Chapter 236
As the strange light from the silver ship smashed towards the wall of the starry sky, the wall of the starry sky that was originally extremely hard shook for a moment, and at this moment, I have been ignoring it all the time. The red-haired Kexi suddenly opened his slightly squinted eyes, and shouted to the red-haired loudly, "It's now, hurry up, those guys won't give us a second chance.

The sword in Xiangkesi's hand, following Kexi's loud shout, directly rushed to the side of the slightly shaking starry sky wall along the path of the strongest strange light, combining domineering and Xiangkesi The strength of the sword exploded completely in an instant, and at this moment, on the originally quiet silver battleship, one after another attack with the power of space directly rushed towards that point with all its strength.

"Shh." With a slight squeak, a very tiny hole with a size of only one ten-millionth of a nanometer was bombarded by this huge space force and collapsed for a moment.

"Whew." At this moment, Kexi, who was originally calm, suddenly spit out thick blood stains onto the starry space teleportation formation, and the entire huge silver ship disappeared directly along the hole in this extremely dangerous space. on the way.

"Xiao Zi, we seem to have arrived at your hometown." The Mei Li appeared on the fourth floor of Misr Wanfeng Tower in a burst of brilliance. They are all the same as Xiaozi after Huajiao, and there is not only one in front of Luffy and others, but a group, a group of evil dragons around the Meili, ready to overthrow Mei Lufei and them at any time.

"It's really a dragon. It seems that the possibility of getting a dragon's birth is very high." Sanji, who was behind Luffy and Zoro, was ecstatic in his mind when he saw the group of evil dragons entangled. What was dreamed of did come true.

Involuntarily, Sanji clenched his fists tightly. If he hadn't seen too many evil dragons, he would have caused trouble to Luffy and the others if he acted too easily. Sanji would have rushed up alone. You know, for Sanji , this dragon birth is the best thing for him, because with the dragon birth, Sanji can create the legendary dish that has a special effect on him.

"I didn't expect dragons that had disappeared long ago to appear in this place, but they don't seem to be pure dragons, because I can't feel the breath of blood connection on them, it's like right, it's like a group of people who have disappeared It exists like a puppet of blood." After thinking for a while, Xiao Zi expressed the doubts in her heart.

But at the moment when Xiao Zi expressed her doubts in her heart, those evil dragons that were simply surrounding them broke out in an instant, and launched an offensive directly at the Mei Li, and a series of fiery dragon flames burst into the air. Under the breath of a group of evil dragons, they roared towards Meili, if they were allowed to get close, Meili would definitely not be able to bear it.

"Huh, woo, woo." Xiao Zi snorted, jumped up, and immediately turned into a huge dragon, with flaming scales, horns that were ostentatious, and the dragon that was far larger than surrounding them. The bodies of those evil dragons, which were several times the size, wrapped the Meili in one roll, and those dragon flames sprayed on Xiao Zi's body without any sparks coming out, and were directly absorbed by Xiao Zi into the body.

"I'm going too." As if worried that Xiao Zi would kill all these evil dragons with a single move, Sanji stepped on his toes and immediately rushed towards the group of evil dragons along Xiao Zi's body.

Seeing this scene, Luffy couldn't help smiling slightly, it seemed that Sanji couldn't bear it anymore.

"Sauron, you are right here, Allah let me come." Seeing Sauron squinting his eyes for a moment, he thought for a while, then fixed his eyes and looked in one direction, and when he was about to draw his sword and charge forward, Luffy didn't stop at him.

He didn't ask why, and he didn't yell loudly. The captain told me to go up and rush up. The moment Luffy opened his mouth, Zoro put his knife away and stood aside. He didn't say anything, but the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates People began to follow Sanji's footsteps and rushed to the group of evil dragons, because they knew that after helping Sanji, there might be delicious dragon meat dishes to eat, and I believe Xiaozi will not Will be against it.

Luffy on the deck finally couldn't bear it anymore at the moment when Chopper rushed up, squatted down slightly, and then rushed towards the direction wrapped by the evil dragon, with a speed far exceeding 180 miles , Unbelievably, he passed through the encirclement of the dragon and appeared on a small island not far behind the dragon.

"Come out, I know those dragons are controlled by you." Luffy wanted to appreciate the beautiful and beautiful islands around this small island, but said directly to a small pile of stones in the middle of the island.

"The Straw Hat Pirates are really good, no wonder even Hugh died in your hands." The people in the small stone pile seemed to have no intention of continuing to hide, and before Luffy finished speaking, they slowly walked out of the stone pile, and at the same time carefully looked at Luffy who was standing not far in front of him.

"I'm sorry, so now you want me to do it? Or kill yourself." At the first glance, Luffy felt that this was too much to be beaten. When he looked at it for the second time, Luffy decided in his heart, This tooth really deserves a beating. When he took a third look, Luffy didn't think about it anymore, but directly attacked.

Yay bah, who told you to run around all over the place, they all look like this, they don't add up to one meter long, and they have such a big square face, which accounts for half of the whole body.

"The tone is not small, but the old man's subordinates never leave anyone alive. Take it, kid." Luffy's obviously contemptuous eyes made Jennifer very upset.

Among the dwarves, she is quite beautiful, but compared with these hateful normal humans, Jennifer feels very uncomfortable in her heart, because compared with the frog dinosaurs among humans, she is more like a frog dinosaur.

However, because of that person, I had no choice but to leave my territory and come here to guard this checkpoint for that person. In less than half a year, I will be able to successfully complete the task, and naturally I will not continue to stay here. This world made her feel inferior for a moment.

