The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 238 3 Conditions

Chapter 238 Three Conditions
"Are you talking about this small deep-sea python?" Dragon King glanced at Xiao Zi under Lu Fei's feet, and said in a neutral voice, as if he disdained him.

When the Dragon King said these words, Xiao Zi also raised her head to face up to the Dragon King's eyes. At this moment, Xiao Zi felt a kind of oppression belonging to the breath of blood, and her former spirit had long since disappeared. On the contrary, he was a little trembling and did not dare to resist anything of the Dragon King.

Luffy was aware of Xiao Zi's abnormality, he couldn't help frowning, and looked at the Dragon King in the distance, "Dragon King, please help my partner, I can accept any conditions."

"Can you tell me, how did you get that straw hat?" The Dragon King didn't answer Luffy's question, but instead asked, the Dragon King had seen that hat before, and he knew that it was a hat for Roger. How important.

Moreover, the Dragon King had to be sure that the boy in front of him was chosen by Roger, because there were some things that the Dragon King had to be sure of before he could tell him.

"Xiangsi, entrusted to me." Luffy held the straw hat in one hand, looked at it blankly, and then said.

The straw hat that I exchanged with my own words at the beginning has helped me many times without knowing it.

"Xiangsi? The intern on Roger's ship." "Xiangsi is already the existence of the four kings on this sea." Luffy added after taking the words of the Dragon King.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the boy who was so valued by Roger really had such a strong strength, but he handed over the key to you. It seems that in the eyes of Shanks, you are more suitable than him. Your name is, kid." When Luffy said the name of Xiangkesi, the Dragon King was basically sure that the identity of the young man in front of him was true or false, because Roger had already given this hat to a person named Xiangke Adams' intern.

"Monkey? D Luffy." Putting on the straw hat again, Luffy replied, and at the same time looked at the Dragon King very earnestly, wanting to be able to learn some reasons for Xiao Zi's body from his mouth.

"Sure enough, he is still a member of the D family. Well, boy, come with me." The Dragon King just sighed a little, and before Luffy could continue to speak, he turned around and led the dragon son and grandson towards the first place. The center of the fourth floor walked over.

"Xiao Zi, follow up." Luffy snorted, and at the same time notified Nami and the others behind him, telling them to follow up quickly. Although he was a little reluctant, Sanji knew that he did not continue to slay dragons and obtain the original dragon birth I made a plan, the little in my hand can only be used as a cooking material for one time, if it fails, I will be a complete outlier.

But there is a glimmer of hope, just to give it a try. Thinking of this, Sanji slowly walked back to his own kitchen, and started his advanced plan.

Under the leadership of the Dragon King, Luffy arrived at the entrance of a very hidden small cave in a short while, and got in through this, and there was a large area dedicated to the dragon clan inside, and two large characters of flying dragons appeared In front of Luffy and others, "Dragon Palace."

"This is the Dragon Palace, I really didn't expect it." Looking around, Robin looked around with joy, with an eagerness that belongs only to archaeologists.

After entering the Dragon Palace, the Dragon King and those dragon sons and grandsons all turned into human forms. They didn't look like half-orcs like Xiao Zi, so they walked in the Dragon Palace with great nostalgia. Playing with the things buried in it, the Dragon King took Luffy and Xiao Zi and continued to walk forward. After passing through the Dragon King Hall, they entered a small secret room.

After rummaging around, the Dragon King took out a small bottle from a small box. There was some fire-colored liquid in the bottle, which was darker than the fire essence collected by Luffy.

"Little Python, swallow this, boy, after swallowing this, he can completely become the Dragon King Clan, otherwise no matter how powerful he is, no matter how many thunder tribulations he has experienced, he will not become even the most ordinary Dragon Clan. Because the blood flowing in his body is not dragon blood." Xiao Zi respectfully took the blood bottle thrown by the Dragon King, and swallowed it without checking.

Hot, Xiao Zi, who has experienced the essence of fire, the baptism of heaven, earth, thunder and lightning, when she swallowed the fire-colored liquid in this small bottle, all her feelings can be described in two words, that is scalding hot.

"Luffy, right? Come with me. It takes a while for blood to evolve. This blood essence is the most precious thing of our Dragon King family. Although it will be a little uncomfortable at first, there will be no serious danger. Don't worry." The Dragon King explained as if he knew what Lu Fei was worried about, and then left the small secret room and returned to the Dragon King Palace. At this time, Lu Fei also followed, only to find out that Nami and the others had already has come here.

"What is your goal? Do you want to complete Roger's unfinished mission?" The Dragon King asked straight to the point. Although the Dragon King has lived a life of being driven for the past ten years under control, now that he is out of control, he should have However, Longwei has not lost at all.

"Of course, otherwise we wouldn't have come here." Luffy replied affirmatively.

"Well, you must absolutely avoid what I'm going to say next, or you'll just repeat Roger's fate." The Dragon King seriously reminded, and then began to narrate.

Misrwan Feng Tower is actually a huge sealing formation, mainly to seal a person that exists in the fifth floor. The seal was loosened more than ten years ago. Those people tried to untie the seal and release that person. Roger appeared Yes, with all his abilities, he strengthened the Misr Wanfeng Tower, and at the same time added a unique seal to that person on the fifth floor, called the Yin-Yang Chaos Seal, but over the years, the strength attached to that person has continued to increase. Looking for various opportunities to destroy the seal, the seal has gradually become unstable. I don't think it will take long for those forces to completely break the seal and release that person. At that time, the entire human race will nightmare.

I remember that Roger gradually lost his vitality after that stop, but before that he came to my Dragon Palace and told me a secret, that is, the three conditions needed to completely kill that person.

The first requirement is to be a non-devil fruit capable user. From this point of view, it seems that you are no longer eligible.

