Chapter 19

Aaron, the sawtooth shark man, has never eaten a devil fruit, is addicted to money, has the ability to bite like a shark, and has the bite force to bite off a shell in one bite. The reward is 2200 million Berry.

It is such a person who rules over an area including Nami's Cocosia Village, but today, he faces his strongest opponent in the East China Sea, an unknown boy, who is also doomed to his fate. Destiny has also come to an end here.

With a bang, Luffy's feet collided with the murloc Aaron's arm. Both Luffy and Aaron felt strong strength from the opponent's body, and both sides took a step back.

Luffy wasn't too surprised, because in his impression he knew the strength of the murloc's body, but Aaron's heart was full of shock, but as the pride of the murloc, he didn't exaggerate the murloc's strength too much. strength.

Adhering to the purpose of attacking first to be strong and then attacking to suffer, Luffy didn't stay too long, but tried his best to attack around Aaron's body. At this moment, the ability of the rubber fruit was fully reflected.

However, Aaron is not good either. Aaron's physical strength and physical strength are much greater than what Luffy wanted. The two of them came and attacked each other. Suddenly, Aaron took a right step to avoid the weight of Luffy. Fist attack, the head swiped towards Luffy's arm, even if Luffy wanted to retreat at this moment, he couldn't do it.

Because if Luffy is on the side of Aaron's body at this moment and is still in the air, if Luffy chooses to avoid Aaron's blow at this time, the speed of his body's forward movement will definitely be seriously affected. In that case, Aaron The left fist will bombard Luffy's head without hesitation.

With a squeak, Aaron's sharp nose cut through Luffy's arm, and a stream of blood slid out of it. He gritted his teeth. Regardless of the wound on his arm, Aaron crossed the attack range of Aaron's left fist, and his whole body Forcibly twisting in the air, the strength of the waist and abdomen exploded at this moment. During the rotation of the whole person, the waist borrowed the momentum of the abdomen, and then combined with the power generated by the rotation, concentrated all the strength on the right leg, and then followed the trend With a side kick, he slammed in Aaron's direction fiercely.

When the legs were swinging, they elongated, and the ankles just touched Aaron's face, and a fierce footprint was printed on Aaron, and Aaron didn't expect that under such circumstances, Luffy would still Being able to react so quickly, and the speed of this blow has completely exceeded Aaron's imagination, it is too late to dodge.

This round, the two of them each received a blow. Aaron spat out a mouthful of sticky stuff containing blood scum, and looked at Luffy fiercely. However, the two were about ten meters apart at the moment, and they couldn't make a sneak attack.

Luffy stood up gently and tore off a strip from his clothes to wrap his arm, and stopped the bleeding. Although the ability of the rubber would allow him to recover in a short time, but looking at the blood Constantly losing Luffy felt very uncomfortable.

Without even looking at Aaron, Lu Fei suddenly said in a low voice: "My goal is One Piece, not to rule all the pirates, but to be able to float freely in the sea, take risks and enjoy the passion of fighting. From the moment I chose to be a pirate, I have already realized that I need to fight with my life at any time. There is nothing wrong with desperate, but I never fight without reason, even if you are against me Blunting curses, even if you pour the rest of your drink on my head, even if you spit at me, I don't care, but if you hurt my friend, my partner, I will You should wake up and prepare for my anger."

"I beat you because you made my cutest navigator cry. That's why I came to fight you."

After finishing speaking, Luffy did not attack immediately, but squatted on the ground with his legs apart, and pressed his right hand on the ground. The blood in his legs began to accelerate, and then stimulated his whole body. Aaron originally cut his right arm There was also a stream of blood sprayed out of it, but it was quickly blocked.

Some smoke-like breath began to boil from the body, and then we could clearly hear the three words "second gear" from Luffy's mouth, to speed up the blood circulation in the body to speed up the metabolism of the body cells. Obtaining enough power in certain things, but it also speeds up the survival time of the cells on the body. Doing so is undoubtedly exchanging one's own lifespan for strength, but for those who have already sold their lives to Pirate Flag In terms of life, what does it matter how long you live?The key is to live wonderfully. At this moment, the spiritual temperament that originally existed in this body has completely affected the mind of Wang Haotian who resides in and controls this body.

