The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 12 Sauron VS Mihawk

Chapter 12 Sauron VS Mihawk

The sky slowly brightened, and Luffy and his party finally set foot on the sea restaurant.

There are no characters that should appear in the legend, but Luffy doesn't seem to miss some wonderful surprises, and the battle between Hawkeye and Sauron. I don't know if Sauron, who has learned the gossip pattern, can match Hawkeye Miho Ke, although Sauron has not been learning gossip patterns for a long time, but Luffy still has a little desire to watch such a scene.

And for the pirate admiral Kulik, Luffy really wants to meet such a character, not because of how much Luffy yearns for his ability but because of his despicableness.

For two consecutive days, Luffy and the others spent peacefully on the sea restaurant, and no special characters appeared. Instead, Sanji, the sous chef, had a very harmonious relationship with them. During the day's communication, when Sanji told them that they would go to the world's greatest sea, the light that burst out of his eyes could be seen even by an idiot like Zoro. Fortunately, before coming here, Luffy told everyone Through Qi, everyone didn't break the layer of membrane in Sanji's heart. The choice still had to be made at the end. On the third day, the protagonist finally appeared, but it was not Admiral Kulik, but one of the seven warriors. One's eagle eye, Mihawk, and his purpose is very simple, after a good night's sleep, he came to the sea restaurant to have a good meal.

Seeing Mihawk eating a lot of meat and drinking heavily is not a gentleman like in the original manga, Luffy had to re-examine this person, otherwise Sauron would still think about it when he was fighting him. If he was so fragile in the comics, it would be bad if he accidentally killed him.

While suppressing Sauron's urge to come forward to compete and observe Mihawk's movements, Luffy slowly discovered some clues, that is, Mihawk's eating posture is very rude, but when he looked closely, he found that his The movements are very elegant, but because he eats too fast, he can't see it with the naked eye. What he sees is only the overlapping of some movements. Now Luffy is completely relieved, because even eating can be so precise How can a person like me not be accurate to the millimeter when he is engaged in his profession, that is, cutting a knife.

After a quarter of an hour, Mihawk finally finished eating. After slowly wiping his mouth, he stood up and finally looked at Luffy and the others. At this moment, Luffy was completely shocked by the aura of Hawkeye. The burst of light at this moment is like the moment when an eagle soaring in the sky is ready to catch its prey at any time.

At this moment, Sauron finally broke through Luffy's blockage, stood up, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with staring at the eagle's eyes. This may be the aura of a guy who likes fighting. The stronger they are, the more willing they are to fight, especially when facing a person whom they have always wanted to surpass in their hearts and appearing in front of them, the potential that people burst out at that moment is infinite.

"Hawk-eyed Mihawk, I challenge you with my sword." At this time, Sauron could not see any other existence, and in his eyes, only his opponent was left besides his own sword. .

Hawkeye looked at the young man carefully, saw his eyes full of fighting spirit, and saw that he didn't have the slightest fear in the face of the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye also never There is a trace of fighting intent in his heart, even if the opponent is just a swordsman who is not powerful, but facing this sword intent is worth a fight against Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the Seven Martial Seas.

"Young man, if you want to fight with me, then take your own life. There are too many people who have died by my sword. Please register your name. Young people who challenge me, my sword Do not behead the unknown junior."

"Roronoa? Sauron, to become the number one man in the world." Sauron smiled at this moment, not because of other reasons, but because of the excitement caused by the battle. At this moment, he was like an invincible Mars.

"Young man, come out with me." As he said, Hawkeye rushed out of the sea restaurant with a sharp shot. The battle location should not be in this place where meals are specially prepared for people sailing at sea.

Because no one who really understands the meaning of the sea will be willing to destroy such a place. On the endless sea, meals are the source of a person's life. People who do not have meals, no matter how powerful they are, will die slowly, let alone Pirates who know this well, of course, the personal qualities of some trash characters are completely negligible, those people are just the rat shit among pirates.