The Dragon King glanced at Luffy who was listening carefully to what he said, and reminded him, but seeing Luffy's indifferent expression, he stopped asking about this point, and started talking about the second condition.

The second condition seems to be the need to obtain the blessing of the ancient bell god, so as to be able to resist the lightness of the black breath released by that person, so as not to ruin his life because of it.

The third condition is to have the fusion of three colors of domineering, and to use the three domineering to the extreme to be able to kill completely, otherwise everything is useless.

"Boy, after listening to my three conditions, do you still want to go to the fifth floor? If you don't want to, I will make an exception for Roger's sake and send you out. After all, there are already a large number of humans on the fifth floor at this moment, and they are bleeding victims to prevent that person from breaking the seal." The Dragon King said that he couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at the top of his head, as if his eyes could travel through space It's normal to peek directly at the fifth floor's situation.

"What did you say?" The words behind the Dragon King made Straw Hat and others exclaim, and Luffy was a little bit stunned. It seems that it really is them, and they are still one step ahead of us.

"Dragon King, we will not give up. We are going to the fifth floor. This is our mission, so we must do it and do it well." Lu Fei replied without thinking, and at the same time glanced at the one behind the Dragon King. In the small secret room, Xiao Zi has been swallowing the blood essence of the Dragon King family for a while, but Luffy still can't feel any breath about Xiao Zi.

"Hahahahaha, sure enough, you meet the requirements, boy, take your straw hat and go open the mechanism. There is something Roger left for you." Staring at Luffy for a while, the Dragon King suddenly shouted. Laughed, and finally pointed to a wall not far away, telling Luffy that there was a secret room there, with the things Roger left him.

When Nami's eyes were staring at Venus, Luffy slowly walked to the wall. After observing for a while, he took off the hat on his head and faced a hat-like figure on the wall. The place was pressed.

"Kang Dang." With a sound, circles of golden light suddenly appeared from Luffy's straw hat, and at the same time, a more magnificent aura erupted directly along the straw hat, directly shining into Luffy's body.

A layer of golden light instantly enveloped Luffy's body, and at the same time, various changes took place in Luffy's body. Some difficult problems seemed to become more difficult after being bathed in golden light. It's very simple.

Moreover, Luffy can clearly feel that his soul breath seems to be constantly skyrocketing, and it seems that there is a possibility of transformation at any time. On his hands, there are once again two colored air masses, one yin and one yang, wrapped in them, constantly intersecting and merging , and this fusion did not have the previous jerky and rejection, but gradually formed a brand new force.

"Tch." About two quarters of an hour later, the golden light dissipated, and Luffy's body recovered again. On the surface, there was nothing unusual, but Luffy knew that now his strength had surpassed heaven and earth. In terms of strength alone, it is no less than three times what it was at the beginning, not to mention that Luffy's change is not only reflected in physical strength.

"Boy, are you satisfied?" The Dragon King looked at Lu Fei with a smile, and teased, his eyes slanted slightly, and he glanced at the little girl with a pursed mouth not far away. The little girl won't be very satisfied, right? The Dragon King thought in his heart whether he should satisfy this cute little girl for a while?

"The best gift." Luffy smiled and said confidently. It was at this time that the secret room that had been closed was finally opened, and a handsome man with fiery red hair came out of it. , showing a smile to Lu Fei and others, the charm doubled.

"Boss, I have finally become a member of the Dragon King Clan." The handsome man suddenly yelled at Luffy, and was about to rush forward, but he seemed to remember something, and turned his head to face him. The Dragon King sitting at the top bowed ninety degrees, "Thank you, Grandpa." The activation of the blood essence made Xiao Zi know many things that she didn't know before.

And the dragon king in front of him is his own grandfather, who used to be a powerful Gorba deep-sea python. After being transformed, he became a pseudo-dragon. A member of the Dragon King family.

The Dragon King Clan is a king-like existence among the Dragon Clan. The inheritance of the Dragon Clan mainly depends on the Dragon King Clan. Only one out of a hundred ordinary dragons can produce a Dragon King Clan with bifurcated horns on the top of the head, and through evolution, it becomes the Dragon King Clan. There are even fewer.

It is also rare for Xiao Zi and the Dragon King who is now the patriarch of the Dragon Clan to directly advance from the ancient Gorba to the Dragon King Clan.

"This is just your good fortune. Do you still insist on your choice to follow him to the fifth floor? You must know that there are no more than five fingers in our dragon clan. If you stay, suppress this together with me." Dragon Palace is not affected by Misr Wanfeng Pagoda. In the future, the position of Dragon King will be yours sooner or later, and you follow him to the fifth floor. The chance of surviving is not high, although your strength has improved by devouring blood essence Sexual growth." The Dragon King seemed to not want Xiao Zi to leave him and follow Luffy to the fifth floor.

"Grandpa knows that the stock rate of swallowing blood essence is only a quarter, and he will still let me swallow it, because he wants the child to have a future, get rid of the shackles, and become a real dragon, and the child will follow the boss to the fifth floor to experience, Naturally, it is to protect the tens of thousands of races that live on this earth like us, although they will die a narrow escape, but the child feels that this is the spirit that a man, the Dragon King family should have, what do you think?" Xiao Zi waved At the beginning, the face of the little boy said excitedly, it seems that at this moment he has become an Ultraman who can beat little monsters all day long and occasionally save children.

"Forget it, since you choose this way, I won't force you, Long Li, take them to the teleportation array in the starry sky, let them go there by themselves, I don't know it's the year of the monkey." The Dragon King faced the dragon who was serving him Said the child, then got up and left.

"Come with me." Long Li took the lead and walked in the front, leading Luffy and the others to the starry sky teleportation array that the Dragon King said.

(End of this chapter)

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