The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 237 Dragon King

Chapter 237 Dragon King
Piercing red, a completely transparent snake, usually exists in the shape of an egg, and it is sensitive to liquids such as blood. Once a creature is invaded by it, the body's The blood will be sucked by it in large quantities until it finally dies. When piercing red exists in the blood, there is no way to separate it, but there is one biggest disadvantage that it cannot leave the category of liquid. If you touch the liquid, you will die immediately.

Although the one used by Jennifer is also called piercing red, it is very different from ordinary piercing red, because it is Jennifer's trump card, and the last hole card exists like the king of piercing red. The existence of the heart piercing red is the biggest shortcoming for other piercing reds, but he does not have it at all. On the contrary, he can penetrate the surface defense of the human body and then penetrate into the body of living things to cause damage to them. Even the body surface defense is as strong as possessing The giant dragons with fire-blood scale armor were all broken by it, which shows its power.

"You are too insidious to use this kind of hurtful move." Luffy squeezed his abdomen fiercely with both hands, like a meat-grinding knife ruthlessly twisting that part and at the same time he sighed at him. Even Luffy couldn't help frowning in this pain, and looked at Jennifer with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Jennifer was very satisfied with Luffy's performance. You must know that this series of plans has been used by Jennifer many times. Many very powerful creatures can't be controlled by Jennifer at first. When it uses this trick, it will be extremely smooth.

This time was no exception. For a moment, Jennifer felt that she had a sense of detachment, as if all of this could be controlled by herself, and even the person who had always been on top might not be able to escape from her own hands. It’s a heart-piercing piercing, thinking of this, Jennifer couldn’t help turning her gaze to Luffy again.

"Is this the person that person desperately needs? Hmph, isn't it as powerful as he said, Hugh, that old guy would be defeated by such an opponent, forget it, for the sake of his old friend, Hugh, you Let me avenge you a little bit, that person just said that I should send him there alive, but he didn’t say that he can’t move his muscles and hurt his bones.” “If you don’t want to die, just be honest with me.” Come here and let me touch your forehead." Jennifer waved her finger at Luffy who was lying on the ground in pain not far away.

When Luffy, who was completely paralyzed, heard Jennifer's words, he seemed to have some strength, and his whole body slowly moved towards Jennifer's direction.

Three meters, two meters Hey!All of a sudden, the attention that suddenly appeared disappeared, and Luffy, who had been tensely preparing to deal with it, suddenly felt relieved. Although it was only such a simple moment, Luffy's perception ability changed from the top one. A familiar aura was sensed at the very small opening, and it was the appearance of that aura. Since he punched Jennifer, he had been staring at him, making Luffy feel a dangerous aura, and finally disappeared. , and that small mouth was also closed the moment it disappeared, and Luffy couldn't know what kind of existence that familiar breath was.

"Rescue us, I'll tell you how to defeat him." Just as Luffy's whole body relaxed completely and was still slowly moving towards Jennifer, a faint voice came from not far away.

"It's the voice of a giant dragon." Luffy felt very familiar with the remaining trace of deterrence in this voice, and after he paid a little attention, he discovered the source of this voice.

"Just defeat that ugly woman." Luffy squeezed his voice into a small silk thread and transmitted it to the dragon's mind.

"There are two small black dots on its chest, the size of a grape, as long as we hit them at the same time, we can be saved." Just as the dragon's words were delivered, Luffy's body stiffened suddenly.

It's not that the heart-piercing red that Jennifer had placed high hopes on finally worked, but the solution that the dragon said to solve them. I was thinking about the ugly woman who kept fiddling with her fingers and wanted to control herself. The two black dots on the chest, the size of grapes, are they hers?

"Hahaha, boy, now you know what it means to be beyond the sky, and there are people beyond others." Jennifer was talking, showing her teeth with some stains on her mouth, and at the same time, her slightly dark hands were facing Luffy. His forehead slowly stretched out, like an old lover stroking.

"Yeah." After a cold war, Luffy jumped up, and without waiting for any reaction from Jennifer, he punched Jennifer hard in the abdomen. Wrapped around a little bit of cold air, Yin fist.

The prey that had lost all the ability to resist suddenly launched an attack on her, which made Jennifer unable to react, but it was natural to be able to gain the trust of that person and guard the fourth floor.

Both hands met Lu Fei's fist fiercely, and Jennifer felt a little bit of cold air coming from that fist, making her a little breathless.

"Touch." Without the slightest skill at all, the attacks of the two people came into contact so closely. As soon as they touched, Jennifer's face changed drastically because of the chill that passed over Luffy's fist. The air directly penetrated into his body, making his body a little stiff.

"Tch." Yinhan's fist directly broke through Jennifer's defense, and directly hit Jennifer's chest fiercely, without the slightest intention of pity. It was the desire to kill Jennifer with one punch like this, and Luffy didn't want to have it A moment of delay, and at the same time Luffy also wanted to try to seriously injure Jennifer to see if he could save the dragon and the others.

"Straw hat boy, don't hesitate any longer, if you don't hurry up, all my people will be killed by your partners." Suddenly, the giant dragon who had been carefully conveying information to Luffy suddenly shouted at Luffy uncharacteristically Urged, seemingly not at all afraid of Jennifer who had already taken control of his life.

"Dragon King, it really is you, I want you to die." Jennifer held her chest and looked viciously at the giant dragon not far away, and at the same time her eyes began to narrow. Kill the Dragon King.

