The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 239 End?Beloved【The Finale】

Chapter 239 End?Beloved【The Finale】

With Xiangkesi's fusion domineering slash as the vanguard, the other partners on the silver ship's attack pseudo-assisted, a powerful blow directly hit the starry sky wall, and a very small hole appeared suddenly.

The Mei Li directly traveled through the past.

When the light faded away, Luffy and others appeared on the fifth floor of Misel Wanfeng Tower, and at this time Shanks, Whitebeard, Ace and others who had died in the big event were talking to the World Government The most powerful fighting force of the Five Old Stars.

At the back of the battlefield, there is a big tree ten meters wide and 50 meters high, which is full of various strange fruits.

"Devil Fruit."

"Oops, that's the devil's tree. The thing on the devil's tree must be the one they want to resurrect." Robin couldn't help but shouted.

"Hmph, Blackie, it's our time." Usopp lightly stroked Blackie next to him, and then went straight to the Devil Tree regardless of anything, while Usopp closed his eyes slightly. His eyes and his body suddenly underwent slight changes.

"Don't." At this critical moment, a coquettish voice came from not far away, and a robot in the shape of a Transformer immediately broke free from the opponent's entanglement with all its strength, and rushed to Usopp's side quickly. Usopp stopped him for a moment when he was stopped by the coquettish shout just now.

"Usopp, I finally see you." A cute little girl rushed out from the Transformers, and embraced Usopp who was standing above Xiao Hei's head.

"Keya." The person whom I missed day and night unexpectedly appeared at the last moment.

It is Kaya and Vegapunk, who has a brain beyond this era, and his Transformers.

"This is Transformers, G93 model, a machine that only exists in legends." Franky leaned forward excitedly.

"Grandpa Bei, I think you should give him to this young man. In this case, your body may still be able to hold on." Ke Ya turned her head and said expectantly to Vega Punk.

"Well, my old bones can't do it now." The Transformers were taken over by Franky in this way, and under Franky's control, the Transformers showed unprecedented combat power. After all, Vegapon Ke needs to take pills to have the power to control Transformers.

And Franky's joining suddenly made the originally slightly unbalanced battle situation gradually stabilize.

"Usopp, I know your ability, but now is not the time, this is just a clone, and it has been resurrected, hold it back, there will be a chance soon."

At the same time as Keya and Vegapunk were explaining, the thing on the devil tree slowly pulled out the cocoon and emerged. It turned out to be the black beard who had been absorbed by Xiao Hei.

"I'll do this." Sanji slowly took a step, and at the same time, the devil's eyes were fully activated, and the devil's feet suddenly turned blood red.

Sanji, who broke out in full state, immediately rushed into the battle situation, and began to fight with the resurrected Blackbeard. Although he was slightly inferior, he could still be entangled.

"Let's go, your mission is not here, Kexi, brother, come here." Vegapunk yelled at a person not far away, and at the same time called Luffy and a group of people to the center of the fifth floor The zone passed.

After some barriers were broken one after another, Luffy and the others finally came to the location of a gray coffin. The coffin had been slightly loosened at this time, and the speed of opening and closing was still accelerating, as if It seems possible to be resurrected at any time.

"Kailai, you really are courting death."

"King, you finally appeared." Vegapunk smiled at the newcomer.

"Leave it to me." Sauron took a step forward, immediately took the shadow, and said a word, the autumn water came out, and the sword formation appeared at the same time.

Wang, in his hand is also a sword that existed in ancient times, the Pangu Sword.

The king's sword strength has a profound background, while Sauron relies on the continuous increase of the power of the sword array, and gradually changes from the passive at the beginning to the active.

Although it was impossible to kill the king for a while, it also made it impossible for the king to escape.

"Kesy, it's up to you." Vegapunk said to the man beside him.

Kexi kept taking out some strangely colored powders from the special package, sprinkled them lightly, and immediately floated to the side of the coffin, while Kexi began to sing some strangely.

As the chanting continued to accelerate, the opening and closing speed of the coffin actually accelerated again, regardless of the fact that the things inside were darker because of the continuous opening and closing of the coffin, but it was not discovered again.

"Pfft." Kexi spat out a mouthful of thick blood stains, and the coffin opened up at this moment.

