The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 5 3 Sword Flow Sauron

Chapter 5 Three Blades Sauron

For the convenience of narrative, starting from this chapter, Wang Haotian will start acting as Luffy.

The same plot, the same words, when Kebi said loudly that Alrita is the ugliest lunatic, Luffy took action, the only difference is that Luffy didn’t directly blast that ugly girl away with a rubber rocket , but use the rubber body to display the ability of Liangyi.

It began as Tai Chi, and Tai Chi is divided into two instruments.

Because the boxing method is to rotate the arm to attack and combine with Luffy's rubber ability, it is natural that when Luffy attacks, he presents a posture of yin and yang poles, so it is natural for Luffy to directly name this move as Liangyi, which is convenient. fluently.

Although Luffy's current body stretch length is only three meters when using the rubber rocket, but the strength has not changed at all, and Luffy needs to be more aware of his current physical ability, only by combining what he learned in the gossip pattern Only ability can continue to become stronger in the future.

After Liangyi blasted Alrita, Luffy took Kebi and left in a small boat. When leaving, Luffy also noticed the figure from the corner of his eyes.

Make up to become a crew member, carrying a big bag of finances, that is Nami, although Luffy wants to call Nami to go on the road together, but the experience of reading comics told him that it is not suitable for now, only Only by completely untying the knot in his heart, Nami will sail with her completely.

On the boat, Luffy moved forward while chatting with Kebi, and their destination was as stated in the comics, the naval base, Colonel Monka, and Luffy's first partner, Sauron.

After eating in the familiar small restaurant, Luffy finally met a familiar person.

That's Belmabel, the arrogant character who can only rely on his father, but Luffy knows that this kid will worship Lieutenant General Garp and become a potential navy in the future.

Knowing the future is good, Luffy sighed secretly in his heart.

After eating and drinking enough, Luffy asked Kebi to rest in the small restaurant, and he went out alone, taking Koby with him was completely burdensome, why not let him wait here for him.

Monka in his memory should be working on his personal statue at this moment. Luffy found Belmabel's bedroom according to the map in his memory, and found Sauron's three swords in the feminine bedroom.

Then he rushed to the roof. He needed to get rid of Mengka here to save trouble.

Just when he came upstairs, Luffy was surprised to find that Mengka was not here at the moment, and the statue had been broken into two halves, and there was no one on the top of the building at the moment.

"It seems that what should have happened happened." Lu Fei sighed, and looked directly at the place where Sauron was imprisoned above the school grounds. There was a resolute man who was enduring the scorching sun at the moment. Kebi and a little girl are beside him at the moment.

On the opposite side is a tall man with a sharp ax added to one of his arms after amputation, and behind him are a pair of marines all holding guns.

Luffy shook his head, sighed, looked at the school field and the place where he was, and looked at the form on the school field, it seems that this time he had to use Luffy's tricks, otherwise it would be so far away How can it be achieved.

I hope that the rubber Luffy will not fall to his death, otherwise my time travel will be completely useless, Luffy thought speechlessly.

Putting his hands next to the wall, his body receded backwards, and his arms gradually became longer. After reaching a limit, Luffy yelled, "Rubber~rubber rocket."

The body accelerated and flew forward, and soon Luffy found that the opponent's musket was about to fire, and he needed to stop them with his body before them.

The gossip formation diagram, according to the pattern in the gossip formation diagram, Luffy retracted and stretched his whole body, and the whole person accelerated in an instant and rushed to the front, landing with both feet.

A strong shock force made Luffy feel suffocated for a while, but the rubber body did not hurt him at all, he stood up quickly, his arms spread out, and countless bullets shot at Luffy's body.

But none of the bullets could penetrate his body. At this moment, Luffy completely felt the beauty of his body, and all the bullets bounced off after a hard flick.

At the same time, both feet landed on the ground, and the right hand formed a fist. The blood in the whole body accelerated, and it was as if there was gas coming out of the body.

"Second gear~."

Sure enough, it really is like this. Luffy's heart is extremely excited at the moment. It seems that what he thinks is completely correct. The most suitable attack method for Luffy's body is to go up. Only in this way can he fully experience the ability of the rubber fruit. To deal with Monka, two gears are enough. As for the third gear, Luffy doesn't want to try it yet, because the side effect of third gear is very fearful. It will reduce life, and at this moment, he has no news about the devil. Just don't hang up easily.

In the second gear, Luffy's speed and attack power increased sharply, and his body speeded up instantly. Before Mengka had time to react, he had already jumped behind Monka, and his hands twirled rapidly into a twist shape, but the layer of twist The number was surprisingly large, and they rushed towards Monka very sharply.

The mighty Monka in the original work of the rubber mallet was killed by Luffy without the ability to resist at the moment. When he saw his huge body rushing towards the embrace of the earth in an accelerated free fall, Luffy's There was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, just like a devil, smiling so brightly.

Then he looked at the rest of the navy, and the great gods who were very cooperative with the navy shouted, and dragged Monka away after a while, should he be put in a cage? Someone will take him into the room.

Luffy naturally walked to the cross, untied the rope that bound Sauron, pushed his three swords over, and said at the same time, "Sauron, follow me to the sea and be my partner."

"I'm a pirate hunter, you want me to be a pirate." Zoro picked up the three knives and at the same time his whole demeanor changed. He seemed to disdain what Luffy said, and was about to fight with him. Fight the man who saved him.

But for Luffy who knows Sauron well, it is not difficult to get him into the group.

Luffy put his straw hat on his hand and said: "If you want to become the world's number one swordsman, if you want to fight the world's number one Hawkeye, if you want to fulfill the agreement with Guina, then follow Me, I will take your dream of accomplishing all this, because my dream is to become One Piece, the king of the sea."

At this moment, Sauron stared at Luffy with blank eyes, and then said loudly: "Then take my attack first, Captain." After finishing speaking, Sauron picked up his "harmony" with his mouth Wen, holding a knife in both hands at the same time, three-sword style.

Although I know that Sauron is an absolute martial idiot, there is no need to say more. If I can't defeat him, then even if I let him join my team, many bad things will happen. In order to avoid these When things happen, only let him know how powerful he is at the starting point.

After speaking, Luffy picked up a dropped musket and held the tip of the gun. He wanted to fight Sauron with swordsmanship.

Luffy is not good at swords, but Wang Haotian, who has traveled over, comprehended the skills in the gossip pattern, but can be integrated into the swordsmanship.

Seeing that the person in front of me dared to confront him with a sword, he was completely overestimated, was he looking down on himself, hmph, let's see how good I am.

Sauron moved his hands quickly while his body became stronger with a force, the three swords technique?Oni Zhan, I saw that the speed and power of Sauron's body at this moment had completely surpassed the speed at the moment when Luffy was in second gear just now.

If it was just the ability to use rubber in the past, it must be very difficult for Sauron now, because rubber is not afraid of bullets, but it is very afraid of sharp objects like knives.

But at this moment, Luffy does not only have the ability of rubber, he also has the skills in the Eight Diagrams Formation. Although his body is not good at swordsmanship, it does not affect his control over what is happening at this moment.

Because one of the exercises in the Eight Diagrams is the most important, and that is to overcome rigidity with softness.

I saw that Luffy naturally put the gun in front of him, slowly drew a circle and waited for Sauron's attack.

After a flash of light, Luffy and Sauron's attacks collided, three knives and one gun collided together.

(End of this chapter)

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