The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 20 Blooming Friendship

Chapter 20 Blooming Friendship

When the word "seeking death" just came out of Luffy's mouth, I saw that Luffy's hands stretched back quickly. The body that could only be stretched by about three meters was stretched by Luffy at this moment. The length is close to five meters, but Luffy didn't care about these, because now he doesn't have so much time to think about these things.

"JET shotgun, I saw that Luffy's hands seemed to shoot out two rounds of attacks in an instant. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could barely see it. Even if Aaron was fully prepared at this moment, he was still directly blasted away. .

But Luffy didn't let Aaron who was blown away, because Luffy knew that with Aaron's body strength, the two blows just now were powerful but not fatal, and now Luffy needs to give him a hard blow. Only in this way can the murloc who has occupied a place and been domineering for so long come to an end.

Luffy's speed was very fast, and he rushed to the place where Aaron's body fell in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Aaron was completely in a semi-comatose state, his consciousness was a little fuzzy, and he could barely stand up. Protecting his head with his strong hands.

But this is not important anymore, because at this moment, the move launched by Luffy can't be stopped even if Aaron's whole body is made of steel. I saw that one leg of Luffy suddenly stretched in the direction of the sky, and his other leg stretched out. One foot was nailed to the ground like a stake, and the right foot stretched into the sky once again broke through the stretchable limit of Luffy's body. It was nearly eight meters long, but this time his right foot did not go up quickly. Extending this, but extending towards the sky with a very vague feeling, it seems that his right foot is extending and making the air tremble.

It wasn't until the moment when his right foot reached the limit distance that Luffy's whole body became red, and the blood started to run again, and the wound on the right arm that had healed was opened by the blood, and a stream of blood sprayed from it. out.

Ahhhh~ Nami and Usopp could clearly hear his growl from Luffy's mouth. This is a more ferocious growl of wallpaper tiger wolf. At this moment, Luffy turned into an invincible victory.

Rubber Rubber ~ Shocking Tomahawk.

Following Luffy's loud shout, the right foot, which had already stretched to the limit, began to explode at this moment. It was still trembling slowly, but at this moment, the most intense blasting sound erupted.

It seems that when Luffy's legs passed through this area, there was a strong shock to this space, and the gas in the entire space could not bear the pressure and exploded.

At this moment, the air flow caused by the arrival of the Sky-Shaking Battle Ax has already blown on Aaron's face, and Aaron, who was still a little dizzy, has fully awakened at this moment. In his eyes, he seems to feel that the whole sky is following That foot pressed against his body, and he felt suffocated.

But this feeling didn't last long, because before Aaron could think again, Lu Fei's right foot had already stepped on Aaron's head fiercely, and all the accumulated power seemed to be at this moment. He found a vent, and poured everything out at Aaron.

If there is a next time, I will definitely not choose to wait until his state is over, I will definitely try my best to fight with him, and I will definitely not be careless.

This was the only thought that popped up in Aaron's mind at the moment when Luffy's right foot just touched it. At this moment, his entire body has been crushed into the ground, leaving only an ugly His fish head was on display for angry people to come and spit on his head.

And at this moment, Luffy's second gear has finally reached the point, and the whole person seems to have collapsed, and fell directly to the ground. Nami and Usopp, who have been paying attention to the situation here, can't care about other things. What's the matter, they rushed towards Luffy's direction quickly, and the fragile Nami couldn't stop his free teardrops, venting them outward one by one.

After cleaning up Luffy's body briefly, Nami tore off a large piece of clothing material from Usopp's body, helped Luffy wrap the wound on his right arm, and then hugged Luffy aside , still let Usopp tie up this damn murloc Aaron, and Usopp has a better talent than anyone else in this regard.

After cleaning up all these, Usopp got some water from the pool that had been filled with a lot of stones, barely wiped off the blood stains on Luffy's body, and then gave Luffy some water to drink. The cool water is waiting for Luffy to wake up.

Luffy, who drank a sip of water, seemed to cheer up all of a sudden. His hazy eyes slowly opened, and then he sat up suddenly, and said to Usopp, Sauron, let's go to Soron soon. Long there.

Then Luffy fell down again, this time not only used the second gear too much, but in the final blow, Luffy used the shaking sky pattern among the gossip patterns.

Combining these two abilities, Luffy's last blow can make people feel so terrifying. It is an ability that can shake the world. It is a waste to deal with a mere murloc.

But the key is Luffy's use of the second gear. It seems that there is a certain truth in the timing of Luffy's second gear in the original book. Although Luffy knows how to use the second gear, but in the past It is indeed too early for him to use second gear in terms of his current body.

And to deal with the character of Aaron, even if Luffy doesn't use the second gear and doesn't use the skills on the gossip pattern, he can still successfully defeat Aaron with his rubber ability, but that kind of defeat is in an absolutely high-profile manner compared to now The effect of defeating is different.

For a long time, Luffy recruited Sauron, Usopp, Sanji and Nami, and there were not so many things that happened in the original book to cultivate their sense of tacit understanding and feelings they only saw.

Luffy vaguely felt that the state was very bad, so when he was sitting on Aaron's throne to kill those little guys, Luffy had already figured out how to do it in his heart, although it would be difficult to do so. Some risks, but judging from the current situation, the effect is quite good.

Of course, Luffy still understands this very well, because he is still in a coma at the moment.

After waiting in place for a while, I saw Sanji walking towards Nami and the others with Zoro on his back. Looking at Aaron who fell down and being subdued, and then looking at the exhausted Luffy, Sanji's heart was completely shocked up.

Shocked by the deep friendship between Luffy and Zoro, their friendship fully bloomed at this moment.

Not only because of the strength shown by Luffy at this moment, but because of the deep tacit understanding between Luffy and Zoro. Although on the Golden Meri, the two of them practiced the exercises on the gossip pattern together occasionally, other When everyone is together there is no other difference.

But at this moment, when the two people who had suffered such serious injuries came into contact with each other's breath, they seemed to have finally let go of the burden in their hearts, and fell asleep peacefully.

On the other hand, Yuan looked at Zoro who was struggling to hold on just now, and finally fell into a deep sleep on Sanji's back at this moment, Yuan was also extremely happy in his heart.

Because of the deep friendship between these people, Yuan can completely relax and let Nami follow them to adventure into unknown places and pursue their dreams.

And in the hands of the young Cocosian villager, he also lifted a man wearing a navy uniform, but extremely long and shrunken. That man had already been stabbed by countless swords.

When they rushed there, they found that Sauron had fallen on top of a naval ship, and all the navy on it had been brought down by Sauron.

Everything seemed to be passing peacefully. Luffy and Zoro were arranged at Nami's home. Nami's sister Lili took care of them personally. The only doctor in the village of Cococia came to treat them but found that their bodies seemed to be There were no major injuries, it was just a need to rest due to excessive exertion.

(End of this chapter)

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