The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 3 Eight Gua Patterns

Chapter 3 Bagua Patterns
21 years old, studying in an ordinary university in Wuhan, Hubei, China, and is now a junior.

His name is Wang Haotian, and he likes to read novels and watch anime.

Currently, it is the owner of the One Piece area in the animation section of an online forum.

After cleaning up his daily business one night, a mysterious post is clicked, and then the unthinkable happens, and he is transported.

In school, he has a girlfriend he loves deeply, a roommate who is like a brother, and his favorite parents and brother. Originally, he still needs to survive for a year before returning to his hometown to be a teacher, and he can do it safely. Live a lifetime.

Or go around and work hard for a few years to find a good company, then save some money to buy a small but warm house, and marry your beloved girlfriend.

When he is free, he waits for One Piece manga, and at the same time reads novels on the novel website to pass his spare time, but he can't let go of being time-traveled.

The dark atmosphere made Wang Haotian completely overwhelmed. He thought of his girlfriend's sweet smile, his parents' hard-working hands, and their kind faces in his mind.

I have a girlfriend, parents, and brothers.

Although I love the manga One Piece deeply, but I can't let myself give up my life for the manga.

Because in Wang Haotian's heart, he still needs to love his girlfriend and be filial to his parents.

But everything in front of him told him, no.

"The devil took his life; in the depths of the sea, there is the blood of the devil, and the seeds left by the ancient gods, get the seeds of the devil, and drive away the evil of the sea.

Don't you like it, then go, there is the sea, there is your favorite One Piece, defeat the devil and you can return to the world where you exist. "

The line of blood-red and blood-red words recalled in his mind, and his words with humorous language reappeared in Wang Haotian's mind.

Could it be that only after defeating the demon can one return to the present world?

Wang Haotian is not sure, because he has read many novels about time travel, and the most exciting one is "Looking for Qin Ji" written by Huang Yi.

Until the end, the protagonist Xiang Shaolong didn't find his way home, but after defeating the demon, can he really return to the present world?

Wang Haotian was not sure in his heart.

But this is also his only hope. No matter whether he can return to the real world after defeating the demon, he must work hard to defeat the demon, so that he can have such a glimmer of hope to return to the real world, and Wang Haotian My heart finally began to calm down, no longer complaining about myself.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, one must put in [-]% effort, because in Wang Haotian's heart, his parents and his lover are the most important to him.

Now that Wang Haotian has made up his mind in his heart, he will do it seriously, put away the resentment in his heart, and concentrate on looking at the environment he is in. Except for some gossip arrays, there is endless darkness around his body.

Wang Haotian had only heard the introduction of the Bagua array in some novels, but he didn't pay special attention to it, but the most basic gossip is composed of Yin and Yang.

And the famous sentence recorded in the "Book of Changes", "Yi has Taiji, and Liangyi was born. Liangyi gave birth to four images, and four images gave birth to gossip." I still know a little.

As for the others, in the eyes of Wang Haotian, a top book fan, it doesn't seem to be important, because if you want to study gossip, you can't study it in novels. Those who write novels may not understand these at all, they just want to borrow gossip. Some of the ideas in the book are used to express their fantasies and designs, and they are replaced by some jerky words with similar meanings found on the Internet.

To study something, one still has to return to orthodoxy.

But at this moment, Wang Haotian has no orthodox textbooks for him to study, and there are only a few simple gossip patterns in front of him at the moment. They are floating randomly in the dark area around him, as if they are demonstrating some changes.

After watching it carefully for a while, Wang Haotian remembered something.

Slowly stood up, and at this time the gossip patterns were also pulled away. At this time, Wang Haotian seemed to see the number of these gossip patterns, which seemed to be nine, not the eight he thought.

Realizing this, Wang Haotian couldn't help laughing at himself. It turns out that the use of the gossip map is so subtle, so it's better not to speculate with this little ink.

Carefully staring at a picture of the Eight Diagrams in front of him, Wang Haotian Xiang saw something from inside. In the picture of the Eight Diagrams, Wang Haotian seemed to see a villain waving his hands and doing some strange movements there. There is nothing, but some pictures have been stored in Wang Haotian's mind.

Wang Haotian couldn't help posing some actions following the picture in his mind.

Again and again, at first it was as simple as standing with your feet apart and rubbing your hands together.

Every movement is frozen like the painting stored in the brain, but Wang Haotian seems to feel that this is not what the gossip image wants to express.

Slowly, Wang Haotian seemed to have discovered something, and began to connect the pictures stored in his brain together, and his movements changed immediately.

Sometimes light and ethereal, sometimes unrestrained.

After practicing for a while, Wang Haotian discovered some problems, that is, some pictures didn't seem to connect well, and there seemed to be something missing in the middle.

Wang Haotian couldn't help but stare at the remaining gossip patterns.

After re-observing a set of gossip patterns, Wang Haotian was delighted to find that as long as he stared at any one of the gossip patterns, several patterns would be stored in his mind quickly, but a set of gossip patterns would only have a few A different pattern will not appear again after being stored in his mind.

Wang Haotian, who discovered this, stored all the patterns in the remaining eight gossip images in his mind in one breath, as if his mind was like a large computer, capable of copying and pasting.

Hey, if my brain was so good in this world, I would have passed CET-[-] and CET-[-] with ease.

Ideas are beautiful, reality is cruel.

Not to mention that my mind can be copied and pasted, as long as I keep the original state and return to the present world, it is the greatest gift for Wang Haotian at this moment.

Shaking his head, getting rid of those messy thoughts in his mind, Wang Haotian began to seriously practice the pictures that appeared in his mind.

At the very beginning, it was still a picture-by-picture exercise. After practicing all the pictures proficiently, Wang Haotian began to systematically analyze these pictures in his own brain.

In the end, several different combination methods were determined, and I was practicing these exercises with the feeling of the body.

After excluding several combinations that made him feel uncomfortable after the exercise, Wang Haotian finally completed the most perfect combination. Not only did Wang Haotian not feel the slightest discomfort when practicing this kind of combination, but he also felt that his body was slowly improving. Changes are taking place, and this change seems to make one's blood boil.

The blood wants to break out of the shackles of the body, but every time it reaches the limit, the body will work very cleverly, muscles, cells, all speed up the metabolism.

Finally adapting to the changes in the blood, Wang Haotian couldn't help shouting at this time: "Refreshing."

(End of this chapter)

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