The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 13 Luffy VS Mihawk

Chapter 13 Luffy VS Mihawk

A small sword, not enough to cut through a watermelon, but it is enough to slice through the chest of the strongest swordsman in the East China Sea.

Unbiased, as if he hadn't moved, Hawkeye seemed to have forgotten at this moment that there were three sharp blades dancing crazily around his arm holding the small sword, which might cut his skin at any time. Let his precious blood burst like a spring, just because he has already determined in his heart that the sword will not hurt him. At this moment, he feels that the whole world belongs to him. Stretch a little further forward, and the young man's skin will be scratched, followed by blood swelling and gushing out.

But at this moment, Hawkeye found that the corner of the swordsman's mouth was not filled with fear and uneasiness, but a sense of relief. Hmph, losing is nothing more than that, the dignity of being a swordsman cannot be desecrated.

Hawkeye stopped his forward-moving hand, he wanted to let the young man go, but the young man didn't seem to accept his kindness, the ruthless blade still hit in his own direction according to the established track come over.

Hawkeye smiled, and sent his arm forward, but the direction has moved a small distance.

The moment the little sword touched the skin, the whole world was filled with tranquility, without a single sound, as if all the voices chose to escape at this moment, because they felt the unyielding way of the sword.

"Rather let him pierce your heart? Why not back down."

"I don't know, but if I shrink back here, then the vows and agreements I have made so far will be completely negated, and I will never have the face to come back here."

"Yes, in that case, you will lose completely."

"Hey, I won't be able to retreat in this way."

"It doesn't matter if you die."

"It's a good thing to die."

"Such firm perseverance, rather than admit defeat, would you rather sacrifice."

At this moment, Hawkeye saw from Sauron's eyes the never-ending pursuit of the way of the sword, and his understanding of the meaning of the sword has surpassed most swordsmen. Such a person is worthy of his sword.

As he said that, Hawkeye slowly pulled out the small sword stuck in Sauron's chest, put it back into its sheath, and then slowly put his hand behind his back, and then he pulled out the nearly two-meter-long sword. In my heart, Sauron has been formally classified as his opponent to respect. People who really pursue the way of swords are worthy of respect. Because they understand swords, they cherish each other.

At this time, Sauron also smiled. From the beginning to the end, he didn't have any other emotions, only a happy smile, because this was a real struggle with the strong.

At this moment, the three knives formed a standard three-point angle, showing a 120-degree angle between every two knives, and suddenly the three knives began to rotate at this moment.

The speed became faster and faster, but it didn't stop. There were waves of sword waves floating around from the blade, as if they wanted to open up a space in the direction of the sword, and this space It is filled with Sauron's sword intent at the moment.

Suddenly, Sauron's whole body seemed to be integrated into this space, becoming a part of the space formed by this sword wave.

Then Sauron, under the effect of this space, charged towards the direction of Hawkeye, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Three swords technique?"Three thousand world.

Bang bang bang bang~ With the sound of a strong explosion of anger, Hawkeye also moved, and saw that his entire big knife was tightly held in his hand.

It only took a moment of breath, and the whole person passed through the space formed by Sauron, and the half-kneeling appearance of Hawkeye who hit the past made it impossible to see what kind of breath he was emitting.

Even how he made the move, they didn't see the slightest bit. They waited for the moment when Hawkeye slowly stood up, and people saw the blood sprayed from the long scar on Sauron's chest. In the confrontation just now, Sauron's moves didn't play any role. For a character of Hawkeye's level, fancy moves didn't have the slightest effect in his eyes.

The sound of blood falling to the ground struck the hearts of everyone present, and it was at this moment that Luffy finally realized the power of this strong man standing on the great route, the world's number one swordsman.

With such a serious injury, according to the situation of ordinary people, he could not stand up at this moment, but Sauron turned around slowly, his eyes did not change because of the sword wound, and there was still a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sauron, who turned around, put away the only sword in his hand that didn't fall, opened his hands, and smiled into the eagle's eyes.

"What are you doing?" Hawkeye was surprised by Sauron's actions and asked involuntarily.

Sauron smiled happily, but the blood slowly dripping from his forehead had blurred his eyes, and he said in a row at the corner of his mouth: "The middle of the back is the shame of a swordsman."

"Say yes."

As he said that, Hawkeye started to move, and saw that his great sword was swung once, and a scar appeared on Sauron's chest again, so that the two scars formed a divinely harmonious fork shape. up.

And at this moment, Sanji, who was watching this scene in the same place, was full of shock in his heart. This is a shock of temperament. Even if he dies, he still has the temperament to pursue his dreams.

Suddenly Sanji remembered a conversation he had with Zoro. It was when Sanji heard that Zoro was going to compete with the world's number one swordsman like Hawkeye, and asked him what he would do if he sacrificed his life in pursuit of his dream?
"As a swordsman, when you want to become the strongest in the world, you have already put life and death aside."

Seeing that Zoro faced Hawkeye calmly even if he lost, and opened his chest, Sanji was already full of anger in his heart.

"The opponent is truly number one in the world, and the result is already very obvious. Since you are going to die, then give up your ambition."

Thinking of Sauron in Sanji's heart, he suddenly found that he had to spit out a breath.

"It's easy, isn't it? Just give up your ambition."

A breath of suffocation came out of Sanji's chest following this yell, and he didn't know whether he was speaking to Zoro or himself.

And at this time a figure jumped out, he stood in front of Hawkeye, and said: "Sanji, Usopp, rescue Sauron from the sea, he is not dead yet."

After saying this, Luffy said to Hawkeye: Although you are the strongest swordsman, you will never be his opponent. Next time we meet, you will meet his swordsmanship. At that time You must be the loser.

"Hmph, ignorant weakling." Hawkeye didn't pay attention to Luffy's clamor, but just said something disdainful.

Watching Sauron being salvaged, Hawkeye suddenly said loudly to Sauron who was rescued by Sanji and Usopp in the distance: "My name is Joracle? Mihawk, it's not time for you to die yet. , Know yourself, know the world, you have to become stronger, Roronoa? Sauron, no matter how many years it takes, I will wait for you in this strongest position, and try to surpass the power inserted into the brave you. Those daggers, try to overtake me, Roronoa? Sauron."

In fact, Mihawk yelled it out, especially the last sentence "Come and surpass me." It was very loud, maybe this is a person who is too tall and eager to have an opponent who can fight against him .

At this time, Luffy also calmed down. He knew that Hawkeye's words had a great influence on Sauron, so now is not the time for him to interrupt.

After saying this, Hawkeye suddenly turned around and said to Luffy, "Little devil, what is your goal?"

"One Piece."

"That's a harder road than surpassing me."

"Huh~, I will definitely do it in the future, and the One Piece will definitely be me." At the end of speaking, Luffy seemed to have an aura that exploded in an instant.

Once, a domineering aura erupted, which was domineering, but he could only erupt under such circumstances, but he couldn't use this aura independently.

"Domineering, domineering." Hawkeye murmured slowly from the corner of his mouth, then glanced at Luffy's straw hat, then walked away from here, no one stopped him, and Lufei was still silent at the moment At that moment, the aura erupted from Hawkeye Mihawk's body, it was a familiar aura, but Luffy couldn't tell where he had felt this aura at all.

(End of this chapter)

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