At this moment, the originally calm restaurant also burst into exclamation, because they could appreciate that the world's number one swordsman made a move, and the person who challenged him was the famous pirate hunter Roronoa in the East China Sea?Sauron, and Sauron's three-sword style has long been recognized by most in the East China Sea. His sword comes from hell, so such a duel is absolutely wonderful.

Not only those who come here to taste the delicacies of the restaurant on the sea have a strong interest in this battle, but even the pirates working on the restaurant on the sea have a strong interest in this battle, and even the red-footed Zhefu who usually does not come out very much is also interested in this battle. Come out, not to mention other chefs, who wouldn't want to see his demeanor in such a battle.

I saw a large deck slowly appearing in the sky in the sea. This is the unique feature of the sea restaurant, and it is also a place where they provide a fighting place to prevent pirates from making trouble. After all, they dare to survive on the sea. And the main source of customers is pirates, they need to have enough ability to protect themselves.

But at this moment, when the deck of the sea restaurant is raised again, it is not to protect the restaurant, but to provide a platform for the world's most powerful swordsman to compete with the strongest swordsman in the East China Sea.

The two stood on one side without moving. At this moment, they were observing each other, and neither of them drew their swords. For swordsmen of their level, drawing their swords and making moves can be completed in a short moment. Their swords have become part of their bodies, and now the most important thing is to find the opponent's weak point, and then hit it with one blow.

Although neither of the two parties has made a move yet, the resulting aura made the people watching secretly take a breath of air, because even in their gazes, it seemed that there was an unknown saber energy facing each other, as if an accidental attack The muscles and bones will be injured by the scurrying knife energy.

Finally, the silence ended with simultaneous laughter from both sides.

"Young man, you are very good. It seems that you are worthy of my sword." Hawkeye said to Sauron with an attitude that I admire you very much.

Sauron did not answer Hawkeye's words, but chose to slowly put the knife on his end, and bit it. It was Guina's sword. What he bit in his mouth was not an ordinary sword, but Guina's sword. Yi Na's hope for swordsmanship, together with her share, is to fight against the number one in the world. This is also a fight that Zoro has always wanted, to set up a posture and stare at the opponent at the same time.

Hawkeye didn't pull out the long sword, but took out a miniature sword from his arms. Seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but gasp. This Hawkeye Mihawk is too arrogant, but Luffy At this moment, he knew that Hawkeye had that strength.

It is impossible for eagle-eyed eyes to fail to see that Sauron's kendo already has a sword intent, and a sword with a soul is no longer an ordinary blade, but he still chose to use a small sword to deal with it. Is it the arrogance of Hawkeye?Based on what Luffy knew about Hawkeye in his previous life.

This is Hawkeye's accurate judgment of the situation in front of him, and a small sword is enough to deal with Sauron.

Sauron, who saw this scene, didn't feel any insult. After all, what others think is what others think. Even the world's number one swordsman is no exception. The consequence of looking down on yourself is death.

Suddenly Sauron moved, the enhanced version of Ghost Slash, Ghost Crack.

Violently impacted, a shadow came out, but the moment the shadow approached Mihawk, Mihawk moved.

He doesn't seem to need to use his eyes to judge Sauron's sword posture. Even if the sword posture is fused with the sword intent in the gossip pattern, it is not enough for the world's number one man to fully exert his strength. In such a duel, Sauron knew how far he was from the number one in the world, but at this moment he did not choose to give up, but chose to continue to attack. At this moment, he wanted to know that he could compete with the number one in the world. How far did the strong one fight?

Take a step back, stand back with two swords, tiger?hunting.

Bump~ Bump.

Only with the strongest aura can the most powerful moves be unleashed at this moment.

The strongest swordsman never relies on the subtlety of sword moves, but the understanding of swordsmanship, the use of sword power, and the development of sword intent to truly discover the true meaning of swordsmanship. This is also the way to become a great swordsman. compulsory course.

(End of this chapter)

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