The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 2 Damn, that's fine too.

Chapter 2 Damn, that's fine too.

When the sun was slowly lowered by the clouds, the sky gradually became dark, and when the bell rang, the boy stood up again, and with the same movement, put away the phone, put away the charcoal pencil, and slowly returned to the dormitory , Looking at a lot of messages on the computer, hey, it seems that I have been busy today.

He didn't have time to eat, so he started working. The first thing was to analyze the theme. After discussing with the analysis team leader and some analysts, everyone finally decided on the theme direction of the hungry analysis, which is the development of One Piece to the present. The execution is about to be executed, the scene where Whitebeard brings a large number of pirates to rob the court and Luffy comes to save his brother alone.

From the development of Lufei Donghai to the present, the WT god in the One Piece comics has left us with so many clues, any of which is enough for us to consider and analyze repeatedly.

So in the end, the focus of the analysis is on the analysis of the foreshadowing of One Piece.

After arranging these plots in this way, I will start to arrange how to write the posts. After I am done, I will start to make spoof posts, look for information and find some information about Foxy.

After completing one after another, the boy happily leaned on his stool and hummed a little song, which was Pang Long's Rose, but the lyrics changed when they came out of his mouth.

"Honey, don't fly, stay by my side and be my puppet, honey."

"Kiss, you are yelling in the middle of the night, I'm going to sleep." The roar came from above the computer, it turned out to be roommate Mu Zijing.

Originally, at this time, he should also be playing his crossfire online like us, but because we were preparing for the fourth level of the exam a while ago, he put away the computer in order to make up his mind, and his girlfriend turned away after hearing that he was no longer using it. The computer has been moved away, so he often falls on the bed and sleeps when we are still playing in full swing.

"Don't sing, don't sing, I told you to pretend to be B and now there is no time to play." After the boy replied to him, he realized that it was already past two o'clock in the morning, and the other two brothers in the dormitory were already asleep. The sound of snoring came from all directions continuously.

The boy was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that it was already here, he had to finish the work quickly.

Put away his thoughts, took a big sip of boiled water, it was really sweet, and then started working again, editing the post, organizing the language, and checking whether there were too many typos.

Then open the interface and select moderator communication, event planning department, put the event in and apply for the event, but this is mainly for the purpose of filing. After the administrator approves, it will be ready to apply for the distribution of event rewards when the event ends. This is necessary, there is no way.

By the time I figured out these things, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and I had to post the event in the comprehensive communication area of ​​the One Piece section.

Just copy and paste, and at the same time put watermarks on some required pictures, this is to protect copyright, there is no way for the benefit of the forum, but this is not needed in the event planning department, because it is an internal forum.

Change the color of key points and make it thicker, then click Submit, and the post will be sent out, but this is not the end, because there are many times when a post is sent out, you can’t check the effect first like you did when editing Then re-edit it.

Sure enough, something went wrong, some places between paragraphs were not fixed, and several paragraphs were made into one paragraph, edited, and clicked Enter a few times to get it done.

Then change some colors to black instead of the key color, and then modify the whole activity from planning to execution.

Looking at the orderly posts, I feel a sense of satisfaction in my heart.

Hey~ The event is finally finished, oh no, there is still the last step, click on a box in front of the post, select highlight and bold, red is the color of the event and add bold to complete.

After finishing all this, the young man went to the toilet to dissolve the urine he had been holding back into the cesspool. After flushing the water, he filled a glass of water, sat in front of the table again, and clicked the mouse to enter the interface. up.

There is one last thing to do before going to bed, which is to find some advertising posts, posts that are flooding, especially at this time, the existence of these posts is like psoriasis.

First, I read everyone's posts in the pirate forum, checked the links of a few more obvious pornographic URLs, blocked the ban, and then saw a few advertisements that made hyperlinks in the posts.

This form is a kind of advertisement that has emerged recently. Of course, the final outcome is the same, directly banning speech, short for seven days, long for forever, depending on the severity of the advertisement.

After finishing the sea area, I went to browse the forums that I usually go to. Since I am the official moderator, I can block some vests that post advertisements in other forums.

First is Hokage, then Shinigami, and finally anime generalization. After finishing the animation section, we will move to the leisure section.

My favorite is the gossip section. In this section, I can often feel the relaxation of my heart, but it is also easy to encounter advertisements here. The existence of advertisements here is completely the crystallization of human wisdom.

But the most hidden one is the one that directly puts the advertisement in the video. When you click the play button above the video, a link to the advertisement will pop up automatically. The advertisement is the most evil.

Generally, it is directly treated as bad advertisements, and access is directly prohibited. How many such vests are there.

Suddenly the boy found a very interesting post, the subject of the post is: Do you dare to click, test your guts.

I couldn’t help but smile on my face, this is an evil advertisement, I looked at the posting time, 13 minutes ago, I clicked the mouse to enter, and a window popped up as the boy expected, even the browser has been set to prohibit pop-ups The setting of the window does not help and pops up directly.

This surprised the boy. He still likes the boy who roams. He can easily escape the restrictions of roaming. This ad has a bright future. Let’s go in and have a look.

What came into view was not an advertisement, but a simple line of words, and next to the words was a demon with its mouth wide open, as if it was going to swallow the boy in one go.

"The devil took his life; in the depths of the sea, there is the blood of the devil, and the seeds left by the ancient gods. Get the seeds of the devil and drive away the evil of the sea."

demon?the sea?
Could it be talking about the great route of One Piece? The boy laughed and clicked on the line above, and sure enough, that line was a hyperlink.

Then something changed on the screen, it was very dark, and the black screen had no light at all.

At this moment, the young man also began to feel something strange in his heart. When he was about to click ALT+F4 to close the current window, the young man realized that he could no longer move.

Then a voice came from the boy's ear saying: "Don't you like it, then go, there is the sea, there is your favorite One Piece, defeat the devil and you can return to the world where you exist."

The boy was very puzzled by this voice, but he seemed to realize something unusual as he often reads novels.

"Could it be, I've traveled through time." The boy thought in his heart, as the scenery in front of him changed, it was like a black hole, colorful, and sometimes there were some simple gossip patterns.

"Could it be true that he has time-traveled?" The young man was speechless in his heart, and couldn't help but say something loudly.

"Fuck~ That's fine." But the voice kept echoing in the empty space, and no one answered.

(End of this chapter)

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