The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 6 Demon Clues

Chapter 6 Demon Clues
Sauron slashed in front of Luffy with a sword weighing about a thousand, but at the moment Luffy didn't panic, because he had a clear understanding of his skills and Sauron's abilities in his heart.

If I have been fighting against Sauron for a long time, I am no match for Sauron in the way of swordsmanship, but at this moment, because Sauron is not familiar with me, I can use the difference in skills to directly fight against Sauron. After gaining a certain advantage in Long's most proud kendo, he used his rubber ability to defeat Sauron, and then
After Luffy had thought of all the steps in his mind, he began to have a thrilling and exciting battle with Sauron. With Sauron's move, the three-knife Uranus Tiger?Hunting, two knives appeared behind Sauron, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly rose.

But in the end, Luffy's gun butt was still naturally blocked. At the same time, as Luffy lightly blocked Sauron's move, Sauron's heart was full of shock.

Not because of how strong Luffy is, but because Luffy's sword intent surprised Sauron a lot at this moment.

At the moment when Sauron was in a daze, Luffy seized the opportunity, and the Liangyi boxing method softened with the ability of the rubber fruit, and then directly held Sauron up.

And the moment Sauron reacted, the outcome of the battle had already been decided.

After Luffy let go of Sauron, he said: I know you are interested in my swordsmanship, but let me tell you the truth, I am not good at swordsmanship at all, and I will give you the swordsmanship I am using now, I think it will flourish in your hands.

After speaking, Luffy turned and left, and Zoro also fell down.

After nine days without eating, the relaxed Sauron not only felt a sense of hunger in his stomach, but also collapsed after a burst of dizziness in his brain.

After explaining that Kebi asked him to take Sauron back to the small restaurant, Luffy turned and went to the castle at the naval base.

In my memory, I would meet Nami unintentionally there, and there seemed to be something calling me there, which felt very strong.

Walking into the castle unconsciously, watching the panicked navies running around, but these are not what Luffy pays attention to, because Luffy knows that there will be a capable navy to integrate these navies in a short time Yes, and at that time I had to act in a play.

Passing through the corner of the first floor, it happened to pass by Belmaber's room, and at this moment, a thin figure appeared there, dressed as a thief, and dragging a large bag of finances.

Luffy didn't intend to meet Nami right now, so he easily let it go and walked straight forward.

After a while, Luffy came to a large room. The door of the room was made of pure bronze. On the door was a statue of a prestige lion, which gave a feeling of calmness and prestige.

However, Luffy didn't seem to care about these things. He pushed open the thick door and walked in. A huge image of Monka appeared in front of Luffy's eyes. Here Luffy found many weapons and Received many medals of merit.

But these are not the purpose of Luffy. After entering this room, the call all the way became more intense. With his eyes slightly closed to feel the direction of the call, Luffy took a step and moved forward slowly.

But suddenly Luffy found that he had nowhere to go, because the thing that summoned him came from underground, but there was a very regular iron block under his feet.

There are no organs or hidden compartments, the summons just come from somewhere.

It seems that the floor needs to be smashed open. After thinking for a while, Luffy randomly found a sharp spear from the large room.

Using the strength of his body, he suddenly raised the spear and stabbed at the ground at a faster speed.

The floor was not as hard and thick as he gave people's impression, but with Luffy's thorn, a hole was easily pierced, and after drilling around the hole a few times with the gun, the floor was smooth. Completely useless.

After slowly digging up the soil on the ground, Luffy found something, a very familiar thing.

The Eight Diagrams Formation, turned out to be the Eight Diagrams Formation.

Is it necessary to gather nine gossip formation diagrams? Lu Fei carefully looked at the gossip formation diagram in his hand, but there were no exercises that should have existed in the gossip formation diagram.

However, Luffy did not give up but looked at the bronze-colored thing by himself, and slowly a picture and a few lines of words appeared in the gossip array.

On the picture, the nine gossip arrays are placed in different places, and only the first array shows the corresponding position sensing.

And on the right side of the next picture of this array, there are a few blurred words. When you open it carefully, the three villages of Ximi Village are printed in Lu Fei's eyes, but his specific location is not known at all.

It seems that this Ximi Village should be the location of the next formation, Luffy thought to himself, and looked at the line of writing on the next side.

"The devil's seed is a devil fruit, and it exists in the old tavern in Rogue Town. There is a message about the devil."

After seeing this line of words, some information about Rogge Town quickly appeared in Luffy's mind. It was the place where the One Piece Roger set sail, and it was also the end of his life, where Roger also successfully opened the age of great sailing. .

It is the place that Luffy yearns for the most, and Roger is also the person Luffy admires the most.

After understanding this, the gossip array in Lu Fei's hand suddenly emitted a burst of light, causing Lu Fei's eyes to swell and hurt, and the gossip array also disappeared into the original hole following this change.

After getting used to it, Luffy opened his eyes and saw that the gossip array was lying on the original place naturally, and the original call response to Luffy also became lower, but in Luffy's heart, it was already Nine connected patterns have been formed, and the first pattern has been determined, from which I know some things that I should know.

There are also instructions for his next step.

After burying the mound here for a while, Luffy left the castle, and when he returned to the small restaurant, Sauron was still eating desperately, and didn't pay much attention to Luffy's arrival.

Looking at the food in front of him, Luffy whetted his appetite. For Luffy who usually only eats some diced meat, eating large pieces of meat and drinking with big names is indeed a rare enjoyment.

When he was full of wine and food, the navy came to the tavern very cooperatively.

The opening sentence is: "Although you saved this town, I heard that you are pirates. Based on the morality of the navy, please leave here now. We will not report to the headquarters."

With the arrival of this sentence, the noisy protests outside reached Luffy's ears, knowing that it was time to act.

When Luffy and Zoro were about to leave, Luffy suddenly turned around and said to the lieutenant colonel: "Oh, by the way, I know what this boy used to do, I forgot the specific island, There is an ugly female pirate with a body like a bucket named Alrita, she is a fierce old woman, this guy was there two years ago."

Touch, "Stop talking." Sure enough, Kebi punched Luffy angrily, and Luffy smiled knowingly, and at the same time said loudly, "You dare to hit me." The punch hit Kirby in the face.

Then the two teenagers rolled together and started fighting, following the lieutenant colonel's words: "I already know that you are not in the same group, now please leave this town immediately."

Luffy left the town under Sauron's pull.

When getting on the boat and preparing to sail, Luffy clearly saw Kebi, the little girl in the tavern, and a team of marines standing on the coastline and saluting in his direction.

At this moment, Luffy seems to understand something, that is what Luffy in the comics is after, a kind of happiness, a kind of unrestrained happiness. There is no absolute right or wrong in this world. Right things are often random. What you do in the direction of your own heart is the kind of freedom and happiness after your heart is completely opened.

Could this be Meng Qi, the One Piece? D Luffy's life coordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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