"It turned out to be him." Looking at the demon that appeared in front of him, Luffy looked incredible, because he had been looking for him countless times and still couldn't get enough.

"Pandaren, have not fully awakened yet, this is the only chance, Luffy, hurry up." Vegapunk immediately shouted at Luffy and others.

The detailed plan formulated by Vegapunk was immediately implemented.

I saw the weather stick in Nami's hand flashed across, and a red circle completely wrapped her, slowly extending to Robin, Chopper, and the Empress. "The Straw Hats are all the people who have the devil fruit ability except Luffy.

"Fusion, convergence." Nami thought a little, and without any thought resistance from Robin and others, one after another fruit ability with rich experience energy was continuously drawn to the area wrapped by Nami's body. Circled on top of the red hood.

When all the power was gathered, Nami directly fused this blood-red power into Luffy's body, and immediately a large amount of energy filled Luffy's body, and the domineering aura of glass color suddenly Without waiting for its call, it exploded out directly.

A strange sound came out of Usopp's mouth continuously. The characteristics, fusion, and gathered fruit abilities originally attached to Nami's Devil Fruit were slowly pulled away from Luffy's body. Come.

The devil fruit ability was slowly abandoned, which is Usopp's devil fruit ability.

Abandoning one's own devil fruit ability and at the same time giving up one's ten-year birthday can make a person not resist.

After giving up the ability of the Devil Fruit, Lu Fei shook his fist slightly, and the Ten Fist Sword suddenly appeared, and the spell of banning all spirits also completely emerged at this moment.

"Gang." With a strange sound, Luffy's fist hit the pandaren's heart directly, and a strange rune immediately wrapped the pandaren in along Lufei's hand.

But at the moment when the rune just wrapped the pandaren, the pandaren's soul was resurrected, and the soul separated by Luffy could no longer be suppressed.

"Mirage, come out." In a burst of calls from Luffy, the extremely powerful mirage suddenly appeared opposite the pandaren, and the two powerful individuals immediately launched a desperate competition of soul strength.

"Come on, mirage alone cannot completely seal off the demon "Pandaren" before it recovers to its peak strength. "

"Brother, thank you these days. Next, this body is still with you. It's up to me. Xiao Zi will help me." Xiao Zi's strange dragon's breath immediately wrapped around Lu Fei's body, And the soul of Wang Haotian, who has been controlling Lu Fei's body, immediately followed the dragon's breath and got into the Ten Fist Sword.

The soul that has experienced the baptism of righteousness between heaven and earth displayed unparalleled power at this moment, and the three were completely refined together at this moment.

"Brother, coming here, my biggest regret is that I didn't get a few girls. Of course, the most distressing one is Perona. I think Ke Ya should be able to save her and get rid of her."

The moment Wang Haotian's last thought was transmitted to the soul of Luffy's body, he activated the ultimate skill of the Ten Fist Sword, and together with the sealed soul and the weapon Ten Fist Sword in the ban on all spirits, it was directly shattered open.

And the soul of the most frightening demon was directly turned into powder at this moment.

In the boundless starry sky, there is an old man sitting upright. The old man has a cattail fan in his hand and shakes it lightly twice.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That's right, boy, you even risked your own life for the sake of friendship, but for the sake of helping Xiao Zhong, I will save you."

With a wave of the old man's cattail fan, Wang Haotian's soul breath healed quickly, and at the same time he kept going backwards, and time and space were constantly distorted.

jingle bell jingle bell
The old-fashioned cell phone rang, and Wang Haotian woke up with a shiver.

"Hey honey, oh, I'll be right there."

This is the fifth day since Wang Haotian returned to reality. It turned out that he had experienced such a long time in the world of One Piece, and it was only one night in the real world.

But after this time travel, Wang Haotian found that he possessed a supernatural ability, that is, Liulise's domineering ability is still there, and it didn't disappear just because he came back.

Because of having supernatural powers, Wang Haotian is very convenient in many things, and the whole life is extraordinarily happy. Of course, the most important thing is to see the girlfriend he misses day and night, and his parents who gave birth to him.

From then on, Wang Haotian began his legendary life on earth.

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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