The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 23 Octopus 8.

Chapter 23 Octopus Little Eight.

Following Nami's words, everyone seemed to fall into a tacit silence, but it was obvious that at this moment, everyone seemed to have no barriers in their hearts, and the distance was closer.

"If the above developments are followed, Kaya will not be in danger." When he saw something about Usopp, Usopp not only changed his face, but also thought about Luffy's actions at that time. Thorp was afraid for a while, if Luffy didn't know this at the time, Usopp couldn't imagine what to do if something went wrong.

Not only Usopp, but also Sanji, Zoro, and Nami couldn't help sighing secretly when they saw this, and they all felt a little warmth from the bottom of their hearts for each of Luffy's decisions, because Lu Fei Fei made some decisions that he didn't understand at the time, but they were all for their own good, in order to save them or their relatives from harm.

And every time Luffy waits for the navy to take those little fish and shrimps away before setting sail, Nami not only thinks that she is still suspicious of Luffy because of the Octopus.

Speaking of which, Nami rushed over first, dragged her out of a room next to her, and said at the same time: I saw this when I came to add some things to our boat. Although I was very annoyed at the time, I knew the way Feiyou, you will tell us these things, since I have chosen, I already know that Octopus Xiaoba is not bad in nature, so I will leave it to you to deal with it.

Seeing Octopus Xiaoba dying, Luffy quickly untied him from the rope, poured him some hot soup made by Sanji, and put him aside to let him recover slowly.

At this time, Luffy didn't bother to continue watching these things he secretly wrote down. He put on a very upright look and ate by himself. Sanji's food is really good. Every time he eats, there is a kind of It feels transparent, and every time I eat it, my whole body feels very comfortable and full of nutrition.

After watching for a while, Zoro also walked away, sat aside and ate his portion of food, followed by Sanji, and Usopp returned to their seats one by one and began to eat, and only After Nami finished reading it, she slowly put it away, and then sat down to eat.

Everyone ate very slowly, as if they had something on their minds.

"If you have any thoughts, please speak up." Feeling this state, Luffy couldn't help but say, because in Luffy's heart he understands these partners very well, and Luffy also has his own ideas. If they If you don't say it, then only you can say it.

"Luffy, shall we always sail according to what is written on it?" Sauron was the first to speak, for him, this is very important.

"Isn't it good to sail like this? At least we know what kind of danger will appear ahead, so we don't have to worry about it." Seeing Sauron's expression of not wanting to follow the script, Usopp was the first to react. This man who is naturally worried but has endless courage is always afraid of danger, but he wants to be a brave sea warrior.

"I don't think we can follow this script, it would be too boring, what do you think, Nami-san." The person who said this while making an extremely cheap expression to Nami, of course It's the wretched chef, Sanji, who we love when we see beautiful girls, and praise when we see naked ones.

After thinking for a while, Nami still spoke, and slowly spit out such a line of words from her mouth.

"I don't want to follow this script, because it's too boring and meaningless, but if Luffy decides, I don't have any opinions. After all, there is nothing wrong with living like this. Sauron can Get training, he will be getting closer and closer to the world's number one swordsman, Sanji may also find ALLBLUE on the way, Usopp will gradually become a brave sea warrior, and I can also draw All the sea charts in the world, and Luffy, you can also walk slowly towards the road of One Piece, and the so-called mission, we can also complete it according to this script."

What Nami said was in everyone's mind. If you follow the script, everyone already knows the route. Although it's a bit boring, it's not impossible, but if Luffy decides, everyone won't have Opinion, after all, sometimes the captain needs to be given the strongest sense of trust. This is the awareness that a crew member must have. If everyone doubts the captain's decision, then the team will definitely not form a solid block, and sooner or later it will broken up.

Luffy glanced at everyone, and then said seriously: "I decided not to follow the plot."

As soon as Luffy's words came out, everyone laughed, especially Zoro, who laughed brightly, but at this time Usopp still made a terrible remark.

"Luffy, you didn't make this decision because of all of us, did you?"

"Of course not, since I chose to tell you these things, then I have already made this decision." Luffy said slowly.

"However, we need to find the remaining partners according to the introduction in this plot. Although the comic book says that ten partners are needed, only nine of them know the information, so we will find the remaining partners on the next voyage. Changing the script during the process and not following the routine above, but which places we need to go through, because there are still partners we need.”

"Of course, none of our partners can be missed." Nami said seriously, and the others seemed to mean the same thing. After all, it is not easy for everyone to get together. Being able to give up easily is a partner that God arranged for them in the dark.

Luffy seemed to have expected this, and then said: "There is one more thing I hope everyone can agree to, that is, I need to decide the big route, because I have found the black iron piece once, and according to the above, we I seem to have a sense for the next direction, so this direction needs to be determined."

Speaking of which, Luffy told Nami and the others about the black iron sheet he found at Mengka the Axeman and the gossip patterns recorded on it, and then got confirmation from them.

Luffy determined the direction of the big question, and discussed the future route with Nami, and then discussed several ways to reach the small island where their partners are. Of course, all the partners participated in it. Come in.

Finally, after everyone finalized all the plans, all the meals were almost eaten, but this is not important anymore.

Although we had just finished our meal, everyone was happily preparing for the banquet because we learned so much information at once, and at this time Xiaoba finally woke up.

"Yeah, Hachi woke up, come on, we're having a banquet." After saying that, Luffy ran over, preparing to pull Hachi to join them. Of course, Luffy still liked Hachi's takoyaki. expected.

"Who are you?" Little Hachi seemed very afraid of Luffy's behavior.

And at this time, it was Sauron and his party who saw Xiaoba wake up and came over. Seeing the sword in Sauron's hand, Octopus Xiaoba finally recalled one thing.

That was when he was about to feed the manatee moo, the man with the sword came over and led him for a while, but when he passed by a boat, he suddenly lost consciousness, and now this man But the man appeared in front of him, Octopus Xiaoba seemed to understand a little bit.

"You guys dare to arrest me, I'm a cadre of the Dragon Pirates, and also, Nami, how did you get involved, are you really a defector like you said?"

Octopus Xiaoba doesn't seem to be stupid, and he finally understands when he sees the form in front of him.

But seeing that the people in front of him didn't seem to be malicious, he slowly calmed down, and it was time for Nami to play at this time, after all, Nami was the closest person to Xiaoba.

Nami started from the various evil deeds of the Dragon Pirates, and finally talked about the destruction of the Dragon Pirates, and how Luffy saved him, so that he would not be taken away by the navy, and that disgusting navy was taken away by the navy. How did Sauron clean up.

Nami told Xiaoba almost everything he knew, but looking at Nami's appearance, Luffy knew that if he said it according to Nami's appearance, it would be that year or that month.

"Xiao Ba, I don't want you to be hurt. We will let you go at the next stop. You can go back to Bubble Island. Uncle Lei Li is waiting for you there." He shook his head, as if touched by something.

(End of this chapter)

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