The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 16 Shrimp, die.

Chapter 16 Shrimp, die.

Nami, who had untied the knot in her heart, finally smiled, and the haze of several days completely disappeared from the heads of the Straw Hat Pirates. In the next day, they did nothing, except for the banquet, The thorough banquet continued until the island appeared in front of the ship.

At this moment, Luffy and his group stood side by side at the front of the cabin, staring at the place in the distance. From the outside, Nami's village, Cocosia Village, is quiet and peaceful, with beautiful scenery and lush trees. Such a Who in the village can see the predicament he is facing?

"Nami, you, Sanji, and Usopp go back to the village directly, and let the people in the village not run around. Sauron and I will attack their base camp. Come over after you have settled the villagers. Remember not to Let a villager get hurt, they are where you belong, and we need to keep them safe with our fists."

Luffy made a decision as quickly as possible, and there was no room for refutation.

"But, Sauron suffered such a serious injury, is it okay?" When Nami looked at the white bandage wrapped around Sauron's body, she still couldn't help but say it out, and she wanted to comfort the villagers in her heart. It is enough to go alone, but Luffy knows that Aaron is really on his way to Cocosia Village at this moment.

"Nami, don't you understand?" Luffy didn't look back, but just said such a sentence in a very flat manner, and at this time Zoro also took a step forward, standing with Luffy , there is nothing else in the eyes.

Sanji nodded at Nami, signaling that Nami doesn't need to say any more, trusting his partner is enough.

When the boat approached the shore, Luffy said to Sauron: Let's go, and then the two of them ran forward at full speed, and at the moment the hat that Luffy always wore was on Nami's Holding it in his hand, Luffy put the hat that means the most to him in Nami's hand.

And Sanji and Usopp also headed towards Cocosia Village under the leadership of Nami.

On the way back to the village, a village that Nami and the others passed by has been completely destroyed, but it was a manatee from the Dragon Pirates that destroyed them. This manatee is huge and has a strong impact .

Along the way, Nami's mood has also become a little dull, but there are Usopp and Sanji by her side, and Nami's mood has improved a lot under the comfort of the two of them.

The moment they stepped into the village, Nami's mood suddenly improved. She stood quietly at the gate of the village, slowly spreading her hands, feeling the breath coming from the village and the orange blossoms. The fragrance after opening, these smells make her intoxicated, this is the smell of home.

Sanji and Usopp on the side are also quietly guarding Sanji. It feels like they have had it before, because they have also had similar experiences. Looking at the smile on Nami's face, the two of them are also very happy. I smiled unconsciously.

There is no need for special yelling. The news of Nami's appearance at the entrance of the village has already spread to the village. Nami, who just finished feeling the smell of the village, opened her eyes and saw a beautiful girl rushing towards her. That person was Lili, her older sister, Nami also laughed and rushed towards the girl.

Behind them are still two Sanji and Usopp who are like followers.

Seeing the two girls hugging and cheering in front of him, Sanji was completely intoxicated by the ambiguous atmosphere, but fortunately, Usopp still remembered Luffy's entrustment, the first thing he should do at this time is to let everyone All the villagers went back to their homes, don't run around, this is the most important thing, thinking of this, Usopp couldn't care less about Nami's reunion with her sister.

"Nami, do serious business first, hurry up."

"Yes, Nami-san, let the villagers go back to their homes first, so they don't get hurt." Sanji, who heard Usopp's words, finally got rid of his idiot-like face at this moment, and returned to a normal person. Feel like.

"These two are." The first to speak was Nami's older sister Lili, because in Lili's eyes, Nami had no real friends, let alone life and death. In Nami's world, only money and the village remained.

"They are my partners. This time they came here to beat Aaron." Nami said to Lili, with sincerity in her eyes, which Lili has never been forced to do since eight years ago. After joining the Dragon Pirates, Nami saw it in her eyes. It seems that this time Nami met a real friend, Lili thought in her heart.

"Let's go, let's ask Uncle Yuan to let everyone hide, and the Dragon Pirates may come back later." Nami took Lili's hand and ran towards the village.

At this moment, Luffy and Zoro finally came to the lair of the Dragon Pirates according to the direction Nami said. Looking at the bunker-like existence in front of them, it can be seen that the Aaron Pirates are squeezing from the nearby area. How much wealth has been acquired, and how much of this wealth has been squeezed from the villages of Cococia, and how many poor people have paid for their extravagant lives, all because they bullied those unarmed villagers.

Seeing the castle in front of him, Lu Fei's heart seemed to return to the present world. Those corrupt officials, those gangsters, what kind of fish and meat people are they, how do they embezzle the hard-earned money of kind people, and what about them?

Spend a lot of money, feasting and feasting?

Why, why do these people exist in any society, and what is the meaning of their existence? Is it fun to bully others?
At this moment, Luffy's heart was full of anger. This anger was not only because of Nami, but also because of his contempt for these nasty characters from the bottom of his heart, and his disgust for what they did from the bottom of his heart.

Filled with anger, Luffy smashed the big iron door inlaid with precious jewels with a punch, and at the same time shouted loudly: Shrimp, die! They also realized that someone had come to challenge their authority. This was not the first time for them, so they didn't feel much surprised. However, the two people in front of them were able to blow open their iron gate with one blow. In this regard, the strength of the people who challenged their authority this time is stronger than before.

But the pride that has been deeply buried in these people's minds makes them think without hesitation that as long as they are human beings, they are lowly, and they are no match for their murlocs. Have they forgotten that they were once regarded as human beings before? Are you a mount slave of some kind of scum?

A group of small shrimps rushed towards Luffy and Zoro like this, waving a shining sword blade in their hands, and there seemed to be a glimmer of light reflected in the sunlight.

Luffy, who couldn't stand it for a long time, couldn't suppress the bloodthirsty desire in his heart at this moment, and rushed into this group of people, like a dragon entering the sea, his fists There must be a murloc who was severely injured, and the weaker ones would be killed by Luffy's blow, and Sauron rushed in as if he hadn't been injured. The three knives were divided into three directions, not because of such attack power. Bigger, but because only in this way can these little guys be killed quickly enough, they are not the main course, so they don't need to spend much energy to deal with them.

The time for half a cup of tea has not yet passed, and nearly a hundred murlocs were all chopped down to the ground. Of course, Luffy stopped his fist in front of a murloc's face in good time, "Speed ​​up and let your boss come over, I have something to do with him, and it’s time for a stick of incense to come, so I’ll tear down your den.” As he spoke, Luffy kicked the trembling murloc who had already been frightened, and asked him to give it to the dragon and pirates. The boss, Aaron, reported it.

And Luffy sat comfortably on the chair at the top of the school field in front of the castle, feeling the arrogance of the murloc leader, suddenly Luffy remembered something, and whispered in Sauron's ear After saying a few words, Sauron pulled out the sword in his hand again, and ran towards a corner of the castle. He jumped over the nearly three-meter-high city wall with a single leap.

At this moment, Aaron was wandering around the various villages in his domain to see if any villages were preparing to resist them. Along the way, when he saw those lowly humans looking at him tremblingly, Aaron felt infinitely satisfied , Once upon a time, he looked at those humans with condoms like this.

In Cococia Village, at this moment, with the assistance of Nami and others, Ah Yuan began to let all the villagers go back to their homes to hide, but in the end there were still some strong young people who were unwilling to hide, and they followed Ah Yuan Protecting Nami together, they all know in their hearts how much Nami has paid for this village, they are all young and frivolous, who cares about those few drops of blood, how can a dignified man always hide behind a woman, even though at this moment There are two brave men beside Nami protecting her.

(End of this chapter)

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