The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 185 Carved Emerald Jade

Chapter 185 Carved Emerald Jade

Today is a very important day for Sanji, because today is the first cooking competition that Sanji participated in, and the opponents he faces are not mediocre ones, but there are still a few of them who are very competitive opponents, such as the beautiful chef.

At this time, there are only three people standing in front of the final competition, Sanji, the beautiful chef and an old man who is about the same age as Mingde.

This is the number of people in the final round, and at this time, some materials prepared by them are placed in front of them, whether it is the beautiful chef or the old man, there are some very rare and precious materials.

On the side of the beautiful chef, there is a small bottle of sauce that is darker in color than the crown Jiaowang sauce that Sanji is very interested in.

But the most eye-catching thing from the old man is a small piece of meat. This piece of meat is an excellent main ingredient for cooking no matter in terms of quality or color.

In front of Sanji is just a bag of flour, some seasonings such as ginger and green onion, and some very common and cheap yak meat.

This made everyone unable to understand what Sanji wanted to do, but Sanji stood very confidently in front of his own stove, and seemed to ignore the doubts of those people.

"Are you sure you want to use these things to make the dishes for the final competition." Mingde really couldn't believe that what kind of dishes Sanji could make with these low-level ingredients could win the first place in the final competition.

"Hey, although the ingredients are ordinary, I believe that the dishes I make will conquer everyone." When Sanji said this, he raised his voice a little, and all the audience heard it.

"No way, he really wants to use those things, isn't he too proud?" Immediately, many people in the audience couldn't help discussing in low voices.

However, in a small corner among the crowd, the other members of the official straw hat group saw that they had gained a lot of weight, and they were still muttering: "Grandma, after so many years of work for us!" The improvement of the taste of the bowl can't conquer you guys with mouths."

"Okay then, now I announce that the competition will officially start, and the competition time will be three hours." Mingde saw confidence in Sanji's eyes, a kind of absolute naturalness, which made Mingde feel a little dazed, but finally backed away One step, loudly announcing the start of the game.

"Three hours, seems to be enough." "Three hours, although a bit rushed, but it can be done." After hearing Mingde say the time limit of the game, the beautiful girl and the old man couldn't help muttering at the same time , and start cooking right away.

Sanji didn't panic at all and turned on the cooking utensils on the stove, and then put some yak meat into it. After a while, the yak meat was cooked by Sanji after a few turns, and he took the knife After falling, he cut the yak meat into crumb-like pieces and put them into a small bowl beside him.

The next step is to stir some sauces, everything is done very skillfully, and the movements are flowing like clouds and water, very chic.

After a while, all the preparations were completed, and Sanji opened the small bag of flour, and at the same time put some fresh water in the pot, and it started to burn.

Some water was added to the flour, and then Sanji began to knead the flour, and at the same time, Sanji's hands seemed to vibrate, and all the strength was transmitted into each tremor. The dough goes inside, so that the whole dough becomes more resilient.

In a quarter of an hour, the small bag of flour was turned into a dough by Sanji and placed on the stove, and then between Sanji pulling and pulling, the dough became the size of chopsticks at once. noodles.

Not thin or thick, but very tenacious, Sanji didn't stop for a long time, but put the noodles in his hand directly into the pot. At the same time, he raised his hand, and Sanji threw a good-bye alkali noodle into it.

After a while, the noodles were about half-cooked in the pot, and they were picked up by Sanji directly. At this time, the color of the noodles turned golden yellow.

Then put some fresh water in the pot, add some black-bone chicken that can adjust the taste and some necessary seasonings, and start to boil it, and the basic work is almost done.

The next step is simple. Put the noodles on the stove and let them cool naturally. Because there is still more time, Sanji started to do some minor work.

Cut the diced green onion finer, dice some very ordinary radishes, put the tingling sauce aside, and look at the action of the beautiful girl with your legs crossed. He didn't seem interested at all.

The beautiful girl's cooking movements are also very skillful, and there is no slack in the whole process, and she concentrates on making the broth.

In this way, two hours passed, and the face in front of Sanji almost cooled down, becoming a little dry.

Sanji simply put these noodles into different plates, and there was no other action, as if he was waiting for the last time.

In addition, it has been almost three hours since Sanji started to work, and the dishes of the beautiful girl chef and the old man have been made one after another.

One is carved jadeite soup, the other is Phoenix jadeite.

Regardless of its name or the color and aroma of the dishes, they are all top-quality dishes. At this time, Mingde finally walked down and took a look at Sanji. Those few noodles were placed there. Although the color is a little golden, but In terms of color and fragrance, he has completely lost points, which makes Mingde, who was originally very optimistic about Sanji, feel a little disappointed.

But he, who is the main judge at this time, can only follow the procedure, "Since you are all done, let's start with Zhiyun and tell you about the dishes you made."

"Yes." Zhi Yun bent slightly towards Mingde and began to explain about the carved emerald soup she made.

The emerald jade made from the most famous Wangpo tofu in Liuli Island can be said to be invaluable, and Zhiyun used some unique techniques to carve a pair of emerald jade on it with dragon beard needles. Dancing mandarin ducks, and under the action of the dragon's beard needle, those unique crown jiaowang sauces got directly into the emerald jade.

Moreover, during the process of making the soup high, the jadeite jade was not damaged in any way, and it still appeared in the thick soup in its original appearance.

"This carved emerald soup has gathered all the hard work of my master and I, because the crown jiaowang sauce in it is the only authentic crown jiaowang sauce that my master has really used the gravy of jiaolong for so many years. There are dancing mandarin ducks engraved on it, so this dish is also most suitable for couples to share." Speaking of this, Zhiyun bowed deeply again, for Mingde, not only as the main judge, but also as a member of her master bow.

As Zhiyun explained her cooking step by step, Sanji finally understood why this beautiful girl was in front of her. After a brief understanding of him, he can clearly know that Mingde will not have any unruly plans for him. As for his other thoughts, Sanji really doesn't have the heart to speculate.

"My dish is called 'Phoenix Cuiyu'. I use a bird called Guanqingluan, which is the closest to Phoenix. I take the most precious belly meat and mix it with Jiuzhuan Ecstasy Sauce. This 'Phoenix Emerald Jade' dish has a strong taste, so it is most suitable for young and middle-aged people." The old man briefly introduced the dish he made, and then took a step back and said nothing more.

"Okay, Jin Lao's new dish and Zhi Yun's carved emerald soup have been introduced. Let's not comment on the pros and cons of these two dishes for the time being. First, let's No. [-] contestant put the dish in front of him. What is unique about a very common noodle, let us listen together, his opinion." Mingde was very confused, he did not believe that Sanji could surpass the previous two with these things.

(End of this chapter)

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