The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 17 Usopp VS Dragon Pirates Leader "Whew."

Chapter 17 Usopp VS Dragon Pirates Leader "Whew." (1)
After helping all the villagers in Cocosia hide, there are more than a dozen people standing behind Nami, and among these people are Sanji, Usopp, Yuan, Lili, and a dozen young and strong boys .

Although in Sanji's view, these young men can be completely ignored, because they will not be of much use after they go, but Sanji did not say this, because Sanji understands that these people may understand themselves, they help It's nothing to do, but in their hearts, they will not let Nami fight alone. They are using their actions to tell Nami that you are not fighting alone, and we, we are your guardians, is your home.

The purpose of their group of actions under the leadership of Nami is the home of the Dragon Pirates. From the moment they take this first step, they have no way out anymore. The only way for them is to defeat Aaron. choose.

After leaving Cocosia Village for about a cup of tea, Nami and his party finally met the cadres of the Dragon Pirates on the official road, but Aaron, the leader of the Dragon Pirates, was not among them.

The members of the group of Dragon Pirates that Nami and his party met were mainly led by the cadres Black Belt and Shuu. From Nami's mouth, Sanji and Usopp knew some characteristics of these two cadres.

The black belt, the cadre of the Dragon Pirates, did not eat the devil fruit, the cartilage murloc, uses weapons and fists, and is good at murloc karate. It is said that the murloc karate has reached forty ranks.

Phew, the cadres of the Dragon Pirates, who didn't eat devil fruits, kissed murlocs, and had weapon mouths. They were good at attacking, using their mouths to absorb water, and then launching them through the protruding lips of the mouth, which was very powerful.

Knowing the opponent's strength, he will naturally be able to deal with it better. Sanji smiled and said, "Nami, you and Yuan will have no problem dealing with those little shrimps, right?"

"Usopp, you deal with that, show off your shooting skills."

After speaking, Sanji quickly rushed towards the direction of the black belt of the cadre, without giving Nami and the others a little room to think. At this time, some young people wanted to clean up the ignorant human being in front of them, but found that this person's There seemed to be a thousand catties of strength on their feet, making them unable to withstand the power of his kick.

At this time, although Usopp's legs and feet were already trembling, he would not choose to back down from the unavoidable battle, after all, this was his first step towards his dream.

After slowly putting on the dust-proof goggles, he held Usopp's special slingshot and took out a fiery red lead bullet from his small bag, Usopp's sure-kill gunpowder star.

A lead bullet with a strong gunpowder temperature rushed towards the direction of Xu, Usopp, who had a [-]% hit rate, did not make any mistakes at the moment, and the gunpowder star fell in front of Xu in a coordinated manner. The bullet also exploded with a strong explosive impact, and with a bang~, Xu's whole body was bombarded with intense gunpowder.

This completely irritated Xu, and he quickly rushed towards Usopp, and at the same time, a water bomb quickly condensed in his mouth, and impacted towards Usopp with a whoosh. over here.

At this moment, Usopp didn't dare to push it too hard, because he, who is good at shooting, can clearly see how powerful the disgusting water bomb spit out from his mouth is.

If I continue to stay here, although I can dodge it through quick reactions and learning the skills in the gossip pattern, it will inevitably happen that I dodged, but this attack falls on the Cocosia villagers. No, after thinking for a while, Usopp once again launched a more powerful kill?Gunpowder Star.

I saw the sharp gunpowder breath of the carriers of the two gunpowder stars rushing towards the direction of Xhu, although Xu had made enough preparations this time, he was still shot by one of them, and at this time the other The two gunpowder stars were also ignited by the breath of the explosion, and the two gunpowder stars burst out with strong energy at the same time, even the murlocs with a strong body would inevitably not be affected by some shocks.

Usopp did not love to fight after the blow, but quickly retreated in another direction. There were no villagers in Cococia in that direction, so Usopp could fight with him to his heart's content.

