Chapter 15 Belmer
It only takes less than three days to get there from the sea restaurant to Nami’s hometown, Cocoyasi Village, so everyone is quite happy along the way, but the closer you get, the atmosphere on the boat becomes a bit strange.

Although everyone was still making all kinds of jokes, Zoro exercised himself as always, and Sanji kept making all kinds of delicious snacks and making all kinds of tea to please Nami.

And Usopp is making all kinds of strange things on the deck of the cabin, but the sound of explosions is heard from time to time, and when Usopp walks over with a grinning face, everyone can see him studying these things If it wasn't for the special reinforcement of the place where he experimented, the deck of the Golden Meili would have been blasted with holes long ago.

Although Luffy sometimes ran over to mess with Usopp, other times he would sit quietly on the goat's head, feeling the sea breeze on his face.

"Touch~." The intimate contact between the glass and the deck made the entire harmonious cabin shift its attention to this side, because there Nami was exactly where Nami was.

Everyone knew more or less about the situation in Nami's village, so everyone along the way knew how heavy Nami's heart was, but no one directly put it on the table.

They were waiting, waiting for Nami to say it herself.

Luffy, who was sitting on the goat's head, calmly watched Nami tidy up the brittle glass debris in a panic, and accidentally cut her finger. Nami pulled up, cleaned up the broken glass residue after giving her the medicine, and then comforted Nami for a while, and made Nami a glass of delicious red wine again.

Red wine is more effective than tea at this time, because after drinking red wine, people can get a moment of anesthesia from the alcohol, which gives them sustenance in their hearts. Only in this way can they not blindly think about some things.

Looking at Nami who looked at her with sincere eyes, at this moment, she still couldn't hold back the sadness in her heart, and the long-term grievance finally broke out completely at this moment.

"Woo~ woo~."

Nami finally let it out, and Luffy saw how heartbroken Nami was crying, he couldn't bear his emotions anymore, jumped off the goat's head and walked towards Nami's direction, while fiddling with Usopp, who was a little thing, also took up the role, and Sauron, who was practicing, also put down his homework and came over. Sanji, who was standing by the side, was even more distressed. Letting a lady cry is the last thing a gentleman wants to see. to the scene.

As it was ignited like a wisp of smoke, all the partners were surprisingly silent at this moment, but at this moment in Nami's heart, this silent waiting may be the most sincere friendship.

Because Nami knows that although they have not said anything at the moment, they will not hesitate at all if they only say their request, even if the road is full of ups and downs, not to mention that the Straw Hat Pirates at this moment have all learned gossip The strength of the practice team in the pattern has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Quiet silence, and this sentiment did not last long, a cup of tea was enough.

Although Nami was still sobbing, she had already begun to talk about the deepest secret buried in her heart, which was about her adoptive mother, Bermel.

Bermer, originally a navy, was a pirate who took hunting down pirates as her own mission. With a strong sense of justice, she followed the strong pace of the navy and destroyed one small pirate group after another.

In her mind, pirates are existences that destroy people's stable life. Only by eliminating them can the world truly return to a peaceful era, and people no longer have to worry about pirate attacks.

But during an assault, the navy around her fell one after another, and finally they were all wiped out. Only she, who was stunned by an unknown attack midway, escaped the catastrophe.

But when she woke up, she found that the entire small island had turned into a sea of ​​volcanic flames, everyone was dead, and those who survived had all evacuated here.

When she was also about to leave here, she heard a voice from a distance, it was the sound of a child crying, and the motherhood buried in the deepest part of her heart burst out at this moment.

She passed through areas filled with fire one after another, and finally saw the source of the sound in a small house. It was a little girl, no, it was two little girls.

They were still in their infancy, but they encountered this catastrophe, Belmer, picked them up.

When she returned to the village where she was born, she was already the mother of two children who had nothing to do with her.

Since Bermer was seriously injured in that battle, she couldn't do any heavy work, let alone sea fishing, but in order to feed these two fresh little lives, she stubbornly planted oranges.

Although plain and difficult, their lives are very warm and happy.

Until one day, from the moment a fish with skeletons and jumping bones was hung, demons came to their village.

In the end, their village was easily notified by this group of people. At that time, a word appeared in Nami's memory, that is, pirates, yes, pirates, this is a group of pirates who call themselves evil dragons.

They are very powerful, even the strongest warrior in the village, A Yuan, is no match for them.

Because he couldn't pay the so-called protection fee, the moment the evil dragon pointed a gun at Bermer's forehead, Bermer didn't feel afraid or scared, but smiled softly and said: Lili, Nami, I Love you guys.

Then she fell under the gun of the evil dragon. At that moment, Nami's heart was full of anger. Although he was only seven years old at the time, the harshest seeds had been planted in her heart. She wanted to kill the man who killed her mother with her own hands. people.

But dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel. Nami was captured by Aaron because he could draw sea charts. Since then, Nami has become a member of the Dragon Pirates, and because of his drawing ability Soon he became a cadre of the Dragon Pirates.

It's not because she wants to be a pirate, but there is always a voice in her heart telling her: Lili, Nami, you can't lose to anyone!Girls should be stronger. No matter what happens, don’t resent the times you grew up in. Even if you are not praised by others, it doesn’t matter. You must always be strong enough to laugh. As long as you live, there will be many things that make you happy things happen.

This voice was a sentence Bermer said to herself and her sister, so from that moment on, Nami had an idea in her heart that she not only wanted to live strong, but also to make her village live strong.

So she used her drawing ability to make a deal with Aaron, the leader of the Dragon Pirates, that is, when she prepares [-] million Berry, she can exchange the entire Cocosia Village and her freedom.

He has always had such a thought in his heart, supporting her to sneak into various pirate ships to steal their treasures. In the past eight years, the suffering she has suffered is not something ordinary people can bear.

But all these thoughts were shattered the moment she met Luffy, because of Luffy's words.

"Aaron will not let you go, even if you earn enough [-] million Berry."

This sentence shattered all the dreams in Nami's heart. In fact, in Nami's heart, why didn't she know that Aaron would not accept credit? Prevaricate.

But in Nami's heart, she has always been unwilling to believe this. While desperately stealing the treasure, she still has Bermel's encouragement in her heart. She needs a thought to keep her from stopping her continuous forward steps.

From the moment the dream was shattered, all the hopes in her heart were pinned on this group of partners who loved her, because they were all her most sincere partners, and what Nami saw in their eyes was sincerity and love.

Nami has seen the strength of the evil Dragon Pirates before, and dragging them into the water like this, Nami's heart hurts.

Nami's sobbing sound gradually became smaller as she slowly told the story, and finally returned to normal. When she raised her head, she still saw three four faces staring at her in a daze. There is no expression on their faces, but Nami can see an emotion from their faces, this emotion is called heavy, but there is no trace of hesitation, they are just waiting, waiting for Nami to speak, to ask them to help She, but there is no other reason, it has nothing to do with whether their opponent is strong or not, because the five of them are now partners, partners who share life and death.

Seeing this scene, no matter how strong a person is, they couldn't help being moved. Suddenly Nami turned her head and said to Luffy and the three of them: "Please help me, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Uzumaki!" Thorpe. "

At this moment, the faces of the four people showed knowing smiles at the same time, and they shouted in unison: "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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