The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 97 Heavy waves

Chapter 97 Thousand Waves

After his body was attacked by the Heavenly Cloud Sword, Lu Fei clearly felt something suddenly added to his body, and this thing made Lu Fei feel a threat, a threat to his life.

At the first moment, Luffy chose to give up using the second gear that accelerates blood flow, but slowly gathered a domineering spirit in his body again.

This time, Luffy succeeded.

Although this domineering aura is not enough to make Luffy explode completely, it can't even be released outside the body for deterrence.

However, it was able to let Luffy inject this small amount of arrogance into his body, tightly wrapping that place that made Luffy feel dangerous.

Then he started to attack the yellow monkey. From the yellow monkey's eyes, Luffy could clearly see a sense of playfulness, as if he was about to die immediately.

"Hmph, since that's the case, let me act in a play."

The two people with their own ghosts staged a battle against each other without any substance.

After this kind of fighting lasted for a while, Luffy found that Kizaru began to consciously let himself attack him, and Kizuru was using this method to lure Luffy to speed up the attack frequency.

"In order to accelerate the explosion of that thing in my body?"

Luffy, who understood what Kizuru was thinking, stopped pretending, and retreated to attack Kizuru. At the same time, there was a shock on Lufei's shoulder.

This vibration is of a completely different frequency from the vibration produced by Luffy's attack during the two-hit combo.

Because when the fist hits forward with acceleration, it looks like a straight line.

In fact, this is not the case, when Luffy's fist retreated, the shock had already begun.

And as Luffy's fist hit from back to front, Luffy's fist didn't hit directly.

Instead, it vibrated forward layer by layer, but the frequency of this vibration happened very fast, so fast that people's naked eyes didn't notice it at all.

It is precisely because of the oppressive feeling generated by this vibration that Luffy can directly touch the blade of the ancient artifact Tianzhongyun Sword with the face of his fist.

In fact, Lu Fei's fist did not really make the most direct contact with the blade of Tianzhong Yunjian, but the air flow above Lu Fei's fist.

After constant vibrations, this airflow finally formed a strong sense of oppression. When Lu Fei's fist first came into contact with the Tianzhongyun Sword, it was enough for the yellow monkey to control the occurrence of the Tianzhongyun Sword. deflection.

With the occurrence of this deflection, Lu Fei's fist actually landed on the sword face of Tianzhongyun Sword.

However, the transition between them was completed in an instant, so the visual illusion was created.

I think that Luffy's iron fist can really directly confront the blade of the ancient artifact Tianzhongyun Sword.

"Bounce, bounce, bounce."

This time, after Lu Fei's fist blasted out, he didn't finish the matter as soon as he came into contact with Huang Yuan's Tianzhongyun sword, but stuck tightly to Huang Yuan's Tianzhongyun sword.

What made Kizaru even more uncomfortable was that at this moment, his whole body seemed to be receiving wave after wave of dark energy from Lu Fei's fist.

At the beginning, this dark energy was not particularly strong. Although Huang Yuan felt that the feeling of oppression was not very good, but because of the initial dark energy, Huang Yuan didn't particularly care about it.

After the first heavy dark force passed, Luffy's fist suddenly became bigger in an instant like a big hammer.

Then, like a big wind wheel, a large amount of energy fluctuations burst out continuously, and they passed towards the yellow ape at an infinitely faster speed than the first wave.

In an instant, constant energy fluctuations erupted.

Moreover, this wave of energy fluctuations is still stronger than the last wave, and it all erupts in an instant, even if the yellow monkey is on guard, it will be seriously injured.

What's more, Kizaru didn't make complete preparations, facing Luffy's sudden outburst without knowing it, at this moment, Kikuzu's body suffered the heavy dark force from Lufei's fist in an instant.

These dark energies caused Huang Yuan's body to suffer unprecedented damage, and his whole body became sluggish in an instant, and the smile he had been maintaining all the time also disappeared at this moment.

All that remained was the face, weakened by the loss of blood.

"Profound truth? Thousand waves."

With the last burst of dark energy, Huang Yuan was also punched out by Lu Fei's fist.

The yellow ape's body did not fall backwards in a straight line, but turned and retreated quickly.

In the end, the yellow ape's body was blocked by a big tree behind it before it fell to the ground, and the big tree blocking the yellow ape was as thick as three people hugging each other.

But now the whole big tree has completely turned into powder.

As a wisp of wind in the middle of the night turned into floating dust, it is enough to say how much energy Luffy's blow contained.

After this blow, Luffy also felt a sense of collapse.

Barely able to stand, looking at the yellow ape who had been completely hit by this blow in front of him without the slightest will, Luffy felt his own strength for the first time.

As powerful as the admiral of the Navy headquarters, such a powerful existence in memory was defeated.

Wang Haotian, who was reincarnated as Luffy, felt for the first time that the future might not be as difficult as he imagined.

Although he once defeated the powerful devil's spokesperson Honda?Jayton, but Honda?Jayden didn't leave much trace in his memory.

But the yellow ape is different, because in his own memory, the yellow ape is an absolutely powerful existence, a kind of monument, an invincible monument.

That's why at the very beginning, Luffy chose to back down and save, because in Luffy's memory, the yellow ape was too powerful, so powerful that he could only worship him.

But today, at this moment, although there is still something frightening in his body, Luffy suddenly feels that all this is not so scary anymore.

Because I am not without any power. In addition to having the powerful physical fitness used by Luffy, the ever-changing rubber fruit, and the powerful overlord-colored arrogance.

I also have the gossip technique, a kind of technique that exists outside the world of One Piece. This kind of technique can produce such a powerful strength even if it is only cultivated to the level of Luffy.

Then after I have thoroughly mastered this exercise.

Could it be that he really can't be a new savior, can't he be the One Piece.

For the first time, Luffy realized his strength.

For the first time, Luffy no longer felt unable to walk because the road ahead was too rough.

By the way, this tumor can't let him stay in my body anymore.

Luffy didn't become flustered because of everything he thought just now, on the contrary, he became calmer in Luffy's heart.

With confidence, it is definitely not a capital to be proud of, unless one day, I complete the damn character and return to the moment when I return to the person I love.

Only when I can tell them all this as a story can I relax completely.

(End of this chapter)

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