The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 21 Banquet, Ah Yuan's Windmill

Chapter 21 Banquet, Ah Yuan's Windmill
In the second question, when the sunset in the evening spread over Nami's body, there seemed to be an indistinct aura emanating from her body. This aura made people feel comfortable. What we can feel above is tenderness and warmth, but at this moment we can clearly see her charming smile on her face.

At this moment, two people came slowly from behind, a man and a woman. The man's face was sewn with needles and thread, and he seemed to have suffered serious injuries, but at this moment there was a pure smile on his tall face.

A woman who followed behind was about the same age as Nami, with the same beautiful figure, the same deep eyes, and the same heartfelt smile on her face.

"Ah Yuan, Lili, you are here." Looking at the two people who came, Nami smiled brightly.

"The man named Sanji has been looking for you for a long time. Ah Yuan and I know you are here, so we will come and take a look. Everyone is very happy now and want to hold a banquet to celebrate, what do you think?" It was Na who spoke. Beautiful sister, Lili.

"Seeing your current appearance, Bermel, you can also see it." At this moment, Ah Yuan put away his smiling face, and instead sat solemnly in front of a small grave in front of Nami, Said.

"You guys go back to the banquet first, and you can't neglect Nami's friends, they are all good people, especially those two little brothers, they should still be sleeping now." A Yuan said to Nami and Lili.

"But." Nami seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Lili, and the two left slowly, leaving Ah Yuan sitting there quietly.

He took out a big cigarette pouch that he hadn’t used for a long time from his pocket, lit it slowly, took a puff, and watched the smoke slowly spit out with his breath, Ah Yuan’s eyes that had been strong all the time were no longer there. Unable to bear the smell of smoke, tears of happiness flowed out. This was also the first time this strong man shed bitter tears.

At this time, Nami and Lili, who were hiding in the grove, couldn't help but shed tears, turned around slowly, and left here. They still need to go back to hold a banquet.

Amidst the wanton laughter of the villagers, as well as the culinary experts in the village, they started to make a sumptuous banquet with Sanji, and the villagers kept bringing out all kinds of food from their homes. Even some nearby villages began to flock to Cocosia Village at this moment. When they came, they not only brought food, but also brought home-brewed wine for a long time.

They want to thank the heroes who saved them from the dragon pirates.

Suddenly the music sounded, and in the tallest house in Cocosia, a man who was extremely obscene and also had a long nose began to sing there, and the singing almost covered the entire battle After entering, it also includes the reason why Luffy joins people: "My goal is One Piece, not to rule all the pirates, but to be able to float freely in the sea, take risks and enjoy the passion of fighting, from my choice From the moment I became a pirate, I have already realized that I need to fight with my life at any time. There is nothing wrong with desperate, but I never fight without reason, even if you blurt out to me Swearing, even if you pour the rest of the wine on my head, even if you spit on me, I don't care, but if you hurt my friend, my partner, you should Wake up, and prepare for my wrath."

All the people, at this moment, all sang along with that wretched man's tone. They unscrupulously vented their long-suppressed passion, and the excitement at this moment made them completely release their usual restraints.

At this moment, Nami and Lili came to the room where Luffy and Zoro were. According to what Nami said, five catties of beef and five catties of pork were placed on Lu Fei's bedside, and the smell was all gone. Sanji's special ingredients are full of fragrance.

On the head of Sauron's bed was the oldest wine stored in Cocosia Village. A large barrel was placed there. The aroma of the wine slowly spread to his nasal cavity along Sauron's breath, and then reached his stomach. .

Just after putting these two things away, the two people who were still lying down suddenly got up like corpses at this moment, one of them took the barbecue and started to eat, the other picked up the barrel and started pouring it into his own Fill the stomach.

This couldn't help making Lili who was watching from the side laugh. Seeing Nami's sincere smile beside her and the person she could treat so seriously, Lili not only put down a big stone in her heart.

"You're right. They don't need any medicine for their injuries. One needs to eat meat and the other needs to drink alcohol. You know them well." Lili said to Nami.

"Hmm~." Nami responded excitedly, not paying attention to the hidden meaning behind Lili's words.

