Chapter 184 Dilemma
Sanji stepped down from the platform installed in the competition very gracefully, but took one last look at the No. [-] beautiful chef in front of him, and then held in his hand the identity that Mingde gave him for the finals. Tiaozi came to the place where Luffy was waiting for him.

But when he just walked to the place where Luffy and others gathered, Sanji felt dizzy for a while, because except for Robin who smiled at him, indicating that he had seen all the wonderful performances in his eyes, Luffy and the others All of them were sleeping soundly, as if they were not interested in Sanji's game at all.

A black line climbed up on Sanji's forehead in an instant, without much explanation, Sanji just flew up and kicked the group of wolf-hearted partners.

"Ah, do you want to eat?" Luffy opened his eyelids in a daze, and when he saw Sanji's angry look after being kicked awake, he asked a little shyly.

"You idiot, you dare to even kick me." Zoro was about to draw out the sword in his hand, but at this time, Perona, who had been sleeping with her eyes closed all the time, and Sanji didn't even kick, was slow. Slowly opened his eyes, just in time to see Sauron's vicious look, he couldn't help frowning, and at the same time a large date was placed on Sauron.

"Why are you arguing, idiot." Perona yelled coquettishly, but even though Sauron was annoyed, he didn't dare to say anything.

"Hahahaha." The scene of Zoro made everyone, including Sanji, burst into laughter.

"Let's go, let's change back." At this time, Robin, who was behind Nami, naturally knew that it was time for her to play.

The day after tomorrow is the time for the finals, but at this time, Sanji was staring at a box in a daze.

"Sanji, look." A man ran in from outside suddenly, holding a small bag in his hand, and handed it to Sanji with joy.

"Usopp, it's useless, these are simply not enough." Sanji was very distressed, but at the same time, he was deeply moved by his group of friends.

The Straw Hats, who were going to go back to the residence to celebrate Sanji's direct promotion to the final, were thrown into the current predicament with Robin's light sigh.

In Robin's hand, apart from stating the time and place, there is clearly a very small line of words on the note that Sanji represents Sanji's promotion role. The first two are notes as small as ants. The word Ming.

Note: Since the final competition is the special dishes of the contestants, all raw materials must be prepared by the contestants themselves.

There are not many words, but it made Sanji and others suddenly feel worried, because what Sanji was going to cook in the final was a dish that required very special materials.

These materials are all extremely expensive, and the activities that Nami left for Sanji are far from enough, even if Sanji takes out all his private money, it is not enough.

In this way, Luffy and the others spontaneously contributed all the pocket money that Nami gave them respectively when they left. At the same time, Robin even mortgaged a very valuable jewelry of his own in the small shop where they lived. I also borrowed a little money from my boss.

But the amount required by Sanji is still more than half.

Sanji was unhappy, Lu Fei and others saw it in their hearts, and after a while, under the leadership of Lu Fei, everyone went to find a temporary job on Liuli Island, hoping to earn some Berries for Sanji.

Although Luffy and the others worked very hard, the Berries they earned couldn't make up for that gap at all.

In fact, Sanji may be able to save enough money by cooking a few dishes for other restaurants at this time, but there is a perverted rule on the note that represents his identity.

It is not allowed to make money in the name of business in any restaurant selected by the contestants, in case the contestants use the name of the cooking competition to defraud the local people of money.

"Usopp, call all the partners back, I'll try to see if I can use some other materials to make it." Sanji's voice was deeply disappointed, but there was a sense of being unable to object.

Usopp was going to object at first, but he glanced at Sanji, and after knowing what Sanji was thinking, he ran out without saying anything, and after a while, a group of people came from outside, among them there were Luffy and others, and Luffy asked directly.

"Sanji, Yipinxian, does it still taste the same after changing the ingredients?" As for Yipinxian, Luffy and others have tasted it a long time ago, and the taste is still clearly remembered a few days ago. It is a dish with endless aftertaste.

"Hey, the taste will definitely change, but there is no other way now." Sanji was a little helpless, and his tone was a little bit decadent.

Luffy thought about it for a while, and then said an idea to Sanji, that is, try to make the dumpling that Sanji introduced by Luffy, which was very effective in Tianlong people.

However, Sanji just shook his head lightly, as if he had already thought of this idea.

"Dumplings, this kind of cuisine is really amazing, but you have to eat it in your mouth to feel the mellowness inside, but the food competition is not only about the taste, but also the color of the food. The smell is very important." Sanji explained Dao, only not in words, but it is obvious that Sanji is very uncomfortable at this time.

After all, the cooking competition can't help but be related to the ownership of the purple star, and this cooking competition is also very important to Sanji.

"Sanji, do you trust me?" Luffy asked Sanji very seriously as if he had finally made a decision.

"Of course, Luffy, I believe in you." Although I don't know what Luffy thinks, Sanji absolutely trusts Luffy.

And at this time, seeing that Luffy seemed to have some solution to their current predicament, the Straw Hat Pirates couldn't help but the originally gloomy atmosphere suddenly improved.

"Okay, take all the money and go out for me, we need to buy some things, and then Robin, you help us prepare some things." After speaking, Luffy whispered a few words in Robin's ear After a few words, he took Sanji and ran out.

"Sanji, don't ask anything, just follow me, then do what I say, and finally taste the finished product, trust me." Luffy emphasized again.

At this time, Sanji couldn't help frowning, because the place Luffy brought him turned out to be a trade market, and there were no special good materials in this market at all.

But Sanji didn't say much, but followed Luffy silently, making a big purchase.

A large bag of peanuts, although there are not many such things in the New World, but there are some, and then there is a large piece of flour and sesame oil.

Then there is soy sauce, green onion, ginger, chili powder and some very ordinary yak meat.

After buying, Luffy bought some strange utensils in some places, and then walked back with Sanji's surprised face.

Half of the money I brought did not have ikebana, but I have already bought a whole carload of things. These things are all some extremely ordinary materials. So far, Sanji still can't figure out what kind of good dishes can be made with them. .

"Sanji, this time, if you can make the taste in my heart, the No.1 in this cooking competition will definitely be yours." Lu Fei said lightly, a strong self-confidence emerged spontaneously .

(End of this chapter)

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