Chapter 99 Retreat
Lei Li said slowly: "We are characters of the previous era, why should we interfere with the development of the new era, what do you think, General Hook."

"Hahaha Roger, Roger, no matter what you are planning, but all of this is destined not to develop according to your ideas, because those forces have also begun to exert their strength." General Hook said such a sentence There is no need to say more on this issue.

"Are you sure you want to stop me from killing those people?" General Hook asked again.

"Of course, they belong to the new era." Raleigh still smiled faintly.

"This time they angered those people. At that time, it will not only be a matter of our navy headquarters. If they get involved, I don't think there will be much development even if they arrive in the new world. What do you think, Raleigh . "Suddenly the news broke out, and General Hook threw off the windbreaker on his body.

"Those people are going to be dispatched, but the first thing I need to do now is to prevent you from killing them here." Lei Li stopped talking.

This battle between him and General Hook is inevitable.

This is a battle that is doomed to no one wins or loses. The moment Rayleigh stands in front of General Hook indicates that Luffy and others have gained enough time to escape this figure they are powerless to fight against.

Farewell to Rayleigh, Luffy carried Sauron on his back and walked quickly towards the designated place along the road signs.

Along the way, Usopp has already made all the marks, and these marks are not unusual in the eyes of ordinary people. This is the unique contact method of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy continued to move forward along the markings on the road.


The loud noise made Luffy pause for a second, and Luffy didn't turn his head to see what happened behind, because at this moment he knew clearly that he was Rayleigh who was fighting for his group to escape from here.

Then I can't let him down, what I have to do now is to dare to go to the assembly point with the fastest speed, and then retreat, there is no other choice.

Luffy and the others have wasted too much time here. The naval fleet should have already started encircling the encirclement, and what needs to be considered urgently now is how to break out of the encirclement.

The extra battle can't be delayed for a second.

Although it was not able to completely end the life of the yellow monkey in the end, for Luffy, defeating a character like the yellow monkey has gained enough things.

As for the life and death of the yellow ape, it was not particularly important. After all, his partner, his brother Sauron was not dead, but was seriously injured.

"Chopper should be able to handle it." Luffy thought in his heart.

It was almost half of the way, and at this moment, a loud shell suddenly exploded in the entire No. [-] island area.

Let the dark night be completely illuminated at this moment.

The sound of the cannon was like a signal, and suddenly countless searchlights were turned on, and the No. [-] island was completely daylight.

What followed was not a large number of navies advancing towards Island No. [-], but countless shells flew up at the same time, and then began to shoot indiscriminately at the first half of Island No. [-].

Countless shells poured down on Island No. [-] like bad money, and the people who had already fallen asleep began to flee in all directions.

The cries of children, the tragic roar of relatives dying in the explosion of shells, flooded Island No. [-] in an instant.

At this moment, Island No. [-] completely became a purgatory on earth.

"Uncle Rayleigh won't be hurt by these ordinary shells." Luffy, who had escaped from Island No. [-] for a long distance, couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"No, Uncle Rayleigh, very strong." Suddenly a weak voice reached Luffy's ears.

At this moment, Luffy's originally indifferent face couldn't help laughing when he heard the voice, and the iconic smile returned to Luffy's face.

"I promised not to fail again, I'm sorry, Luffy."

Sauron, who was awakened by the sound of the cannon, was in a very depressed mood. He couldn't help but think of the battle between himself and the yellow monkey. As expected, his strength was still not enough, and his experience was still too little. At this moment, Sauron hated himself a little, why didn't he practice harder? , make yourself stronger.

If he was strong enough, he wouldn't faint at such an important moment.

"Hee hee." Luffy just smiled, and didn't say much, because he believed in Sauron, frustration didn't belong to Sauron, failure would only make him work harder to improve his abilities.

Suddenly Sauron seemed to feel something, he raised his head vigorously and looked at his chest, because he clearly felt a heat flow.

The wound I received did not bleed because of the remedial work done by Huang Yuan, so the heat flow at this time would not be my own, not my own.

Sauron couldn't imagine that he had been with Luffy for so long, and he had never seen Luffy bleeding profusely.

"Luffy, your body is bleeding, let me down." Zoro said struggling.

Ignoring Sauron's struggle, Luffy just mobilized his body structure more vigorously, allowing more flesh to squeeze past the injured area.

Make the bleeding hole smaller.

"Zoro, we're going to speed up." Suddenly, Luffy's speed increased instantly.

Because at this time, Luffy found that the number of naval fleets was gradually increasing, and the continuous pouring of shells was gradually spreading towards the island where Luffy was located.

At this time, Luffy couldn't help but think more about his physical condition. In any case, he would never put Sauron off his back before reaching the assembly point.

He completely let go of his hands and feet, and ran forward.

Just when Luffy's injured wound gushed out a mouthful of blood again, Luffy finally saw the familiar pirate flag in the distance.

In the dark night, the black and white pirate flag is so conspicuous that Luffy can see that piece from far away.

That is the guiding light left by the partners for themselves.

At this moment, Luffy suddenly felt a little moved.

"Not good." A dazzling searchlight suddenly swept over the chess piece and stayed on it for about a second.

Just after the searchlight swept over the chess piece, dozens of searchlights slammed in the direction of the chess piece.

At this moment, the pirate flag was surprisingly obvious, like a peacock standing proudly being worshiped by a group of earth-colored pheasants.

"Boom boom boom."

The shells were ruthless, without the slightest hesitation, hundreds of shells were suddenly fired from under the dozens of searchlights and shot towards the location of the Pirate Flag.

(End of this chapter)

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