large group of "strange shapes" attacked————— Kaido's crew members, more than [-]% of them are devil fruit ability users!Including those pirate minions!Moreover, they are all capable users of the animal department!
And the reason why Kaido can have so many ability users, and even gather an army of hundreds of ability users, is entirely because he has been trading artificial fruits with Brother Ming all the year round, otherwise, he would also find There are not so many natural devil fruits for his subordinates to use.

But artificial fruits, and they are mass-produced low-quality goods, the effect and power are naturally far less than the orthodox devil fruit, so those who eat artificial fruits, after activating their abilities, are really a Stuffed with a strange one, it really looks both curious and terrifying.

After Sengoku watched the people Kaido brought from a distance, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although that guy Kaido is not like the "lone ranger" he used to be this time, he even brought people here, but the people he brought were not many, only a thousand people, and the other people under him The two major disasters have not been seen, and he is one of the most advanced combat power of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. Although it is still troublesome, it will not make the battle situation completely out of control.

Kaido took the lead, holding a huge mace in his hand, and rushed across the ice like a heavy chariot charging at high speed.

He laughed loudly and said, "Pfft hahaha. White Beard, you old guy, you really made a big news quietly! You actually led the whole regiment to attack the Navy headquarters
I was afraid that you would die in the hands of the navy, so I came here to kill you!Your white beard's head can only be chopped off by me, Kaido! "

After Whitebeard knocked the orangutan away with his punch, he took the time to glance back at Kaido who was rushing towards him, and couldn't help but focus his eyes. But at this time, Kaido's soul is so weak, he really knows how to pick the time.

And this guy actually rushed into the battlefield between him and the navy without hesitation at all. Isn't this guy afraid to put himself in it?
And Kaido is really not afraid!
A neurotic like Kaido with a penchant for 'suicide', even a white beard, can't help but feel a headache for a while, because this kind of person doesn't think about any consequences, and does whatever he wants, this kind of person, especially Under the premise of possessing great power, it is simply not to mention how troublesome and terrifying it is.

(End of this chapter)

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