The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 25 The strongest person "the devil."

Chapter 25 The strongest person "the devil."

After bypassing several busy streets, Luffy finally came to a sparsely populated street that gave people a dirty feeling. At the end of the street, Luffy found a bend and walked in. It was about a hundred meters away. The distance came to an end, and at this time a bar appeared in front of Luffy.

The tavern can no longer stand the test of time, the original sign of the tavern has become very blurred at this moment, and Luffy can't clearly see the former name of the tavern from it.

Gently pushed open the dispensable door, and Luffy walked in slowly. For a moment, Luffy seemed to see the original prosperity of this tavern, and an indomitable man, sitting at the forefront of the bar, He drank red wine recklessly, and at the same time had a group of partners who shared life and death by his side.

The owner of the tavern is not as absent-minded as he is in front of him. He has nothing to do, but is busy mixing all kinds of delicious red wine, and his face is also glowing red because of the atmosphere of the tavern.

Luffy walked carefully through the dilapidated parts of the tavern, and there were very few complete chairs and tables, but Luffy seemed to be able to see a strong aura in it, and this aura would not be because of these things. It also affects his existence. This is the breath of a pirate, a breath of pursuing dreams and pursuing freedom.

"It's finally here." At this moment, an old man with his back facing Luffy lazily took care of the few remaining red wines in the tavern. His hard bones can be seen in the words, and he seems to have expected Luffy's arrival long ago.

But at this moment, Lu Fei was extremely surprised by the old man's words, because according to the script, the old man shouldn't react like this at this time.

It seems that our decision not to follow the script has already formed a huge change in the following encounters, Luffy thought in his heart, not only shook his head, but he didn't feel bad because he didn't follow the script for the next route. Regretted, but there was more expectation in Luffy's heart. This expectation came from the old man in the tavern's words, "It's finally here." This sentence seemed to imply something, but Luffy was not in a hurry to ask.

Luffy, who was at the bar, asked for a glass of wine casually, drank it slowly, and felt the feeling of the person who used to be drinking here, and at this time the old man in the tavern finally turned around slowly. Abandoned his dying body.

The old man poured himself a glass of old but still very strong wine, drank it slowly with Luffy, and chose to deal with it in silence, both sides lost their impatience, and slowly Drink the wine in the glass.

"Ahem." The old man coughed slowly twice. His body could no longer bear the stimulation of such a strong alcohol, but this did not affect the old man's desire for alcohol.

"Twenty years ago, that man was sitting here like this. At that time, he had a shocking aura, and his whole person gave people an unpredictable feeling."

"He is so forthright, has a grand dream and a crazy yearning for freedom. His aura infected me, so at his last moment I agreed to his request, and now this request is also true. It's finally time to finish, kid, can you listen to me tell you a story first." The old man suddenly said to Luffy.

"Please tell me, old man. If there is anything that needs my help, it is my duty." Lu Fei turned his head and said to the old man firmly.

"In which era, there were many unpredictable horrors in this world, and people everywhere admired freedom and dreams. Although the whole world has a strong atmosphere of fighting, it is also extremely peaceful, because People at that time knew that freedom is not the freedom to impose pain on others, that kind of freedom is not what they pursue, but they have an incomparably strong interest in fighting, pursuing freedom together, and exploring unknown areas together. Interest, this is the existence mode of that world. The world is divided into three big countries, but there is no obvious boundary between countries. It is only because of geographical reasons that they are divided into three countries. In fact, they more like a whole.

These three countries will give the most severe punishment to those who destroy the freedom pursued by the people of the world, but the punishment is only chosen from the power of the light, and all the punishers are voluntary. The country There is no reserve power, and no dark political relations. That world is the cradle of the most desired in everyone's heart. At that time, the world was called "Xanadu."

"But such a world is ruined by a 'person', who is called a demon."

After finishing speaking, the old man seemed to listen intentionally, and watched Luffy's reaction, but the old man was surprised to find that at this moment, Luffy was not the slightest surprised by this matter.

Of course, it's not because Luffy didn't realize that the old man was actually talking about the predecessor of this world, but Luffy has a certain understanding of demons, although this understanding is only very vague, and the moment the old man started telling Luffy I knew that this old guy might be going to talk about something about demons, so when the old man mentioned demons, Luffy was not particularly surprised.

The old man sighed secretly and continued to tell the story.

"That person has the power to destroy heaven and earth, and he has completed the great exploration of the whole world by himself. Originally, such a person would be admired by the people in the entire 'Xanadu', but he is not satisfied with being worshiped so much. Simple, his purpose is to dominate the entire world and control the entire world, so he gathered a group of people and established an organization, that organization is the world government."

If you are not surprised by the devil, but at this moment when you hear from the old man that the world government was founded by this person called the devil, it is impossible for Luffy to say that you are not surprised.

The old man took a sip of the red wine slowly and seemed very satisfied with the expression Luffy showed.

"Although the devil has the strongest strength in the world, there are still a group of people in this world. They advocate freedom, have dreams, and the most important thing is that they have supreme wisdom. Therefore, in order to fight against the devils They began to use their own wisdom to build a weapon that broke through the boundaries of nature, which is called ancient weapons by people today."

"The demon with the strongest power and the person with the strongest ancient weapon officially started a battle. The strength of the demon was erupting at that moment. Those who were able to witness the battle at that time were all shocked by the powerful personal ability of the demon. , but the party that owns the ancient weapons is not weak either, they skillfully used the weapons they created to start a war with the demons, and the war lasted for a whole month."

"A month later, the demon was severely injured, but the price paid was that all the ancient weapons were destroyed, and there were no more weapons in the world that could fight against the demon."

"At that moment, the demon laughed wildly, as if he was laughing at this group of people who resisted him. At that time, the whole world was terrified by the energy contained in that loud laugh."

"But at this moment, the ancient weapons that had been destroyed were suddenly revived, and they were not reassembled into a whole, because at the last moment he was only one person."

"That person used his last ounce of blood energy to launch the most powerful move among ancient weapons, the ultimate seal."

"I saw gossip patterns all over the sky attacking the demon, and they divided up the demon's whole body in just a moment, and the demon's body burst into nothing at that moment, and sprinkled on the whole earth."

"And that person who had consumed all his blood suddenly turned into a terrifying dragon with all the ancient weapons. The dragon dissipated after a dragon cry. People at that time could clearly feel the breath of the ancient weapons. They didn't It didn't disappear, it just hid in the deepest corner."

"Although the devil was sealed, the organization created by the devil was not destroyed because of this. Instead, it gradually grew larger under the continuation of several descendants of the devil, and finally dominated the entire world. All the people who fought in the war were slaughtered, and the 500-year history belonging to "Xanadu" has since disappeared into the world wave.

"The devil didn't disappear, but was sealed in each of the seabed fruits, and each fruit has a devil's ability, so later generations call this ability a devil fruit."

"The devil fruit is the best restraint to restrain the devil, and the last person who died didn't die for no reason, but used the last function of the ancient weapon to teleport to a place, and that place was his home.

There is a child in the family, and that child is the last blood of this person.

The final mission was laid on the shoulders of his children by the man who will be remembered by every generation of freedom advocates, and whose code name is "D."

(End of this chapter)

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