And at this moment, Sanji, who saw this scene, also slowly led the black belt to another direction, and there were no villagers in Cococia in that direction, and they should be able to deal with the remaining small shrimp Minami, just to be on the safe side Along the way, in addition to attacking and guiding the black belts, Sanji also attacked some small shrimps, reduced their number and learned about their strength. Compared with the cadres, the strength of the little ones is still far behind. Shan After knowing the strength of these little guys, he confidently led the black belt aside and started a fiercer battle.

Under the leadership of Nami and Ayuan, the villagers of Cocosia soon began to fight with the little ones of the Dragon Pirates, although Aaron brought more than two hundred little ones every time he went on tour. There are a lot of people, but now the combined number of people led by these two cadres is no more than [-] people, and after Sanji has solved some of them, these little people are no more than a dozen people.

However, it is not very difficult for Nami and Ayuan to deal with these people, so Nami and Ayuan are facing two people at the same time, and they can quickly resolve the battle. Those villagers are not very bad. One can still do it.

For a while, the battle here gradually became clear, and it will end soon, but Nami can still see the anxiety in her eyes, because there is still a strongest person who has not appeared at this moment, that People are Aaron.

And there is also a cadre in the Dragon Pirates, that is Bazai, whose strength is no less than Zhixuan and Black Belt, and facing these two people is Luffy and Zoro.

Nami is not worried about Luffy. Although Aaron is strong enough, Luffy is not a vegetarian. Nami is most worried about Sauron, because Sauron still has serious injuries. strength has a great influence.

Quickly dealt with these little guys, Nami waited anxiously for a while, then shouted loudly in the direction of Sanji and Usopp: "Sanji, Usopp, hurry up and finish the battle!" , Luffy and Zoro are still waiting for us."

When Sanji heard this sentence, he replied naturally: "Oh, get rid of it immediately." Although the black belt is very strong, it is only limited to underwater, and his strength on land has been greatly reduced , not to mention that he is facing Sanji who has learned the exercises in the Bagua pattern.

And Sanji usually tries his best to meet the demands of ladies, not to mention that there is another person waiting for their help this time. In the bottom of his heart, Sanji said to himself: "Idiot green algae, don't die It fell."

After that, Sanji suddenly kicked his feet on the spot and his body began to rotate. I saw that his feet became red with the acceleration of his speed, and the temperature also increased. Sanji must Killing skills of the devil Lan foot.

But Usopp, who is still fighting with Xie, is not so relaxed, because his opponent is standing near a water pool at the moment, and he has inexhaustible bullets to attack Usopp, and his water bombs It is very powerful and has a long range, so Usopp can't find an effective way to attack for a while.

But the concern for Sauron in his heart is even greater, so Usopp also began to speed up the frequency of attacks.

Killing Gunpowder Stars, Killing Gunpowder Stars, and Killing Lead Bullets all rushed in the direction of Xu, but each time it could bring a certain amount of damage to Xu, but it was not enough to cause him to be fatally injured. s damage.

Suddenly, the whole person drank a big mouthful of water towards the pool, and then suddenly fired a big water cannon in the direction of Usopp. The big water cannon of Xiu's nirvana, the water bomb not only became larger in size, but also Its power has also increased several times, and its attack range and power have increased several times at the same time.

With a whoosh, it rushed towards Usopp, and at this moment, Usopp was finally wiped aside by the ruthless water cannon, and his body fell to the side like a kite with a broken string. , A bold decision suddenly appeared in Usopp's eyes at this moment.

The moment his body fell to the ground, Usopp shot the last half bottle of industrial alcohol stored in his bag in the direction of 呵. Of course, such an obvious attack method would not bring much danger to 呻. , I saw that the carrier's half bottle of industrial alcohol was smashed into pieces with a single-handed hack. Usopp finally laughed after seeing this scene. It seems that he can get rid of this annoying guy immediately. .

(End of this chapter)

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