The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 8 Nami, let me help you.

Chapter 8 Nami, let me help you.

Just when Bucky rushed towards Luffy's direction quickly, Luffy didn't retreat because of this, but rushed forward against Bucky's attack. His goal was Bucky's feet.

Bucky was unprepared for Luffy's sudden attack on Bucky, and the result can be imagined. After Luffy scratched the sole of Bucky's feet for a while, Bucky finally couldn't help laughing. After a while, his stomach hurt from laughing. down.

In this battle with Bucky, Luffy didn't show much strength, it was only because of his understanding of Bucky that he was able to defeat Bucky so easily.

After letting go of Bucky, Luffy said: Bucky, let's be brothers, only in this way will I not reveal your weakness, otherwise, hehe~ Bucky is completely confused by Luffy at this moment, look Looking at Luffy's pure face, he finally chose to nod and agree.

In fact, for Bucky, not everyone can attack his feet, otherwise Bucky would not have the slightest resistance at all, and he also got it during a conversation with Luffy later. The ability to change his life, of course, is something to come.

After becoming brothers with Bucky, Luffy didn't stop much, but simply told Bucky, don't stick to it here, go to the great route, there is our stage, and then left.

According to the location in memory, Luffy finally saw that figure next to a hut.

Indicating that Zoro is waiting for him here, Luffy slowly approached the figure. Just as Luffy was about to pat her shoulder lightly, a sap hit Luffy on the head.

Fortunately, Luffy reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been hit by this stick.

"Nami, be my navigator. I know everything about you. As long as you are my partner, I will try my best to help you." Luffy grabbed the stick that was about to attack him.

"How do you know my name, who are you?" At this moment, Nami was surprised to see that this person could call her own name, but she calmed down immediately, and began to mass the person in front of her, as if there was a familiar feeling Feel.

"I'm Meng Qi? D Luffy, the man who will become One Piece, is currently calling for partners. I hope you can join us and be my partner. Let me protect you." For Nami, Luffy at this moment I have different feelings. When I read the comics, how fragile is she in her heart who wanted to protect the people in her village since she was a child? Every time I watched the part where Luffy saved Nami, Luffy felt I couldn't help but burst into tears. At that time, Nami needed someone to help him so much, and since I was able to come here, I wouldn't let her suffer again, definitely not, no matter who hurt me partner, then his result is only one, and that is death.

"Monkey? D Luffy, become One Piece, just you, stop joking, why do you think I'm in trouble, why do you think I'll let you help me." Nami didn't easily believe Luffy's words, for As far as she is concerned, no one can be trusted, because it is not just herself, but the whole village that is on her shoulders.

"Your name is Nami. You live in Cocoyasi Village. You have an older sister and an adoptive mother, but the adoptive mother died a long time ago, and he was shot by a murloc." Luffy paused for a while, and read Take a look at Nami's demeanor, from Nami's demeanor, I know that my trick has worked, but it can't completely impress Nami, and I have to add some material, Lu Fei continued: "And you have been joining Aaron Pirates, while drawing sea charts for them, save money to trade with Aaron, but I can tell you, that is impossible, because Aaron has no intention of letting you go, even if you have accumulated money [-] million Baileys is not enough, I know you and appreciate you, if you can join my fleet, then I will do my best to help you, Nami, please believe me."

Lu Fei's words were very sincere, and Nami at the moment was sad, but she didn't choose to agree immediately, she just kept crying there.

It seems that something needs to be added, Luffy thought in his heart.

"Bermel's death, don't you want to take revenge, the kind uncle in the village, don't you want them to live well? I only have one partner now, the pirate hunter Zoro, even if it is better than Monka, Bucky like this The role of ours is just an appetizer for us, believe in my strength, I will definitely help you, of course I need to gather two partners before helping you, but it shouldn't take long."

After saying this again, Luffy obviously found that Nami's trust in him had deepened a bit, and the moment he heard that the pirate hunter Zoro had become his partner, Luffy obviously felt that the line of defense in Nami's heart began to emerge got loose.

Suddenly Nami raised her head, smiled at Luffy and said, "I can't join your team now, but if you can really help me beat Aaron, I will join you , do everything I can to help you achieve your dream, but you also have to help me fulfill my dream, after hitting Aaron, otherwise my dream is meaningless, can you? One Piece."

"Of course." Luffy agreed naturally, it seems that sometimes he can't change the development routine of the comics.

"So, navigator, have you got the map to the great route?" Luffy said to Nami while smiling.

"How do you know that I found the nautical chart of the great route? Are you following me?" Nami suddenly put her hands on her chest, putting on a defensive look.

"Of course not, because the Bucky Pirates are now searching for you everywhere. If we take it, we have to run away quickly. We have already lost enough time here." Luffy said.

The advantage of taking Nami is that when the boat is sailing on the sea, you are no longer afraid of encountering some waves or something, or getting lost at sea.

After sailing for half a day, Luffy and his party finally got rid of the pursuit of Bucky Pirates. It seems that even if he and Bucky become brothers this time, it is not enough to calm his inner anger. His anger towards himself should continue Bar.

As for the members of the Bucky Pirates that Nami insisted on intimidating before leaving, they are acting as sailors for Luffy and them, and at this moment Luffy has called Sauron and Nami over, because Lu Fei Fei wanted to tell the two of them about their next flight route.

Sauron still looked indifferent, although he knew that Sauron was actually very enthusiastic in his heart, but he always acted cool every time.

"Next, we will have two companions, one is a sharpshooter and the other is a chef. We will get a boat at the next stop, and that boat will be our sailing partner in the future. I hope You can cherish him, of course we will face a fight on the next island, in order to win that partner, we must kill the most powerful enemy before that, and only in this way can we go farther on the sea together .”

After speaking, Luffy looked at Nami and Sauron, and after confirming that the two of them understood what he meant, Luffy called Sauron aside alone.

"Sauron, we are brothers. I hope that we can share weal and woe and support each other in the future. I hope that we can realize our greatest dream together. Now I will entrust you with the artistic conception of the sword. Reappear the glory in your hands." Luffy said to Sauron very seriously.

Because Luffy knows that there are still some difficulties in completing his plan with Sauron's strength at this time. After hard work, there is still some time for Sauron to understand the artistic conception in the gossip pattern, and with Sauron's talent in swordsmanship, his strength will increase. More than double shouldn't be a problem.

In kendo, moves are only the most basic skills. Even if you have the most profound kendo moves, you will not be able to become the real number one swordsman in the world. Only by comprehending the sword intent can you become a master-level figure in kendo.

And with the inscrutability of the gossip pattern, the kendo attached to it must be the unparalleled secret of sword intent in the world, and it is the most precious secret book for Sauron, a master of kendo.

Slowly introduced to Sauron some of the moves recorded in the gossip pattern, Luffy found that Sauron was indeed a genius in kendo, he only needed to explain one side, some moves did not need to be demonstrated by himself, he could completely Integrating this pure boxing technique into kendo made Luffy speechless for a while.

I think it took me a long time at that time, and I only realized some artistic conception of kendo after seeing Sauron wield the sword after practicing one by one, it seems that I am really good at it.

(End of this chapter)

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