The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 18 Usopp VS Dragon Pirates Leader "Whew."

Chapter 18 Usopp VS Dragon Pirates Leader "Whew." (2)
Then Usopp fell heavily to the ground, resisting the pain from his back, Usopp shot a kill in the direction of the whistling?Smoky star, with the formation of a puff of smoke, Xu's vision was obstructed by his eyes.

No.18 Palm: Luffy VS Aaron
After Xu's sight was obstructed, Usopp continuously fired various nirvana moves towards the middle of the smoke, killing lead bullets and gunpowder.

Suddenly, a large amount of water vapor spewed out of the smoke, and the water vapor quickly dispersed the smoke around Xu, and at this time, Xu looked in the direction of Usopp as if he had exploded in anger. This was the most vulgar insult he had ever received since he followed Aaron. He was very angry in his heart, and the consequences were obvious.

I saw that the whole person suddenly opened his mouth wide, and then formed a bubble around his mouth that was much larger than the big water cannon fired just now. Just know the power of this blister.

But at this time Usopp laughed, because this move of "Xu" was completely giving Usopp the best support for his next thoughts, and a fiery red lead popped into Usopp's hand.

Bow is Usopp's characteristic slingshot, and bullet is Usopp's characteristic lead bullet.

With the running track of the lead bullet, you can clearly see that the lead bullet rubbed against the air to produce sparks, and as the bubbles in front of the mouth of the mouth became bigger and bigger, when it was about to launch, the lead bullet was mixed with strong The anger rushed towards the direction of the 咻.

Looking at this scene, I despise this guy with a long nose like a contempt, and this annoying lead bullet, what role can he play for my strong body?

Suddenly, the lead bullet, which was still safe, exploded when it approached Xu's body. What he exploded was not the explosive energy breath, but a large flame.

Usopp's ultimate move is the fire star.

I saw that this large cluster of flames suddenly caught fire when it touched the water around him. Yes, the water that was least likely to catch fire caught fire.

The flame began to spread along Xu's throat towards the inside of Xu's body. At this moment, Usopp took out a hammer from his bag and rushed towards Xu's direction.

At this moment, Xu was completely stunned by the scene in front of him. The pain in his body made Xu feel a burst of panic. This panic was not because of the constant pain in his body, but because he felt what he was about to face. Difficulty, it seems that there is really a force that wants to destroy him.

The smoke in front of him has obstructed his sight, and he can no longer see anything in front of him clearly. People generally have a heartfelt fear of unknown things, and instinctively raise their hands to protect their own. The head will be hit.

But this opportunity cannot be grasped by the murloc who reacts so slowly, because at this moment Usopp has raised his thick hammer high, and this hammer Usopp is preparing to repair the Golden Merry At this moment, the hammer combined with the power of "falling" in the gossip pattern smashed fiercely on Xu's forehead.

"Stupid." With the last beating note in his mouth, he fell down helplessly. Maybe he couldn't believe that he would lose until the end, especially when he lost to such a person who was trembling before fighting.

After he got it done, Usopp let out a long sigh of suspense in his heart, followed by a sense of excitement, which made him seem to shout out loudly, but he didn't, because his brothers were still fighting.

Slowly sorting out his messy clothes, Usopp came to Nami and the others, and Sanji's battle was almost over at this moment.

Without the superior black belt underwater, Sanji can be completely suppressed, and when he has already started to use Lanjiao, the outcome of this battle has already been decided, and it is only a matter of time before it ends.

Seeing that Usopp had finished the battle, Nami rushed up immediately and helped Usopp check if there were any wounds on his body, squeezed here, looked there, and let Sanji who was still fighting get angry stuffy.

The power of love is absolutely powerful, especially for Sanji, who has no immunity to beautiful women, and can't stand any stimulation. At this moment, he completely exploded, even if he is facing the [-]th stage of karate Sanji's anger is not so easy to follow, so the next black belt is completely abused by Sanji.

