The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 1 I am the moderator

Chapter 1 I am the moderator
Dang~dang~dang As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, a teenager sitting in the corner of the classroom reluctantly turned off his mobile phone and inserted the charcoal pencil into the mobile phone.

After standing up and stretching, he yelled ah~.

The plot in the novel is still vivid, but these are not important anymore, get out of class is over, the world of the novel is over, and the most important event of the day will begin next.

Walking slowly to the dormitory, on the third floor, Room No. 20, No. [-], opened the door and stepped in, sat on the stool, and lightly pressed the big bag on the computer.

Accompanied by the whirring sound, the machine began to roar, and after picking up the big cup on the table and pouring a cup of boiling water, the computer was fully turned on, and Dashiqi held a sharp sword in his left hand on the table, There was a trace of blood stains, but what was revealed in the eyes was a determined expression.

Skillfully opened the Aoyou browser and started the day's work.

Yes, my job is to help more people love One Piece, the moderator of the One Piece section of a well-known animation forum in China.

After entering the account number and password, I opened every post sent by a newcomer, and all kinds of questions flooded my brain. At this moment, my finger was accompanied by the lyrics of "Men's good." coming from the earphone. Dancing lightly.

There are various questions with one answerer. After answering, jump the page to the analysis page to check some foreshadowing or doubtful discussions on the process of comics.

But now is not the time to start, you need to make a meal first.

Holding the lunch box, I yelled at a few brothers to go to the cafeteria to get a meal and come back to eat.

The school cafeteria is a gold-swallowing beast, and non-rich students like us can only choose the cheapest dishes that can also fill their stomachs in the belly of this beast.

Take out the meal card, swipe it lightly on the reader, and the three yuan and fifty cents are swallowed by the gold-swallowing beast again, and what I get in exchange is half a bowl of rice and two teaspoons of vegetarian dishes, sometimes if I’m lucky Was able to find a bit of minced meat in it.

However, the aunt who served vegetables did not completely lose her conscience. We can also ask him to add a little vegetable soup to our meal, which is free of charge.

Because without these vegetable soups, we would not be able to finish the meal that the master cook added three times.

However, these have become habits, and did not cause us much emotional change. We returned to the dormitory with a meal, and opened a video of One Piece anime to review.

Eating while looking back is not interesting, but the clips of this animation need to be selected well. One time when I was eating, I watched the video of the Merry being burned by Luffy, but the meal was not finished yet, and there were already a lot of tears.

In the end, I ruined the meal, and ended up screaming and yelling with hunger that afternoon. Since then, I have selected some clips and put them in the computer to watch when I eat.

There is a shot of Luffy being violently beaten by Bellamy, and then Blackbeard shouted: People's dreams will never end. When people get excited, it will be easier to eat, so there is no problem. Pay attention to the difference in the dishes in the rice.

But what I like the most is the Judiciary Island incident. Of course, it is not the point where Luffy yells at Robin to say that he wants to live, which point must not be watched while eating.

What I saw was when Luffy was in third gear, and the side effect was his smaller body. It was so funny at that time. Every time I saw this, I couldn’t help laughing. The little one is also very cute.

After eating, I turned off the video after watching the wonderful point. After I went to the bathroom and washed the dishes, I started the most important thing, which was to deal with some things. I was very busy today, because our WT master once chose to go out The publication of the material was suspended, and the simple two words in his mouth were suspended, but it made me very busy.

Because his suspension means that in the next ten days, many fans who love pirates will have nothing to discuss, and I need to discuss with a few colleagues at this time that we need to come up with something to let everyone have something to say Let's talk, it won't let the section completely cool down during the ten days when WT Great God is closed.

After reading a few analysis posts and expressing some of my opinions, I opened my own QQ and entered the pirate management group. Several people discussed together how to do it and how to carry out the activities we prepared.

For a while, it is said to have a karaoke contest, and for a while, it is said to have a pirate essay competition. Everyone has a lot of ideas, but the event must be finalized.

There are four groups in the forum, the analysis group, the art group, the beauty group, and the spoof group.

The analysis group asks the leader of the analysis group to plan a special topic for special analysis, or let the members of the analysis group work together to come up with some good ideas for a break.

The Meiwen group is to let the Meiwen group or ordinary members write beautiful articles among the opinions given, and then let more members do the evaluation, and finally decide the top few. As for the topic pirates, there are a lot of materials to write , For example, Nostalgia, Meili, Donghai, many, many.

But this time the theme of the article was decided by me, because I think everyone has been nostalgic so many times, so don’t miss anyone this time. Let’s directly determine the direction of the article, using Zoro’s sword, Sanji’s Choose a topic between the two to write a lyrical article.

As for spoofs, it’s even simpler. Franky and Usopp are good subjects for spoofs, but this time the guy in charge of spoofs made a good suggestion, which is to use Foxy, the silver fox, as the theme. spoof.

Spoofs are divided into text spoofs, which are pure text spoofs, making humorous dialogues to achieve the effect of spoofing.

Picture spoofing is to choose some wonderful pictures in the comics to adapt the dialogue, so that everyone has a very new feeling, so it will also have a very funny feeling. The last one is video spoofing. The most popular spoofing is video spoofing , Some time ago, Hu Ge spoofed a bloody case of steamed buns, and then we received a spoof called Beast.

In the spoof industry, the spoof called the beast is called the spoof of God, and his spoof will also explain some truths when it makes people laugh.

Recently, there was a brother B who completely ruined himself to attract others’ attention to him, but he is indeed a special existence in the spoof industry. For example, brother B taught you how to make braised noodles, and brother B brand anti-dandruff wash Showing off is a very novel spoof mode.

But in the forum where everyone is looking for fun, what everyone compares is not professionalism, but interest and hobbies. Although the videos they make are not as good as Hu Ge, Call the Beast, and Brother B’s videos, they are not unattractive. Sometimes the spoofs they do make people laugh.

Not only the spoof content, but also their spoof methods and the music they accompanied may not match so well, but at least it sounds comfortable.

After the theme of the spoof was determined, I talked to a few people in the art team and asked them to help with the layout of some pictures and some layouts for other groups.

Finally, let them design some LOGOs for off-issue activities.

After slowly solving one problem after another, the time pointer has reached 10 o'clock and it is still [-] minutes away. Hey, it seems that there is no need to take a nap today.

And the theme posts of the event have not been done yet, and I have to continue to do it after class in the afternoon. I am tired of one word, but I have to do it even if I am tired. The love of comics keeps me going again and again.

Because, I am the moderator, the moderator of the One Piece section of the forum.

(End of this chapter)

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