Chapter 98 Dialogue
After calming down, Luffy slowly turned his attention to his body, carefully observing the thing that made him tremble.

That tiny thread-like thing showed a very special golden yellow in his flesh and blood, and this golden yellow was swimming in Lu Fei's body at this time.

Although Luffy has tried his best to put his controllable domineering towards this place to make strict defenses, but this strand of golden silk thread is still able to carry out various destructive activities freely.

Now, in Luffy's injured flesh, some of the blood vessels have begun to rupture, and finally turned into pieces of meat and turned into a ball.

Fortunately, time was not long, and the destruction of the golden silk thread did not cause such terrible and irreparable consequences.

Of course, if Luffy is complacent because he defeated the yellow monkey, if he doesn't observe carefully, the golden thread will gradually expand the damaged area, and eventually cause irreparable damage.

This thing cannot be kept, it must be dealt with immediately.

After thinking about it carefully, Luffy suddenly made such a decision.

Luffy is not a doctor, so he doesn't have such a fine method to extract and strip the golden silk thread. In order not to cause more damage to his body, Luffy chose the most primitive method.

Trying hard to control that small stream of domineering, he surrounded the strand of golden silk, and then put his right hand on the injured part.

Then it began to vibrate slowly, and with the melody of the vibration, Luffy's whole body suddenly trembled, and his right hand suddenly slapped violently towards the wound.

I saw a thin strand of meat shooting out from the direction of the opening made by Tianzhong Yunjian.

"Ah." A burst of severe pain came from the wound, and even someone as strong as Luffy couldn't help but yelled.

Forcibly peeling off a mass of flesh and blood from his body, no one can endure this kind of severe pain.

But this is also for Luffy. Luffy's body is basically the same as rubber, so it can be peeled off in this way.

Because it is rubber, a trace of flesh and blood was suddenly lost in the body, and Luffy's body can still bear it. The blood vessels that were originally corroded by the golden yellow thread, and the minced meat were all discharged by Luffy along with the strand of meat just now. Outside the body, which part of Luffy's body is currently being injured is undergoing rapid changes at this moment.

The blood vessels in that place began to become thinner, and began to show signs of elongation, and at this moment, the elongated blood vessels were miraculously connected, forming a new blood vessel, which continued to allow blood to flow smoothly Get up, and the gap left by the minced meat is also squeezed together by the meat ball in Luffy's body, blocking it up.

In this way, Luffy completed the most unskilled operation, but such an operation can only work on a body structure like Luffy.

After all, no one has a body made entirely of rubber like Luffy.

Fortunately, when the yellow monkey attacked, Luffy moved a little bit. Otherwise, the place where the Tianzhongyun sword passed through was close to the internal organs. If the internal organs were infected, even Luffy's body structure would not be able to do anything. saved.

Looking at the thin flesh, Luffy couldn't help but roar, and finally ensured that the golden thread in the thin flesh had completely turned into a dead thing, and then Luffy stopped.

After all, this thing caused him so much pain, Luffy was still very afraid.

After completely solving the hidden dangers in his body, Luffy raised his head and looked in the direction where the yellow monkey was.

At this time, the yellow ape was lying there like a dead dog, without any consciousness, but one thing is certain is that the current yellow ape is not dead, he just passed out from a serious injury.

Luffy didn't mean to let go of this powerful Admiral of the Navy Headquarters that he once showed in his memory.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly shouted in Luffy's direction.

"Luffy, leave him alone, take your partner and leave quickly, a legendary figure will appear here soon, he is beyond your ability to deal with, and now the navy has all gathered warships towards Come here, if you don't leave, you won't have a chance." There was a certain magnetism in the voice.

You don't need to look to know that it's Uncle Rayleigh.

"However, Uncle, we are leaving, what should you do?" Although he knew how powerful Rayleigh was, Luffy still felt a little worried at this moment.

"Hehe, don't worry, boy, you can handle Huang Yuan. Your strength is very good, but fortunately, Huang Yuan did not release the Heavenly Cloud Sword, otherwise." Lei Li didn't see how Luffy defeated Huang Yuan. Ape, but after Lei Li's impression, if the Tianzhongyun sword is completely untied, the scene that should be presented at this moment should be completely different from the current one.

"Uncle Lei Li, it seems that the yellow ape liberated the first level of the Tianzhongyun sword, and it was that moment that left me with a big scar, you see." Luffy said that the scar on his chest Show it to Rayleigh.

"You have already liberated the first level of realm. Judging from your wound, you should have suffered a serious injury. Why are you now?" There are blood stains, that is the shredded meat that Lu Fei took just now.

Seeing all this, Raleigh was silent for a while.

"Boy, you are indeed very good, well, take your partner away, that person is almost here now." Rayleigh glanced at Luffy's side in the distance.

"Well, please." To Luffy, Rayleigh is a kind elder, and this elder is trustworthy.

Looking at the back of Luffy slowly disappearing, Leili suddenly had a feeling that even if the yellow monkey completely liberated the Tianzhongyun sword, Luffy would not be defeated because of it.

However, liberating the second level should be the limit of Huang Yuan. If it is completely liberated, Huang Yuan himself will not be able to bear the pressure of Tianzhong Yunjian.

"Here we come." Feeling the sudden pressure, Leili turned his attention in an instant and looked directly in front of him.

A man in a black trench coat, holding a pitch-black hook in his hand, slowly appeared in front of Lei Li.

This person is the legendary admiral of the navy who first made Luffy feel powerless, Admiral Hook.

"Hook, we haven't fought for many years. I never thought that someone like you would appear for a newcomer who just went to sea." Lei Li slowly took out his unique sword.

"Oh, it turned out to be Raleigh the Pluto. You don't want to live out your old age. What do you mean by coming out now? Do you really think that the reason you have been able to live on Bubble Island for so many years is because no one can find you?" Hook The general glanced at Lei Li, and said slowly, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Still the same temper, always disobedient.

"Hook, you are still the same, what the captain said is indeed right." Raleigh seemed to recall something.

Hearing Raleigh's words, General Hook was suddenly excited, "What did Roger say about me?"

The original calm and arrogance dissipated all of a sudden, and General Hook seemed to have a special feeling for the One Piece Roger.

"You are a person who will never admit defeat, but this era will never belong to our generation, because the characters who lead the new era have already appeared."

(End of this chapter)

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