The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 11 Sea Restaurant

Chapter 11 Sea Restaurant
Seeing the slight tears in the corner of Kaya's eyes, Luffy's heart ached for no reason, but seeing her quietly nestled in the arms of the wretched man Usopp made Luffy feel better.

Trapped all the captured pirates of the black cat pirate group, in order to prevent them from pretending to be poor and tempting Kaya, they let them go, so Luffy decided to wait until the navy came over before leaving, of course Luffy and the others He will not take the initiative to contact the navy, but is secretly waiting for this group of people.

Seeing that the navy brought these pirates who were on the bounty order one by one, and delivered the bounty to Kaya at the same time, Luffy and his party finally let out a sigh of relief, raised their sails and set off for a long journey.

Next stop, Sea Restaurant.

At this time, Goat's Head and Kaya standing on the shore were looking at Luffy and his party in flight, and suddenly Kaya said to Goat's Head: I want to learn medicine, and when Usopp comes back, Be sure to take good care of him.

Seeing that Kaya is not indulging in reluctance, and that Kaya, who has faith, is much better mentally, the goat head is not only very relieved.

"Miss Kaya, I heard that there is a miracle doctor living in the valley behind the village. I have some friendship with his disciple. I can ask him to ask if his master is willing to come out of the mountain to teach Miss medical skills."

"What's the name of that disciple? I don't need the genius doctor to come down in person. I went to the mountain to follow him to learn medical skills. All I need is that person to take me to the side of the genius doctor. I will do the rest. I believe I can do it well." " Kaya said affirmatively, not knowing whether she was expressing her determination to the goat's head or to herself.

At this time, the sailboat in the distance has slowly disappeared from Kaya's sight, and a crystal teardrop slowly flowed down her cheeks.

Two days later, Kaya, under the leadership of Xiaohai, the disciple of the genius doctor, went to the hidden genius doctor in the back mountain, and began her difficult way of learning medicine.

Going back to the Golden Merry, even though they just won a battle, got a new partner, and acquired the necessary ships for the Pirates, the entire fleet fell into a state of silence for a while, because Uso Pu's mood, for two days in a row, this carefree guy sat in the stern of the boat without eating or drinking, looking into the distance, where was his hometown, and there were people who loved him deeply, and he also loved deeply.

However, the sadness didn't last long. On the third day, Usopp recovered his innocent and lively personality, and the whole person started to play around happily.

At this time, Luffy is also observing a cannon loaded on the Golden Merry. This is the only weapon on the Golden Merry. Luffy doesn't want to be as stupid as Luffy in the original book. fire.

After studying this cannon a little bit, Luffy finally confirmed that this cannon is really beyond his ability. Although he also had some research on cannons in his previous life, the cannons on the Golden Meri are much stronger than those in his previous life. The cannon in it was completely different, so Luffy had to choose to give up.

At this time, Usopp also ran out in a panic. Sure enough, Usopp is good at this aspect, and this cannon has a lot to do with Usopp, because this cannon is Usopp's old man. Dad Yesop made it himself.

After playing with it for a while, a cannon is ready to attack a small island in the distance. It is reasonable that two guys will climb up at this time. They were aggressive at first, but in the end they found that their big brother Sauron was also there. The boat became a lot more honest, but the situation in the original book did not appear. Although he was very puzzled, Luffy didn't think much about it.

In any case, there must be no less than one member of the Straw Hat Pirates. In the end, Luffy’s goal is to have ten partners. This is also recognized by Luffy, but who is the tenth partner? I know, and I can only talk about it if I look at the development and call together a few partners who know it.

In the next few days, I was mainly busy with the Pirate Flag. At the beginning, Usopp designed many kinds, some with his nose as the main point, and some simply painted his own appearance on it. Taking Luffy's pirate group to occupy his own thoughts, but these Luffy don't mind, because Luffy knows what kind of person Usopp is.

In the end, under the firm resistance of Nami, Sauron and Luffy, Usopp had to re-edit the pirate flag, and it took two consecutive days for Usopp to draw the pirate flag in the original book.

And from this moment on, the Straw Hat Pirates are officially listed on the market. They may face various dangers on the voyage in the future. From the moment the pirate flag hangs on the top of the ship, they become ideal existence.

Hearing the call of the Pirate Flag, go to the most mysterious sea, where there are more novel adventures waiting for them, and there is also something that Luffy urgently needs, that is the location of the gossip pattern, only along the gossip pattern Only by following the road map can I get closer to the end, and only in this way can I formally fight against the devil after gathering a lot of strength, and the possibility of returning to the present world becomes even greater .

After the Pirate Flag was finalized, the four of them had a small party on the small boat, and at the same time, Luffy also told everyone a lot, among them, the recruitment of crew members was left to the individual.

After a while of noise, Nami replied that she went to sleep in the room, Zoro continued to watch through the night, Usopp also went to sleep, but at the moment Luffy did not sleep, he sat blankly on the sheep's head of the Golden Merry on, lost in thought.

At this moment, Luffy thinks in his heart that some things that happened during this period of time are already different from those in the original book. Whether it is Sauron, Usopp, or Nami, he recruited them slowly one by one, but recruiting them Compared with the original work, the process is too simple, there is no plot in the original work to deepen the emotional exchange between them, and I am not as stupid as in the original work, but I also have the original work. The friendship of Luffy in the movie, he has never slackened in treating his partners, and every time he communicates with them from the bottom of his heart.

So although Luffy has not been able to experience such twists and turns with them in his heart like Luffy in the original book, he can still be sure in his heart that they will still be his most trusted partners, not because Others, but the strands of intuition buried in his mind, that is the body he occupied, the real Meng Qi? D Luffy's intuition.

Unknowingly, the plot also developed to the point of going to find Sanji, but there are so many deviations in the plot, will there be any special plots for the following plots? Luffy is not sure in his heart, because these two days It is getting closer and closer to the restaurant on the sea, and it will be there at noon tomorrow, but the two people have not yet appeared. What is the reason for this?

Luffy thought about it in his heart, and suddenly found a big ship with bright lights gradually appearing on the distant sea surface, and on the top of the big ship were four big characters shining brightly.

"Sea restaurant."

Seeing this scene, Luffy laughed in his heart. If he doesn't show up, he shouldn't show up. Anyway, he knows where all his partners are, and he doesn't need to completely follow the original storyline to decide his own voyage.

With his own strength that incorporates the skills in the gossip pattern, he will definitely be able to protect his partners well, and even though they haven't boarded the boat yet, at this moment in Luffy's heart, he has already identified them as his own. The crew of the Golden Merry.

Luffy called Sauron, and Sauron, who was still exercising with a hammer, began to fight slowly. After dropping the anchor with Luffy, the two of them began to practice the gossip pattern on the deck. , They practiced very slowly at the beginning, trying to control the air explosion caused by practicing the Bagua patterns, and wanted Nami and Usopp to have a good sleep, but in the end Usopp and Nami were still woken up , or that they never fell asleep at all.

Joining the morning exercise team, Usopp started practicing with Sauron, and Luffy called Nami alone and taught Nami to practice this exercise alone. At first, Luffy thought that Nami was very good at this exercise. He didn't have any special ideas, so he didn't teach her all the time, but since Nami also came out to practice today, of course Luffy would not favor one or the other, so he naturally gave this set of exercises to her.

Teaching Nami is a very enjoyable and eye-catching job. No matter how pure Luffy is in the original book, the Luffy in front of me is very impure.

(End of this chapter)

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