The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 100 The New Mei Li

Chapter 100 The New Mei Li

"Oops." Seeing this scene, Luffy couldn't help but sigh a little, whether Meili can dodge such an attack, and such attacks are constantly accelerating.

And from the moment the first searchlight swept across the pirate flag, a large number of searchlights shot their lights in this direction, and they were driving in this direction.

"Zoro, it seems we're out of time." Luffy said to Sauron who was struggling to prop up his body.Then the whole person once again wanted to punch the ground heavily.

"Second gear."

With the opening of Luffy's state this time, his body turned red again, and layers of mist were continuously evaporated along Luffy's body.

And the wound was bleeding profusely.

"Luffy, your blood will dry up like this." Zoro cried out worriedly.

Luffy just smiled faintly, and then rushed towards the direction of the chess piece, and uttered a word, making Sauron stop talking for a while.

"Then it's because my blood is flowing fast, or my feet are running fast."

The cannonballs were still constantly firing towards that chess piece, but the strange thing was that the chess piece was still floating without receiving any damage.

"Nami, if the navy ship gets closer to us by one nautical mile, then even Speeding Sonny won't be able to escape. You know, Speeding Sonny's coating work hasn't been completely completed, so we can't dive." Lan Qi said a little worried.

At this time, Nami, Usopp, and Robin were standing at the bow of the ship, looking at the shells that were shot towards the Meili from the other ships. They didn't have the slightest fear. At this moment, they had the same thought in their hearts, that is, Luffy, come back soon.

In the cabin, Chopper was working hard on a complicated operation. Wood residues and fragments were taken out from Sanji's wound, and then the wound was disinfected and cleaned over and over again.

The last thing is to bandage, Chopper is very careful in every step, not necessarily feeding some special liquid to the innermost part of Sanji.

But the most amazing thing is Franky, I saw him controlling the multi-functional shaft of the so-called Speeding Sonny, and the whole Speeding Sonny was carrying out exactly according to Franky's requirements. Various changes, and sometimes different shells are fired from the launcher hidden in the hull, and finally hit the caught fish or the shells fired towards the chess pieces.

It was precisely because of Frankie's miraculous operation that those shells were unable to cause any damage to Speeding Sonny for a while.

"Luffy-kun, thank you."

Robin standing at the bow said silently, she knew that what Luffy did was not only what Nami said in his mouth that he didn't like Tianlong people's actions, but also to make himself feel darker.

As the last survivor of O'Hara, Robin is destined to be the opposite of the world government, and Luffy and the others are just pirates. When they get rid of the pirates, they can still live as ordinary people, go Retirement, get a pension.

And he is always just a name to be hunted down and obliterated by the world government at any time.

The moment when the fiery red bird flies in the dark night and finally passes through that side represents the world government.

Robin knew what Luffy was thinking.

If you are abandoned by the whole world, then as your trustworthy partner, I am willing to fight against the world with you.

We are partners, partners until death.

"Robin." Sensing Robin's mood at the moment, Nami put her hand on Robin's hand, and then looked into Robin's eyes.

"We are partners, aren't we?" A very plain sentence, but very true.

"We are partners, yes, you are all my partners." Robin felt like weeping with joy, with a hint of choking in his tone.

"Luffy, it's Luffy." Usopp suddenly said loudly to a small dark red dot in front of him, and then he jumped down and ran in the direction of Luffy.

Usopp couldn't wait a long time ago. If it weren't for the trust in Luffy in his heart, he would have gone to find Luffy and the others. At this time, Usopp didn't feel any fear in his heart. There was only one thing in his heart. , That is the safety of his brothers, Luffy and Sauron.

But someone was faster than Usopp. Robin saw clearly that the man with steam all over his body was his captain and his partner as soon as he turned his head.


It's just that at this time, there seems to be some too red color on Lu Fei's strong body. When he looked closely, Robin suddenly found that a place on Lu Fei's chest was constantly bleeding out, and at this time Lu Fei There is also Sauron who can't move on Fei's back.

"Dazzling Hundred Blossoms? Phantom Wings."

A wing formed entirely of arm-like flowers was formed on Robin's shoulders, and then the whole person shot out in an instant.

At this time, the naval fleet in the distance seemed to have discovered something, and the shells were thrown towards here with even more effort.

But at this critical moment, Franky seemed to want to show his strength in front of his partners.

"SUPER Frankie."

Like a shapeshifter, Frankie instantly changed the shape of his body, and the left and right sides were magically separated, so that Frankie can completely manipulate Sonny at high speed with only one hand.

And the rest is Franky's right hand.

I saw that Franky's right hand broke in an instant, revealing a row of shuttle gun-like muzzles inside, and fired a round of shots at the sky. The room actually withstood most of the shells.

"Great weather? Tornado."

As Nami twirled the weather stick, a strong air flow flowed upwards, and finally spun towards the place where the shells were densely packed.

Another batch of shells were blown away by Nami's tornado, and some even shot towards the warship along the same path.

Seeing Robin rush towards Luffy and the others ahead of him, Usopp turned around and shot at the nearest ship.

This cannon is Usopp's first product. The ammunition of the cannonball inside is several times higher than that of ordinary cannonballs, but the volume is exactly the same.

One shot caused black smoke to rise from the opposite warship.

In any case, a round of continuous attacks by the Straw Hat Pirates finally allowed Robin to escape all the attacks and successfully come to Luffy's side.

"Luffy." Seeing Luffy's appearance at this moment, Robin couldn't help exclaiming.

(End of this chapter)

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