Chapter 22

Amid the joy, Luffy and the others spent three consecutive days of banquets in Cocosia Village, and this day was the day when the Straw Hat Pirates left. There was no particularly intense send-off, because there was only a slight Just shine.

The only people who knew about their departure were Lili and Yuan. The tattoos of the Dragon Pirates on Nami's shoulders had been switched to his favorite orange tree. One was forced to be tattooed, and the other was What I like, although Nami also suffered a lot when getting the tattoo, but she is very happy in her heart.

Without any other words, several people boarded the ship slowly, leaving only Nami at the end, and let her have a little time to say goodbye. Who told Luffy, the captain, to suddenly get nervous and throw all the boats on the third watch? People screamed, yesterday they were having a lively banquet, and just fell asleep for a while, then stood up again and prepared to sail.

But everyone didn't really complain. After all, what happened to everyone in Cococia Village was just an episode in their voyage. Their goals are far away and their future is big, so they don't need to pay too much attention to these things. On the contrary, they leave less now. Some people have sophistication and lack of parting. This is the style of being a pirate, coming and going without restraint and freedom.

Seeing Nami's forced happy smile and Lili's crying face, Luffy and the others waited silently on the boat.

After a while, Nami turned around suddenly, and said: "Okay, it's time to leave, don't worry, I have so many partners, I will be fine, after speaking, Nami made a mischievous gesture at Lili and Ayuan." She made a grimace, and then rushed towards the Golden Meili, and started the boat. Just when Lili was about to say something loudly, a large number of villagers suddenly appeared from behind them, all of them were killed by Aaron in this area. Those who have been bullied, at this moment, I can see them desperately waving at Luffy and the others. You can vaguely hear them saying, come back when you have time, let’s continue, but as the boat slowly leaves the dock and returns to the sea. Hugging, the voice also slowly dissipated.

At this moment, there was no trace of sadness in the dock. After all, they left after finishing everything this time, and they didn't have any regrets. Apart from being sleepy, everyone didn't feel any other feelings.

Adjusted the direction of the ship, followed the map obtained from Bucky and sailed in the direction of the great route, and the destination of the next stop was Rogue Town, where the legendary One Piece died.

But at this moment, they didn't have the energy to think about these things. Instead, they all lay on the floor and continued to sleep, letting the boat continue to sail forward with the wind direction. Anyway, the wind direction in this calm East China Sea is still very stable.

At noon, the sun was hanging high, and waves of heat attacked the Golden Meili, as if he wanted the ship to feel his power.

At this moment, Luffy and his party also slowly woke up. When Sanji, who was the first to open his eyes, looked at Nami who was dazed on the dock at the moment, he jumped up and rushed into the golden plum. The unique kitchen on the Li started his most important work of the day, making a cup of early tea for Nami to relieve fatigue and refresh her mind.

However, Sanji will also cook some meat that Luffy and the others ate. When the smell of meat flowed into the nostrils of Luffy and the others along the sea breeze, the few people who were still sleeping just got up. .

When they came to the familiar dining hall, several people were preparing to eat delicious Sanji specialty dishes. Suddenly, Luffy seemed to remember something, and said to Sauron: "Zoro, let's get him out, how many times?" He probably can't bear it now.

Speaking of which, Lu Fei took the lead and rushed to the hut where they were sleeping, but when Lu Fei rushed in, he found that Octopus Xiaoba, who was still tied up, had disappeared. After a moment of astonishment, Lu Fei Fei carefully searched aside for a long time but found no trace. At this time, a figure appeared at the door of the room and said coldly: "Luffy, you asked Sauron to hide him here."

Luffy turned around and saw Nami standing at the door. From what he said, Luffy knew that Hachi must have been moved by him, but now Luffy was completely relieved, because at least Hachi Eighth, nothing particularly serious will happen.

"Yes, I asked Sauron to beat him and tie him here, and then attacked the navy ship, because I didn't want to hurt Hachi, he's not as bad as Aaron and the others." Luffy said seriously looked at Nami.

Nami did not continue on this question, but said slowly: "Luffy, I have never asked you, but now I want you to tell me one thing, because this thing has always been in my heart A knot, if this knot is not untied, I will always be uncomfortable in my heart."

What was supposed to come finally came. No matter how she concealed her ability to predict the future, all of this was discovered by the thoughtful Nami.

Although Nami knew that one day she would need to give them an explanation the first time she said something to Nami, but Luffy didn't expect that this time would come so soon.

"Let's go, let's talk in the hall." As he said that, Lu Fei walked out of the room first, and at this time everyone gathered around one after another. After Nami's words, they felt it more or less in their hearts. Fei always has the ability to predict their information. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but people are still curious after all.

After several people sat down, Lu Fei smiled lightly and said: Actually, I was waiting for an opportunity to tell you about my ability to know your information, but I have never been able to find this opportunity.

Originally, I thought I would tell you all this at the moment when we rushed into the great route, when we talked about our dreams together, but now Nami asked, so I will tell you, because in the East China Sea, our Straw Hat Pirates The partners needed are strange.

Having said that, Zoro, Sanji and the others looked at Luffy all at once, as if they were very interested in what Luffy said.

Our party needs ten companions in all, and there should be four besides us, a historian, a ship doctor, a ship repairer, a musician, and one I don't know.

As for why I know this, it is entirely due to this. Speaking of which, Luffy took off the straw hat that never leaves his body, and took out a note from the interlayer.

This is when I was 11 years old, I read it from a basic comic book I got in a cave where I practiced all the year round, and then picked it up by myself, because there are several clear characters in this book.

"Monkey? D Luffy Voyages."

Because the name is exactly the same as mine, I am very concerned about this layer of comic books, and I have carefully speculated about its content, but one day I discovered a very strange thing.

That is, whenever I wandered through a certain page, it would disappear, as if it had never existed. After discovering this, I started to frantically flip through that little book, and then One message after another appeared in my mind.

I know that in the end I found nine pieces of black iron sheets, which recorded this set of exercises, that is, the set of exercises I taught you. After I basically learned it, the nine pieces of iron sheets also disappeared, and at the same time they transformed into A line came out.

"Follow the trail of the black iron sheet, find the most evil demon, and destroy him later."

Then it disappeared completely. At that time, I was 15 years old, but I also knew something, that is, this is the mission that was added to me. My mission is to eliminate demons, and I need some help in this process.

Then I recalled the introduction in the little book.

According to my memory, I wrote down these things and put them in my most precious straw hat, because I know that it is impossible for me to go on this road alone, so I need your help, and from this little book Shang also means this mission, so I started my adventure according to the above track. I was also shocked when I met Sauron on the first day, because it told me that what was said in the comic book was not wrong, so I started looking for you again and again, because this mission needs your help, and I don't want some things in the comic book to appear, I don't want you to suffer any unnecessary harm, because you are all My most precious partner, it doesn't matter if this mission cannot be completed.

Next, you can choose for yourself, whether to continue sailing with me or to leave, I will not have the slightest complaint.

And Nami and his party, who were still looking at the brief introduction given by Luffy, raised their heads when they heard what Luffy said, and after taking a look at Luffy, they continued to check this.

Just slowly choked out a few words from Nami's mouth.

"We are partners in life and death."

(End of this chapter)

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