Devil's feet?First-class ground meat, demon feet?Second-level ground meat, with the final blow to the devil's feet?With one blow to the broken flesh, the black belt finally fell down, and at this time, the black belt did not have a single intact bone all over his body. Although his life was still there, he was still a useless person.

The red feet slowly returned to black. Sanji took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket and held it to his mouth. After lighting it, he took a deep breath and felt the pleasure of nicotine anesthesia. Slowly spit out the boredom in his mouth, and then rushed to Nami's side with such a look of needing to be beaten, but this time Nami did not suppress Sanji angrily, but looked at Sanji very gently. Whether the whole body is injured.

Nami gently helped Sanji check the pain on the body, and after carefully inspecting one side, at the moment when Sanji was completely intoxicated, Nami showed the most evil smile at the corner, followed by a storm After a blow like that, and then an over-the-shoulder fall, Nami patted the dust off her hands, and then walked forward viciously.

At this moment, Nami's mood is very good, because he is more sure of victory. Now the only thing that worries Nami most is Sauron. How is Sauron's injury?Nothing happened to him, did he?No, with Luffy by his side, nothing will happen to Sauron, for sure.

Nami's heart was lifted once, and she accelerated her pace of advancement in an instant, and Usopp quickly followed after binding up this group of evil dragon pirates.

Sanji?Of course he followed in a desperate manner. As for receiving Nami's fist of love, he didn't care at all. What he felt when the fist hit him was not pain, but also love.

The screen returns to the old lair of the Dragon Pirates. At this moment, Luffy is sitting quietly on the chair that originally belonged to Aaron. He is thinking about problems. It is rare to find that the single-celled Luffy can think about problems.

Suddenly the fragile door was pushed open, and a murloc over [-] meters tall walked in. This murloc was no different from the dragon in Luffy's memory, with the same sharp nose and ugly face.

Along the way, the evil dragon saw one after another of his own people fell on the ground, his heart was filled with anger, and then his eyes were completely focused on the boy who was sitting on the chair that belonged to him and was picking his nose at the moment , Seeing the young man looking at himself with a playful expression, the evil dragon could no longer suppress his anger in his heart.

"Ahhh." Aaron yelled at Luffy, wanting to vent out the anger in his chest, let that humble human being feel his anger, and then wait to accept his anger.

Suddenly, the evil dragon discovered a very serious problem, that is, the pool that was supposed to be open has been completely blocked by an unknown hard substance at this moment. Does this prevent him from using the power of water?Boy, you underestimate me, Aaron.

Even if you don't need water, I'll still play you to death, Aaron thought in his heart, but looking at this small human in front of him, why is Aaron so uncomfortable in his heart?
Aaron's whole body suddenly moved, his speed was a world of difference compared to that of a black belt, a hundred meters away, only one breath was enough for him, I saw Aaron's hard nose At this moment, the telltale spun, like crazy sawtooth, trying to tear Luffy's body apart at this moment.

However, Luffy is not a vegetarian either. He escaped Aaron's sure-fire attack with a single blow, and then punched Aaron with a long fist.

Although Aaron's body is big and burly, it doesn't mean that his body is not flexible enough. Murlocs are born with stronger bodies than humans. Even with such a big body, his movements have no effect at all. You can see how flexible Aaron's body is from any of Luffy's punches.

Before landing on the ground, Luffy attacked Aaron's body with another sweeping leg. This time Aaron did not choose to dodge, but head-to-head. The arrogance of the murloc made him choose to fight against the seemingly weak human in front of him. A head-on collision of physical strength.

When two people met for the first time, there was no extra words, and the exchange was just a few glances. The first glance Aaron asked whether it was Luffy who caused all his compatriots to fall, and Luffy replied with a very contemptuous look. yes.

Then, Aaron signaled you to seek death, and Luffy replied, try it.

Then the two collided fiercely. Sometimes there is no reason to fight, because this battle must be faced, so there is no need to say much.

(End of this chapter)

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