The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 7 Be My Brother, Bucky

Chapter 7 Be My Brother, Bucky
In the comics, Luffy in the voyage was hungry and would be caught by the bird when he was catching seabirds and then landed in the village where Bucky was. Will do such a stupid thing, but they still encountered one thing.

That is the three stupid crew members of the Bucky Pirates. Sure enough, they were deceived by Nami, and they were also deceived by Nami to take their ship away.

After getting on Luffy's boat, they slowly moved towards the town where Bucky was. At first, the three of them were ready to resist, but they were all suppressed by Sauron in the end.

But along the way, Luffy learned a lot about Bucky from these three people. Bucky, the owner of the torn fruit, treats his partners very well, but he treats others like a devil and plunders everything from others.

In short, among these peripheral members, Bucky is a devil, but among those core members, Bucky is the most benevolent captain.

For Bucky, other people may not know it, but Luffy knows it very well. At the same time, in Luffy's heart at the moment, Bucky is a mischievous guy, but his brotherhood is still very good, but what happened to him It's just too miserable.

The boat continued to move forward, but Luffy, who was sitting on the bow, was thinking of Nami at the moment. Yes, Nami in the comics joined the Straw Hat Pirates at this time.

Hey~ How can I convince her to join us?
Luffy is very contradictory in his heart. Should he wait for Nami to run away by himself and lead Sauron, Usopp, and Sanji to rescue her as in the original anime?

No, no, absolutely not.

Absolutely can't allow Namei to suffer from this, Luffy secretly decided in his heart how to go on the next road, and then he hummed a song in a low voice at the bow of the boat.

"My dear, don't fly, stay by my side and be my puppet dear."

Luffy likes this song very much, because it is a song he adapted and has special feelings, just like the sentence he adapted before: socialism is good, and the Chinese Communist Party is good.

Not only is it catchy, but it also expresses the mood in Luffy's heart very well at the moment.

But Sauron was sleeping with his green algae head on his head at the moment.

When the sun was about to set, Luffy and his party came to the town. Luffy's purpose was not to hit Bucky, but to meet Nami, because he knew that Nami would go to Bucky to steal a copy of the Great Airway. Luffy must come here, or something will happen to Nami. Compared to Luffy, he doesn’t know that if he wants to save the village and fight Bucky like he did before, Nami will show up. What kind of change, this risk is still very big, it is not worth Luffy to take.

Walking to the streets of the town, Luffy saw the puppy and the panicked people.

If he left them alone like this, Sauron would definitely have doubts about his character. In that case, they would definitely not be devoted to him, and they would not have the kind of friendship in the comics.

Hey~ Forget it, let's go.

After making eye contact with Sauron, the two of them pushed forward at the same time, and after a while they saw a super-large bucky bullet rushing towards the direction of the town. At this time, there is no need for Luffy to say, Sauron Already understood the meaning, one bounced up, and the three knives rotated at a faster speed, cutting the super big bucky bullet into very small pieces.

With a bang, the split bucky exploded in the air.

At this time, Luffy had already set foot on the place where the Bucky Pirates were. At the same time, Luffy said loudly: Bucky the red nose, come out and be my brother.

"Is this person crazy? Dare to call him Red Nose in front of Boss, and want Boss to be his brother, because he wants to taste the power of Bucky's playing."

"Yeah, I've never seen such an arrogant guy before."

"No, a man who is so bold just now should have some strength, haven't you noticed that there is a man holding three swords standing behind him, that man just flicked Bucky's Boss Bucky to split it It's broken."

"That person, could it be the pirate hunter, Roroa? Zoro, right?"

All of a sudden, the minions started talking about this arrogant kid with a straw hat.

Looking at everything in front of him, Luffy smiled. The effect was achieved, and the master must have changed it. Suddenly, there was a sound of a single car, and a person riding a small car appeared. This person's hair was combed very brightly.

I saw him rushing towards Luffy with the blade in his hand, but at this moment, Luffy didn't react in the slightest. Was that person's speed too fast for Luffy to react?

Of course not, you see, when his sword was a third of a centimeter away from Luffy, a sword blocked it, Sauron, Luffy's partner, and only then can we see the trust between the partners, yes An absolute trust.

The trust that you can open your back directly and let your partner block all attacks for you.

But this is not over, because there is another guy with a very long panda with a big lion, but this time Luffy didn't get out of the way, because it was too easy to deal with this guy, and he The big cat in front of him said there was no threat at all to Luffy.

A rubber rocket, a rubber mallet will get him.

The cat-like lion eyes fell to the side with stars shining, and the panda was also lying on the side with injuries all over his body. This battle was too simple for Luffy, not because the opponent was too tolerant, but also because he was too strong.

At this time, Sauron's battle was over. Sauron, who was not injured, could not deal with this circus clown easily. In the original book, because of his injury, Sauron spent a lot of thought on dealing with him, but now It's different, Sauron hasn't suffered the slightest injury, so the display of strength is certainly not the same.

Seeing his two capable men collapsing together, Bucky appeared with snot and tears. He first comforted his brother, and then he looked fiercely in front of him. The fighting Luffy and Sauron.

At the same time, I also saw the straw hat on Luffy's head, which was Shanks' straw hat. Damn, why are these two guys so similar and so annoying.

I can't deal with Shanks, since this kid has a straw hat from Shanks, he is from Shanks, so if I come to torture him, I will avenge Shanks for harming me back then.

Hehe~ Bucky's initial anger turned into a smirk, he was proud of his own ideas, so smart, Bucky thought in his heart.

"Bucky, you still hate Shanks so much, even if I wear his straw hat, you also hate him, but I don't hate you, be my brother, let's create a great route together." Fly a sample and said to Bucky as if I could see your thoughts.

"A kid who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, see how I teach you, dare the great Captain Bucky to make conditions, it is completely courting death." Bucky was furious at the moment, not only because of Luffy's words, but more because of Luffy's behavior The tone and boldness that come out are exactly the same as that guy back then.

Suddenly Bucky split into many pieces and rushed towards Luffy, at the same time a Bucky bomb was thrown towards Luffy.

Bucky's idea is good, first use Bucky bullets to confuse Luffy, and then use the tactic of splitting fruit to cut Lufei into his knife.

But what he met was Wang Haotian who had crossed over. Wang Haotian was very clear about Bucky's weakness, so of course he wouldn't be fooled by it, and Lu Fei already had an idea in his mind about Bucky's method.

(End of this chapter)

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