The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 4 Meng Qi Luffy

Chapter 4 Meng Qi Luffy
At the moment when all the patterns were completely combined, Wang Haotian had a feeling that his movements at this moment must be like those of old men and women who are exercising on the street.

Because Wang Haotian's movements at the moment give people the feeling that they are slow, very slow.

But Wang Haotian himself understands that his speed is very fast at this moment, reaching an extreme.

Just when Wang Haotian felt that he had a deeper understanding of the exercises on the Bagua pattern, a vision occurred.

The surrounding gossip patterns slowly decompose into some fine particles, until finally dissipated completely.

The darkness is still going on, but Wang Haotian seems to have some physical sensations, and at this moment the darkness is slowly becoming thinner, and some slight light penetrates through the gaps in the darkness.

Suddenly Wang Haotian felt a concussion in his brain, and he passed out.

At this moment, Wang Haotian had officially completed the process of crossing, he bent down into the body of a young man, and at this time the young man was hiding in a bucket to avoid the waves.

The bucket floated on the sea with the sea water, and suddenly a big ship came over, a helmsman saw the bucket floating in the sea, he thought it was beer or other treasures, and salvaged it.

But at this moment, a ship with a skeleton flag and a sweetheart hanging on the canvas fired shells at the big ship from a distance, and all the people on board panicked for a while.

Because they knew that they were facing pirates, the most evil and cruel group of people on the sea.

Then the two boats approached slowly, and an extremely ugly person rushed over with a big mace. After a closer look, it was discovered that this person turned out to be a woman.

Suddenly he spoke: "Kebi, what is the most beautiful thing on this sea."

A trembling boy who looked like a child replied, "Of course it's Miss Alrita, hehe~." The smile was silly and naive, but there was tension and fear deep in his bones.

They unscrupulously searched for all kinds of finances and food on the big ship.

At this moment, Wang Haotian, who was accidentally kicked into the big bucket in the storage room by this group of people, has already woken up.

The moment he opened his eyes, he felt a lot of different messages appearing in his brain, which were the thoughts of the body he had passed through and possessed.

Although Wang Haotian seems to completely occupy his thoughts, even Meng Qi, whom he once liked? D Luffy's thoughts, but Wang Haotian found that this is impossible to do anyway.

But in the end, what remained were only some simple thoughts, such as character, such as some thoughts. Although his thoughts were simple, they were extremely firm.

After feeling the situation of Luffy, Wang Haotian suddenly thought of one thing, that is, in the comics, Luffy is the absolute protagonist in the One Piece comics. If he develops according to the process in the comics, will he also have a group of partners? , become stronger together, and win chips for myself to kill the devil in the end.

Certainly, according to my own understanding of One Piece manga, in the end Luffy will definitely have this group of powerful partners forever, not many partners, but essence.

So guys, wait for me.

Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, Chopper, Franky, Brooke.

wait for me.

Paying attention to the situation around his body, Wang Haotian discovered his situation, and now he is actually in the bucket where Luffy was trapped.

After a while, I will meet a boy named Kebi, and I want to change his character.

In the original book, Luffy only woke up when those greedy pirates were about to open his barrel, and he didn't need to wait until that time.

Feeling the changes around him with both hands, Wang Haotian found that he could break the barrel.

According to the posture in the gossip pattern, Wang Haotian rushed out easily.

The moment Wang Haotian came out was shocked, because the moment he came out, his hands just stretched out, and his hands naturally clenched into fists. Unfortunately, the fists hit the few people around the bucket. On the man with the sword.

And beside him stood a boy trembling all over.

Wang Haotian had a very speechless cold war, it seems that he needs to follow the routine.

Naturally, he killed the little guys around him.

Turning around, looking at the child in front of him, imitating Luffy in the comics and saying: "Hi, I'm Meng Qi? D Luffy, what's your name, Kebi."

The young man in front of him didn't notice the loophole in Wang Haotian's words, but nervously instigated him to run away.

Hey~ It seems that I have to say a few classic lines.

"My dream is One Piece." Wang Haotian continued without waiting for Kebi to express his amazement and disbelief, "I am ready on the way to realize my dream, even if I die for it, there is nothing wrong with it. "

Then "Lu Fei." He looked at the boy in front of him very seriously.

Said: "Kebi, don't you want to be in the navy, so take courage, since you have chosen the path, why bother to be timid, believe that you can do it, I believe in you."

For Wang Haotian, who knows the manga One Piece, he knows Kebi's future achievements better than anyone else.

"Can I really do it?" Although the boy named Kebi was not very confident at this moment, he seemed to be secretly deciding something in his heart.

"Yes, we can, let's go, let's beat that ugly Alrita." After speaking, Wang Haotian was going to extend his arms and jump onto the deck according to Luffy's usual method in the comics, but then Wang Haotian discovered a very serious problem.

That is, his hand can only be extended to three meters, and then it can no longer be extended.

It's over, how to fight if you can't stretch your hands, Wang Haotian was speechless for a while, and then Wang Haotian suddenly remembered what he had encountered in that dark area.

Yes, there are some exercises recorded in the gossip pattern, could it be for me.

After thinking of this, Wang Haotian immediately put it into action. As a result, Wang Haotian discovered a big surprise, that is, the effect achieved by using the exercises in the eight trigrams pattern with his current body is his own strength in that area. Dozens of times, and after slowly groping a little bit, Wang Haotian also discovered that he could use some of Luffy's tricks.

For example, rubber rockets can be used for random shooting, but the attack range is much smaller.

With the changes in the steps under his feet, Wang Haotian found that Lu Fei at this moment has become much stronger than the silly boy in the original book.

Then it will be easier to deal with that so-called Alrita next.

After pulling Kebi, who was still in a daze, Wang Haotian strode towards the deck. At this moment, there was a fat woman with pimples, holding a fat mace in her hand, yelling rudely With those people carrying some financial.

At this time, a figure appeared in Wang Haotian's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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