The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 9 The Joining of Sharpshooter Usopp

Chapter 9 The Joining of Sharpshooter Usopp

In this way, the boat moved forward all the way, while Sauron was concentrating on cultivating the sword intent on the gossip pattern that Luffy gave him. From Sauron's face, Luffy could see that Sauron was very fond of this set of sword intent. Satisfied, and he has changed a lot about himself. Although he didn't say it, sometimes these words don't need to be explained, and both parties can fully understand them.

On this day, they came to an island. There used to be a big man who was born to brag on this island. His name was Usopp.

Before going to the island, Luffy had already discussed with Sauron and Nami how to deal with the next battle, and this was the first time Luffy and his partners acted separately.

Luffy stepped onto the island, while Sauron and Nami went out to sea in a small boat. As for the direction of their voyage, only the three of them knew in their hearts.

There is no Usopp in the original book who took three children to protect the shore. Luffy passed through this area very easily. He had to speed up the formation because he didn't have so much time to waste in the East China Sea. There are still two more stops to be made, and there are still a series of things waiting for me to complete on the great route.

While talking, Luffy came to a room on a hillside outside the small village. There was no one in the room. Luffy opened the door and sat down on the edge of the bed after entering.

The room is very small, there are no other objects except a small boat and a small table, but there are quite a lot of small things. These are the things that Usopp usually messes with. Luffy picked up one that fell aside. After playing with the slingshot for a while, I found that the slingshot was much stronger than the slingshot I played with in my previous life when I was a child, and there were many small mechanism settings in it. No wonder the slingshot in Usopp’s hand is so powerful. It turns out that the slingshot he made is not an ordinary slingshot. It seems that Usopp is indeed a genius in the production of these small things.

"Who are you, and what are you doing with my Mars?" Suddenly a long-nosed, obscenely-looking person who looked like a classmate of Luffy's previous life appeared, and he was still surprised by his behavior at this moment.

Luffy took a look at Usopp's attire, very individual, very cowboy, and the nose is even more iconic, and finally confirmed that he did not mistake the person, this person was found by himself.

"Usopp, son of Yesop, your father is a great pirate and partner of Shanks. You live in this small village, you like a girl named Kaya, and you have three children as your servants. Companion, your dream is to become a brave warrior at sea, worship strength, and want to be a captain." Luffy learned what he knew about Usopp like a treasure, and said while Usopp was surprised: "You The weapon used is a slingshot like this, am I right?"

"Who are you~ you~, how do you know about me, are you here to kill me?" Usopp's whole body trembled at this moment.

If it is a person who does not understand, at this moment, he will definitely think that Usopp is a useless bastard, and he is afraid of a little thing, but he still knows Usopp very well in his previous life. He showed such weakness, and if someone touched his reverse scales for a while, then the strength he showed has already surprised you. Usopp is the most powerful sharpshooter.

"I am your captain, be my partner, let's create the greatest ocean in the world together, and find the bravest tribe, the most competent warrior, the giant tribe, are you interested?" Luffy looked at Usopp's eyes said.

Usopp glanced at the man in the straw hat in front of him, and then said, "Sorry, I can't join your team, because I have important things to do now, I'm really sorry."

"What you want to do is to protect Kaya, right? Do you already know Kloe's plot?" Luffy was surprised that Usopp had discovered Kloe's plot. In the original book, it should not be time yet. ah.

"I didn't expect you to know about Ke Luo. It seems that you did a very detailed investigation before you came here. I am really not sure about dealing with Ke Luo alone. If you can help me, just help me protect the card Ya, I'll join you, but I want to be the vice-captain." Usopp said seriously.

"Welcome to join us, Vice Captain Usopp, my name is Meng Qi? D Luffy, the man who will become the One Piece." After speaking, Luffy stretched out his right hand.

The two brothers-like figures are holding each other's hands tightly at this moment, and the two hands are tightly held together, holding so forcefully.

"Then tell me, how did you know about Kloe's plot? I'm very surprised about this. Based on what I know about you, you probably don't know the news." After speaking, Luffy looked at Usopp, hoping to Get some useful info from him.

Usopp hesitated for a moment, but finally said it out: A few days ago, before I went to tell Kaya a story, I made a gadget at home. Kaya likes these things very much, so every time I will Give him something new, I added a plant in that gadget, called Qingxincao, this herb can absorb toxins from the human body, it is a relatively common herbal medicine, but yesterday I found out that in that little gadget The thing was covered with a lot of toxins, so I secretly took it back and researched it and found that Kaya was not sick, but was poisoned, and in that castle, only Crowe was the most suspected, Because we knew that Crowe was an outsider a long time ago, and only he would try to embezzle all the property of Kaya's family after Kaya's father died. "Usopp looked at Luffy after finishing speaking, and said again, "I investigated Crowe, he is very strong, if you help me, you may lose your life, if you go back now, I will not force you . "

Usopp's words surprised Luffy at that time, but Luffy understood in a blink of an eye how deep Usopp's feelings for Kaya were, and Luffy had a clear memory of this.

But then Luffy said: Needless to say, since I agreed to you, I won't regret it, not to mention you have become my partner, and my strength should be easy to deal with that Crowe.

After talking about Luffy's bounce, he pulled Usopp and said: "Come on, I'll teach you something."

In fact, Luffy did not intend to teach Usopp the skills in the gossip pattern, but if Usopp only uses a gun, his close-up defense is too poor. If Luffy wants to go further in future battles His partners must be made strong enough.

Under the leadership of Usopp, they came to a hidden grove. Luffy said to Usopp: I have a set of martial arts here, and I will pass it on to you. If you can learn it well and integrate it into your marksmanship Among them, I think your strength will be greatly improved, so follow me.

After finishing speaking, Luffy showed Usopp one by one from the simplest moves, and then corrected his movements after watching Usopp's movements, and then taught the next movement. In the woods, I started to practice the exercises in this set of eight trigrams patterns.

It took two days for Usopp to finally fully master this set of exercises. This is completely different from when he taught Sauron. Usopp's understanding of exercises is too poor, but he can catch up Time difference.

On this day, under the leadership of Usopp, Luffy and Usopp came to Kaya's castle and hid in a mezzanine at the top of the stairs. This is also the place where Crow almost died in the original book. Uncle Goat's Head's place.

The night was getting darker and darker, but the slightly cold breath did not make Luffy and Usopp feel a little cold. On the contrary, the tense atmosphere made Usopp extremely excited, and his whole body trembled.

Luffy lightly pressed Usopp's shoulder to signal him to calm down.

When the clock struck 24 o'clock, a tall and thin man in a tuxedo appeared. His target was Kaya, probably to force Kaya to write a suicide note.

At this time, Usopp was blocked by Luffy when he was about to rush out, because if Kaya was not allowed to know the truth about this person, the development with Usopp would not be fast enough in the future, and his Golden Meri Still relying on Uncle Goat's design, thinking of the Golden Meri, Luffy's heart is sore.

Because of the understanding of the original work of One Piece, Luffy has special feelings for the Golden Merry, so in his heart, Luffy doesn't like the powerful Sonny very much, but he has the deepest feeling for the three sailing ship Golden Merry feelings, so Luffy has always had an idea in his heart, that is to prevent the Mei Li from sinking, so in his previous life, Luffy also read a lot of books about ship construction, so if Franky's At that time, the Golden Merry should still be saved, hey~ It is better to protect the Golden Merry more, the blind restoration is not the right way after all, Luffy thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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