Of course, no matter how clear she is about her situation, Jennifer doesn't want to be told by others. Anyone who speaks out will be controlled by him with the cruelest means, and then he will torture them to death with the cruelest means. , This is her reverse scale, if you touch it, you will die.

Jennifer's ability is very perverted, she only needs to be touched by him on the forehead, and she can control the opponent with a ray of soul breath, so every time she fights, she will rush forward with her thin body, and fight with the opponent Playing close combat, this time is no exception.

"Touch." At the end of the first time, Luffy mercilessly hit Jennifer's body with a heavy punch relying entirely on his physical strength, and Jennifer's aggressive punch was still looking for a target.

This is just the length of the arms of two people. Luffy doesn't have the ability to use devil fruit, and Jennifer still can't avoid Luffy's fist.

"So fast." As soon as these two words flashed in Jennifer's mind, her body was blown back with crackling noises. The small island almost couldn't allow Jennifer to dock safely.

"Cough." A mouthful of thick blood was coughed out violently. Jennifer slowly got up from the ground, and her eyes became blood red. , She actually let that guy give her a full blow, and she was very disappointed with Luffy's performance that he didn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all.

"(>^ω^<)@#¥%." A series of incantations that Luffy could not understand came out of Jennifer's mouth, and the speed of speaking became faster and faster. A faint voice could be vaguely heard coming from Jennifer's mouth, but the meaning was completely incomprehensible.

As the spell in Jennifer's mouth rang, Jennifer's body shrank again, and on the surface of the ocean not far behind Jennifer, a huge dragon head with horns slowly emerged. Finally, the last giant dragon that was bigger than Xiao Zi appeared in front of Luffy, but this is not over, because just after the giant dragon came out, there was another huge pig's head with strange horns Appeared in front of Luffy, Dun Haizhu?

Jennifer summoned a giant dragon in one breath, a suspected oversized sea pig, and a vicious shark with sharp fangs. "Jennifer pointed at Luffy with her finger, and at the same time she chanted a spell silently in her mouth, a faint breath enveloped these huge sea beasts, and these sea beasts also exploded violently at this moment, and rushed towards Luffy He rushed over directly, as if I wanted to fight you desperately.

"Hmph, is this the only trick?" Seeing Jennifer showing off his pet in front of him like a clown, Luffy couldn't help but sighed in disappointment.

If these giant hands have their own consciousness, they will naturally bring a lot of trouble to Luffy, but at the moment they are just Jennifer's puppets, and they all need Jennifer's distraction to control them, and it is impossible to fully utilize these giant hands The ability to summon so many king-level behemoths in a fit of rage must have been greatly restricted in its control, which further hindered its ability to display these behemoths. Such a combination is very important to Luffy. As far as there is no threat.

The domineering energy was not turned on, and the two gears were turned on in an instant, and the speed was greatly increased, and Luffy directly followed the strength and bypassed the behemoths that were blocking them, and headed for Jennifer's body.

"Hmph, I was really fooled, boy, you are still too young." Seeing Luffy's actions, Jennifer's mouth curled up slightly, a faint smile flashed, and she was even more satisfied with her plan.

"Okay." The moment Luffy's body passed the dragon, not only did Jennifer's huge forehead have a trace of veins, but at this moment, a ray of light flashed from the dragon's horn, They shot directly at Luffy's body, and at the same time, the oversized sea pig and the evil shark all unleashed their strongest blows, and at the same time, they shot at the scales under the dragon's body. , a tiny transparent trace with only a trace of blood started to move, he needed an opportunity, the moment when Luffy was entangled by the attack of the giant dragon, the sea pig, and the evil shark, it broke out.

Luffy, who was surrounded by three giant beasts, originally thought that Jennifer would not be able to use the abilities of the giant beasts, but the three giant beasts suddenly attacked him like a spring, which made Luffy flustered for a while. , finally dodged the attack of the giant dragon, followed by the attack of the sea pig, and there were evil sharks behind, but the more he dodged, the more frightened Luffy was, because Luffy vaguely felt these attacks It might be a little flustered at the beginning, but it doesn't pose much of a threat later on, but why do I feel so uneasy?

This made Luffy suddenly more careful in the process of dodging, and at the same time, the whole person also accelerated his pace and rushed towards Jennifer's position. Through the collision just now, Luffy knew that this annoying guy's The defense of the chest seems to be very poor, he only needs to punch two more times, and the battle is almost over.

"Whew." At the moment when Lu Fei was still thinking, the tiny transparent trace hidden in the scale armor of the dragon couldn't help moving, and it followed the dragon's swipe and rushed towards the road without any trace. Flying body away.

"Crack%." There was a very faint sound, and the transparent little thing fell on Luffy's body. At this moment, Jennifer finally felt a sense of victory. Although she couldn't directly control Luffy, But after using your trump card, as long as the other party still doesn't want to die, don't obediently let yourself control it.

"Stop." Jennifer yelled at her three giant beasts, and turned her head to look at Luffy, with a hint of pity in her eyes. It's a pity that this arduous journey, now It was about to fall into his own hands. Although he would hand him over to that person in the future, Jennifer couldn't help but smile happily when he thought of that person's promise.

"Why? I think your three big bugs can't do it." Luffy joked with a smile, but at this moment, Luffy suddenly held his stomach, pointed at Jennifer and said, "You."

In Jennifer's opinion, Luffy's reaction was indeed a little slow. You must know that people who are attached to this heart-piercing red will usually feel something strange immediately, but he didn't feel it until now.

"How about it, my red heart is not bad." Jennifer said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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