The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 27 Luffy is in a coma

Chapter 27 Luffy is in a coma

"Then old man, don't die early, I will keep looking for you." After Lu Fei said something to the old man, he left. He already knew what he should know, and there is no need to stay here any longer. What should be known is already known.

Looking at the back of Lu Fei leaving, the old man's spirit seemed to have changed suddenly, he was sluggish, and seemed to be likely to fall down at any time, but he slowly got up, picked up the wine glass in front of him with difficulty and sipped it I took a sip of the drink, and at the same time muttered, boy, I will definitely not die, because I need to witness whether Roger's choice back then was right or wrong.

This road is left for you. Whether you can get help with something is completely up to you. Others can't help you. After muttering, the old man couldn't help leaning against the wine cabinet and fell into a deep sleep again. The old man was gone, but from his orderly breathing, he could feel the vitality of the old man at the moment, but he was not so fragile.

All the way through the street when we came, suddenly Luffy’s eyes glanced at a square in the distance. In the most important square, there is a high execution platform. When seeing this execution platform, Luffy once again I fell into a strong shock, what kind of scene was that, a sea of ​​people, all of them were waves formed by human waves, and at this time, the man stood proudly on the towering execution platform, as if for The next execution didn't show any fear at all, suddenly he laughed, at this moment he laughed, and at the same time the words that roared out from his mouth spread to people's hearts at the moment his life dissipated He is not just a simple sentence, but also a booster for all those who pursue freedom and dreams, so that they will be influenced and fascinated by that man's courage.

The scene in his mind made Lu Fei couldn't help but also laughed, yes, it was this kind of laughter, the unrestrained laughter, the free and easy smile, the shocking laughter.

Luffy's feet walked in that direction involuntarily. The square was still full of people's voices. After finally squeezing through the crowd to the front row, Luffy couldn't bear to look at the high execution platform anymore. The part in my heart was excited.

I saw him easily pointing his toes, retracting his knees, and the whole person stood up from the ground, and he came to the top of the execution platform without recording. Here, Luffy suddenly had a feeling of overlooking the common people.

Feeling the gazes of the people below, the blowing of the sea breeze, and the navy that is ready to attack here from all directions and is ready to capture him, Luffy's heart suddenly summed up.

Suddenly Luffy squatted down and sucked in the air vigorously. Suddenly, he put his hands next to his mouth in a trumpet shape, and then said that popular sentence from his mouth in an instant.

"I must become the One Piece ~." Youyuan's voice continued to spread in all directions, and as Luffy's words broke out, more attention was paid to him around him, and the pace of the navy became closer. .

After saying these words, Luffy didn't stop any longer. He left the execution platform with a small jump, and then fell into the crowd. With the flow of the crowd, he slowly appeared on the harbor.

Following the direction that Nami said, Luffy slowly moved towards that direction, and after a while, he saw the location of the Golden Meri. A kind of heartfelt gratitude to his companions in the battle of life and death.

Luffy found a hidden place and jumped directly into the Golden Merry, but found that no one else came back except him.

Luffy, who is really boring, can't help but sit cross-legged slowly, and began to understand the exercises in the gossip pattern. So far, the only one that Luffy can fully exert the power in is Rou, and the role of Rou is mainly It is reflected in the auxiliary effect, and other people can't use it as their own martial arts skills. Now that they have time, if Luffy doesn't take a good look at it, there will be no chance in the future. Put your mind to it, let your mind enter a peaceful state, and in an instant, Lu Fei completely entered the practice of the gossip pattern.

"A huge gossip diagram appeared abruptly at Lu Fei's feet, one black and one white harmoniously divided into two halves, but Lu Fei always felt that this diagram seemed to be moving at any time, but the speed he understood It's a kind of movement that I can't understand, because I can't detect any abnormality about the movement of the pattern from the surface, but the clear reaction in my mind tells me that the gossip pattern of Liangyi Yin and Yang is indeed moving. , What's going on here." Feeling this change, Luffy couldn't help but slowly gather his thoughts into his mind to explore this change.

"The whole gossip pattern seems to overlap a thousand gossip patterns, what you see is always the most stable side, and the most stable side always maintains the original shape, just like playing the Like a slideshow, whenever a gossip pattern changes the position of the above pattern with the rotation, it will be replaced with another gossip pattern. All in all, what appears in front of you is always the same pattern, but But it is really running at a high speed." Luffy has always been confused about this point in his mind, unable to think about the reasons for these changes, and a burst of pain arose in his mind, as if This level of thinking caused some throbbing in the depths of Luffy's soul.

"Ah~." Unable to bear the pain coming from his head, Luffy yelled in pain, and then he shrank into a ball, as if his head had been hit violently.

"Luffy, Luffy." Hearing the soft call, Luffy slowly opened his eyes, but the pain in his head made him fall into a coma again, but Nami and the others eagerly looked at him. Luffy felt the caring heart all at once.

And Nami and others, who were done, didn't care about waiting for Luffy to wake up, so they set off, because when they just left the port, a large group of navy rushed out from Rogge Town, and led Theirs was a maiden navy with eyes, holding a sword tightly in her hand.

As the boat slowly moved away, Sauron who was at the side couldn't help but let out a long sigh, because this little girl let Sauron escape for more than an hour in Rogge Town, and missed Usopp and the lead. Zoro also marveled at the competition between the children's Duddy, and when Nami and Sanji who came after him told the story.

For him who is only a martial idiot, one of his hobbies in life is to see masters in a field compete with each other. From it, they can comprehend a meaning that is common to any field. This meaning can allow Sauron to solve some of his usual kendo problems However, because of Dasqi, Sauron had to give up, because this woman is too difficult to deal with, she is completely Sauron's nemesis, she looks too much like Guina, and Sauron It is absolutely impossible for him to draw a knife, and that woman is really a little nervous.

The ship has finally sailed, and the new route is finally about to start. What will be waiting for them next?The feeling of the unknown is very frightening, not to mention that Luffy is in a coma at this time, and they haven't determined the specific route. How to get there is still a big problem, and they can't continue to stay in this Rogue town.

Because the smoking man in the script really restricted them too much, so since the navy here has been alarmed, there is no need to stay here.

In the end, Nami had to directly determine the direction of the voyage and reverse the mountain, where the greatest sea in the world was waiting for them, and more dangerous adventures were waiting for them.

The specific route can only be taken one step at a time, hey.

Nami suddenly sighed deeply in her heart, Luffy's coma is indeed very untimely.

(End of this chapter)

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