It was not only Aaron who saw this scene at this moment, but also Nami, Sanji, Usopp, and Yuan who rushed over. At this moment, Nami covered her mouth with tears running down her cheeks. Stayed silently, and Sanji hurriedly wanted to go up to stop Luffy's actions. It would be much easier for the two of them to deal with Aaron together, but Usopra stopped Sanji, shook his head, and didn't say a word ?

No need to say much, this is a battle that Luffy has to face, the most important thing to do as a companion is to watch him quietly from the sidelines, watch him win, even if he loses, even if he loses completely Can't make a move.

Yuan was the first to react. Yuan, who glanced at the Dragon Pirates, remembered the man with the green algae head and bandages that Nami mentioned, but there was no such person in this place. Ignoring Nami's emotions, Ayuan said to Nami: The person named Sauron is not here, Nami, you and Usopp stay here, and the rest of us go to find him.

After hearing Ah Yuan's words, Nami also realized this problem, and nodded silently. Although she was also worried about Zoro's situation in her heart, it shouldn't be a big problem if Sanji was there.

As he said that, Yuan took Sanji and half of the youths in Cococia Village and ran in another direction to where they were looking for Sauron, and Sanji was also very flustered, after all, Sauron at this moment With such a serious injury, if something happens, it will be bad.

At this moment, the battle between Luffy and Aaron has started again. Luffy in the second gear has improved a lot in terms of speed and attack power, but Luffy can clearly feel that using this trick at this moment does not seem to be [-]% Luffy's rubber fruit body can easily bear the speed at which the blood is accelerating at this moment, and there is not much load at all, but no matter how Luffy speeds up the blood flow Speed ​​was of no avail, so he had to give up in the end. Being able to display these strengths is already very good.

During the confrontation, Aaron has completely lost his advantage in speed. As Luffy's JET gun attacked Aaron, Aaron's body could no longer bear the pain in his chest as he retreated rapidly. Flatulence, a mouthful of blood spit out like this.

If you continue to attack like this, it won't take long for Luffy to kill Aaron easily, but the blood flow in his body seems to be warning Luffy that the time to continue in this state is running out. If you don't solve it quickly If he fights, he will face a more severe situation. Although Luffy can clearly feel Usopp and Nami who are silently supporting him by the side, if he speaks, they will definitely help him get Aaron together, but Luffy can't.

Because this was his battle, various thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, but his physical movements did not slow down in the slightest. The JET gun fully exploded at this moment, and Aaron was no longer suppressed at all.

However, Aaron can clearly feel that Luffy's attack power is slowly decreasing from the attack power coming from above Luffy's fists and feet. As long as he can persist for a while, there will be a great situation waiting for him. The changes before and after Luffy, Aaron, who has experienced the baptism of the great route, certainly knows the reason. He has already made it clear in his heart that Luffy must have used a secret method to increase his body energy by a certain level within a certain period of time. , but this secret method generally has a time limit. Once this time is over, the abilities of all parts of the body will be greatly weakened. At this moment, he only needs to withstand the next few attacks from Luffy. Okay, the counterattack needs to be left at the end.

For a while, Aaron secretly gathered energy to minimize the damage caused by Luffy's attack. At the same time, he did not forget to yell loudly, "Hahaha, come on, let me feel your last strength, If you can't kill me, I'll kill you."

Once again feeling that Luffy's attack power had dropped to a certain point, Aaron not only said arrogantly.

At this moment, Luffy has also made it clear that the time he can use this state is running out, and he can use it for less than 1 minute at most. When he heard Aaron's words, Luffy's heart lit up, and he suddenly remembered Knowing that his body also contains the power of the gossip pattern.

The fierce fight just now made him seem to have forgotten his ability to know this technique, and he completely used Luffy's tricks. Thinking of this, not only did the corner of Luffy's mouth crack, he laughed, and at the same time, Spit out two words, "Looking for death."

(End of this chapter)

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