The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 26 "D" Mission

Chapter 26 "D" Mission
"His code name is D, what about his name?" Luffy asked hastily.

"D is not only his code name, but he is also the ancestor of all D members in the descendants. As for his name, no one knows, but the man who inherited his will did name himself after D. .”

"And use the wisdom left by D to produce a large number of historical texts, which contain the 500-year history of the owner and some research on how to destroy demons."

"The man who inherited his consciousness did not complete the mission left by D, but he discovered some clues in his continuous exploration efforts, and these clues were well passed on by him through blood, but when he At the moment when the plan was drawn up, his time was running out, so he chose to leave the mission to the younger generation."

"Among the younger generations, there are people who continue his pace and continue to study how to completely eliminate the devil, because the devil didn't really die, it was just sealed."

"Because the Tianlong people who are his loyal servants and the people in power of the world government will not give up the task of resurrecting their totems. When the devil is resurrected, the whole world will completely enter darkness."

"In order for the whole world to return to the prosperous age of Paradise, don't live as a puppet of the devil. The D sex family is constantly working hard, and the first person to touch this mission is Gore? Jie, he followed the steps of his ancestors to explore the unknown danger step by step, and finally he discovered that at the end of the great route, there is the ultimate clue that can completely destroy the devil."

"So he headed there, but when he got there after going through a lot of hardships, there was such a sentence recorded on the historical text."

"When you open this seal, the demon will wake up."

"Roger was shocked at the time, because he had a deep understanding of demons. If he uncovered the seal, he would help the demon in disguise and let him regain his freedom. Roger is not stupid about this kind of thing. possible."

"So at that time Roger started a thorough search at the very end, and finally he found a special piece of historical text, and the text on it made Roger discover something, but after touching that special piece of historical text, Roger The disease he was suffering from was exaggerated, and his body, which could have lived for ten years, only had two years left."

"The content of the text must be passed on, so Roger at that time chose to return to the starting point, and he must pass on this mission. In this way, he dismissed all his followers and his partners, and came to the East China Sea alone. Rogge Town, where he was born and raised, he told me everything here, and at the same time let me complete this mission for him, because he still has one thing to do, which is to surrender himself, and then confuse the world government, making them think that he It is no longer able to threaten them and detonate the entire generation of great voyages at the same time, because only in this way will there be enough people to own devil fruits. The more devil fruits are used, the less power the resurrected demons will gain. This is only possible as a D Only the inheritors can get the information, and Roger, as the inheritor, told me this, and he ended his life in this town of Rogge."

"And you are the second person with a mission after him." After finishing speaking, the old man slapped Luffy with an innocent smile, as if saying hell, I told you this, my old bone But it's much easier.

He didn't pay attention to the old man's small movements. At this moment, Lu Fei was less stupid, and instead fell into deep thought.

"Old man, how did you make sure that the next successor is me." Lu Fei asked the old man suspiciously.

"Hehe." The old man seemed to realize that Luffy would definitely be interested in this question, but he didn't say it because Luffy didn't ask, and now that Luffy asked, he couldn't help but say "Because of Xiangkesi. "

"Shancus." Luffy was very surprised by the old man's point of view, because in Luffy's memory, although Sangcus was an intern on Roger's ship, he was not a person who was particularly close to Roger. Why? Will it be Shanks?Luffy threw his doubts to the old man, and now only from him can he get why. As for Xiangkesi, he should be in the new world at the moment. If you want to ask him, he doesn't have that ability at the moment.

"Xiangsi is Roger's fancy, because Roger sees sincerity in Xiangkesi's eyes, so in the end Roger entrusted Xiangkesi with the mission of finding the inheritor of D's will."

"Many years after that, Shanks came to me suddenly and told me that the chosen person was called Meng Qi? He felt that it was the best choice for this person to inherit Roger's unfinished mission.

Of course, I will not tell this secret indiscriminately because of Xiangkesi’s remarks, unless this person gives me the same feeling as Roger, who has the same domineering domineering, and the most pure that belongs to D Blood and the most fearless momentum.

Only those who meet these two points are the final choice, otherwise this secret will be inherited by another person. As for who that person is, you don't need to know now. "

"Okay, it's time to say I've finished, do you have any questions? Or you don't want to take on this mission." The old man said to Luffy, and at the same time added a sentence "You can choose to refuse, you If you refuse, another hidden character will appear. Although his strength is much stronger than the one you chose, his success rate in doing this task is not as high as yours. I don't know the reason why. This is Roger's final confession to me."

Luffy was very speechless and cast two big eyes at this old guy. You are joking, if I don’t accept this task, how can I go to this world? Although the world of pirates is infinitely better, I still miss my own Brothers, parents, and girlfriends can't stay here for a lifetime.

And you told me all the confidential things, I don't want to finish it, can I do it?"Of course I accepted." Although Luffy wanted to swear at the old man loudly, but Luffy who was possessed by Wang Haotian would not do this, because there was one more important thing, the old man did not I didn't tell myself that if I didn't know the secret that Roger finally discovered, if I went to defeat the devil, even a guy as powerful as Roger couldn't handle it, I could do it by myself, you are kidding.

"Well, you follow the position of this picture, go to this place first, there you will find some clues, well, you can go, I don't have so much wine here for you to drink." After finishing the old man, he began to issue an order to evict the guests.

Seeing that the old man didn't seem to want to say anything more, Luffy said anxiously, "Old man, you haven't told me what Roger found in the end. After that, I encountered the same thing as him. Could it be that I'm It must be left to future generations to do this, please tell me quickly." Luffy doesn't want to stay here forever, he must do it quickly, otherwise, hey, Luffy felt anxious .

The old man shrugged innocently and gave Luffy a big roll of his eyes before saying, "How could I know this."

"No way, old man, you can trick me." Hearing what the old man said, Luffy couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed the old man, and his two bull's eyes were as big as lanterns.

"Hey~hey~hey, my old bones can't bear your tossing like this." As he said, the old man slapped Luffy's arm.

Luffy was awakened by the old man's words, and quickly regained his senses, gently put the old man down, and apologized to the old man at the same time, he was really too anxious.

"Hey, I really don't know about this." The old man said this again, but seeing that Luffy was about to charge up again, the old man quickly added "but."

"But what, tell me quickly, old man." Luffy was as excited as if he had discovered something new. He thought that there would be no clue at all, and if the thing Roger discovered disappeared, the success rate of his mission would drop. A lot, this made Luffy feel frustrated, but the old man's sudden remarks gave Luffy a clear understanding again.

Seeing Lu Fei's appearance, the old man couldn't help laughing, but it wasn't a mockery, but a kind and comforting smile, and slowly said: "Roger told me, such a sentence."

"Go forward in the direction of freedom and dreams, everything is on the way."

Then no matter how I asked him, he was unwilling to tell me more things, and I have been referring to this sentence for many years, but there is no answer.

"Oh, by the way, you may not be able to understand the words on the main text of the history. You have to figure out how to do it yourself. Roger's almost abnormal ability is impossible for you."

"This is not difficult." Luffy couldn't help thinking of Robin, it seemed that Robin had to be got on board as soon as possible, and after speaking, Luffy took the broken map from the old man's hand without any haste.

(End of this chapter)

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