For these two bottomless pits, ten catties of meat is definitely not enough for travel expenses, it is just an appetizer, but for Sauron, a barrel of wine is nothing more than gargling.

At this time, the sound of the celebration outside the banquet also came in a timely manner. Luffy, who had an absolute preference for the banquet, jumped off the bed at once, and ran outside directly, and at this moment Sauron followed closely , and ignored Nami and Lili who were standing aside, but just after running out a little, Luffy suddenly realized that there was someone behind him, not only looked back, but when he saw Nami, the corners of his mouth cracked, exaggerating He yelled at Nami with a smile: "Nami, let's have a banquet together." After that, he ran out, but occasionally looked back, and felt relieved after seeing Nami and the others make a move.

At this time, Luffy and Sauron were almost side by side. Looking at Sauron beside him, a kind of friendship suddenly appeared in Lufei's heart, yes it was friendship.

"Zoro, how are you doing?" Luffy asked casually.

"Of course, it's not leaking, but why don't you tell Nami and them?" Zoro said with some doubts.

"Let's talk after we go out to sea. It's not the time yet. Don't worry, there won't be any crisis for this village. Let's go, I'll accompany you for a drink." Luffy said in a voice that only Sauron could hear.

However, the intimacy between the two of them at this time made Nami and Lili who were behind them feel chills, chills for no reason, as for why it is unknown.

With the addition of the Straw Hat Boy and Chlorella, the banquet gradually came to an end, and Luffy, who had a bottle of wine with Sauron, was absolutely hit. Stomach, there is nothing wrong with it, and it can be barely wiped out with a catty, but here Luffy found out who the frog in the well was talking about, compared with Solomon, you are kidding, he drinks like water, there is something Compare.

But fortunately, after Luffy drank with Sauron for a while, some drinkers from Cocosia Village and the surrounding area also ran over one after another, having a great time drinking with Sauron.

People who drink always have a common language, so they don’t know each other after drinking, but they kiss like brothers when drinking. After drinking a few more drinks, Luffy left this dimple. After all, now Luffy is still hungry. It seems that the two gears are indeed a bit exhausting for the body. It takes a lot of food to replenish it.

Suddenly, Luffy remembered a very important thing, that is, he found that after traveling here, he had never had a big relief except occasionally, and he sometimes noticed that it was not just him who didn’t, Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp don't have them. As for Nami, Luffy really can't pay too much attention to this aspect.

It seems that the food eaten will eventually be completely turned into energy, otherwise, how could it be possible that he would not even have a big solution, and along the way, Luffy also noticed that there were some artificial fertilizers on the vegetable gardens near Cocosia Village. With those budding green dishes.

Thinking about what to do, Lu Fei was not only speechless for a while, isn't he looking for a bad type for nothing?It's okay to pay attention to this, what to do, still eating, said Lu Fei took a big bite to the fat and tender pork leg in his hand, in this world, he didn't enjoy it.

Eating and eating, a figure gradually appeared in front of Luffy. Although his face was terrifying, the speeding car above his head made Luffy not only laugh.

"Uncle, this hat of yours is so fun, you can turn it around, come and eat meat." Although Luffy has a clear understanding of Speeding Ayuan in his mind, it's better not to think too much about these old fritters.

Ah Yuan didn't speak. When he took the barbecue that Luffy handed over, he took advantage of the situation and sat beside Luffy, took a bite, and then said in a voice that the two of them could hear: "If If I find out that you are bullying Nami in the future, I will definitely fight for you." After speaking, Ah Yuan fixed his eyes on Luffy, because Ah Yuan needed Luffy to give him a promise.

Regarding this, of course, Luffy would not hesitate, but said firmly: "Uncle, as long as I am alive, I will never let Nami get hurt in the slightest. Please rest assured that Nami is my partner. Even if she dies, I will protect her to the end."

After saying such a sentence, Lu Fei looked at Yuan very seriously, and the two of them stared at each other in a daze at this moment, which made Nami and Lili, who were just about to come over to talk to Lu Fei, look at each other again. I feel a chill.

At this time, Lu Fei suddenly smiled and said: Uncle, your windmill is really fun.

(End of this chapter)

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