"Go to hell, old woman." Feeling Jennifer's actions, Luffy couldn't hesitate any longer. He directly turned his hands into awls and hit Jennifer's chest hard. According to common sense, that little girl Point, where the size of a grape is, if the island arthouse movie didn't find some freaks to film.

"Ahhh." A series of extremely ecstatic voices came from the throat of this old woman, Jennifer, like the groans in the art films of the island country.

Listening to the voice alone is definitely the most wonderful enjoyment, but at this moment most of Luffy's mind is occupied by this ugly woman, the sweeter the voice is, the more tormented he is.

Following Jennifer's loud soul call, soul threads rushed out from her forehead crazily, just like Moria releasing a shadow, one after another soul threads directed towards those ordinary dragon beasts not far away His forehead soared.

No matter how much Jennifer wants to control herself not to have pleasure, because once she has pleasure, she will shout, and once she shouts out, those soul threads controlled by herself will escape from her body .

At this time, a large number of soul threads were escaping from her body, including the soul thread she called the Dragon King.

"Aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ow." An angry and relieved roar came out of the Dragon King's shouts. The angry Dragon King had just released the control, and his indignation immediately turned into action. He wanted to kill this control For nearly ten years, the Dragon King has been suppressing himself, constantly suppressing himself.

But I have never had a chance to be freed from this kind of depression. Now that I am finally freed, the thing I want to do the most is to release all the resentment I have held in the past ten years. The Jennifer in front of me is the best way to release the resentment. Object.

"Dragon King, right? I know you'd like to do it yourself, but I think it's the best choice to use this to deal with her." Luffy swiped from his waist, and a transparent little snake wrapped in a glass-colored air mass appeared in front of him. In front of the Dragon King, it was officially Jennifer's biggest hole card, the king-level piercing heart.

Looking at the heart-piercing red taken out by Luffy, the Dragon King was in a trance for a moment. No one as powerful as him could get rid of the threat of this little thing, and was forced to be controlled by the old witch Jennifer for a long time. For ten years, the young man in front of him has been doing nothing, but he is still able to control Jennifer's most important magic weapon in his own hands.

Could it be that the future that Roger said will appear in a man who can replace him and complete the unfinished road is him?
In an instant, countless thoughts popped up in the Dragon King's head. After these thoughts popped up one by one, it seemed that the Dragon King had finally made up his mind.

"Then leave it to the straw hat friends." After the Dragon King dropped these words, he straightened up again and let out a loud roar. Those dragons who had regained their body autonomy heard the Dragon King After yelling, after struggling for a while, they threw away this group of human beings who had killed many compatriots, although they knew that they were the ones who attacked first.

"Sanji, stop it for me." When the dragons stopped attacking, the Straw Hat Pirates also stopped attacking one by one, but there was one exception, that is Sanji, and Sanji needs Dragonborn. So far, he has killed two evil dragons and seriously injured five, but the dragon births he collected are far from enough.

After Nami yelled at Sanji, surrounded by Robin and the Empress, they directly wrapped Sanji into a small circle, allowing his violent killing aura to dissipate slowly. And Sanji also slowly stopped from the rising desire to kill, although his eyes were still blood red.

"Jennifer, return your things to you." Looking at the old woman who was lying on the ground completely occupied by pleasure, Lu Fei's hand pierced the heart-piercing red wrapped in the glass-colored air mass directly towards Jennifer's body. Passed over, and finally stopped at the place on Jennifer's chest that was slightly opened by Luffy.

"Tch." The glass-colored air mass dissipated with a puff, and Chuan Xinhong, who had been ordered by Jennifer inside, began to devour and escape from the inside before she realized that what she was treating was her own master. The blood that came out swallowed into his thin and small body.

"This evil obstacle shouldn't exist, Xiao Zi, let's get rid of it." Xiao Zi, who was shaking her head and kept looking at the Dragon King in the distance, pointed to Jennifer who had been sucking his blood on his chest. Xinhong said.

"OK, leave it to me." Responding to the boss's instructions, Xiao Zi's huge dragon head pointed at where Jennifer was, and sprayed a rich mouthful of blood-red dragon flames at Jennifer and Chuanxinhong.

With the fiery degree of Xiao Zi's dragon flame, it would take a quarter of an hour to completely vaporize Jennifer and Chuan Xinhong, two beings who are both hated and hated.

Xiao Zi, go there, Lu Fei lightly jumped onto Xiao Zi's forehead, and pointed at the Dragon King not far away, I believe the Dragon King must know something about Xiao Zi who will become a dragon after transforming into a dragon. some places.

Especially Xiaozi's half-orc image after transformation, from some ancient books I learned from Robin, all the dragons after transformation described above are all in human form like Xiaohei, Xiaozi's abnormality is definitely It has a very close relationship with the last thunder catastrophe. Although Xiao Zi never said it, Luffy knows that there must be some very serious problems on Xiao Zi's body. This problem will be solved in the next fifth floor. It will definitely become a fatal flaw.

Judging from being watched for a moment and having to pretend to be very painful to be hit by Jennifer's heart-piercing red, the fifth floor is definitely not as easy to handle as before.

So before that, Luffy needs to solve all the problems that he hopes to solve.

"Straw hat boy, this time I would like to thank you for saving our Dragon Clan. As a gift, I will not hold you accountable for killing my child. What do you think?" Sanji and his sons and grandsons were sad.

"It's not that good. At the very least, the Dragon King wants to tell me what's wrong with my partner's body, and you can't blame us for the death of your sons and grandsons." Lu Fei stared at the Dragon King in a daze, and said came up with his own answer.

(End of this chapter)

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