The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 32 Arriving at Simi Village

Chapter 32 Arriving at Simi Village

Luffy, who promised Nami, did not practice any more exercises on the goat's head, but when he was free, he would sit on the goat's head and look into the distance, looking up at the white clouds in the sky.

In this way, the straw hats and their party have been floating on this sea for a month. This sea that exists in the mountains is not a pure dead sea. There are also many undercurrents in the sea. There are abundant fish that survive every day. There will be a period of time when Usopp and Luffy will catch fish for a while, and Sanji will cook them into delicious food.

And at this moment, on an island on the great route, a man in thick clothes got off a large transport ship and walked towards the island.

There are all kinds of small bubbles floating on this island. This kind of small bubbles floated directly from the land of the island, floating freely in the space, and did not break due to encountering the air. People are floating with surprising buoyancy.

The man who stepped out of the transport ship didn't pay attention to the blisters, but walked quickly towards one of the numbered islands.

Finally found the tavern on a small island. After he walked in, he slowly took off the thick clothes wrapped around him, revealing his difference from ordinary people.

He has six hands on his body, and the hairstyle on his head makes people laugh, and there is also a sun-like symbol on his forehead. This person is officially a octopus, and the place he came to at this time is exactly where Rayleigh is.

"Aunt Xia Ji, where is Uncle Lei Li, I have something to do with him." Octopus Xiaoba hurriedly asked a sexy girl who was there elegantly mixing drinks after taking off the clothes that wrapped him.

Xia Ji looked at Xiao Ba like that, smiled and said: "Oh, it's Xiao Ba, your Uncle Lei Li happens to be in the room at the moment, you can go in directly."

"En, okay." Xiao Ba walked in slowly after speaking.

After Octopus Xiao Ba finished talking to Lei Li, Lei Li slowly stood up and said to Xiao Ba: "Well, it seems that my old bones are going to move." He opened the door of the room and walked out slowly.

Asked Xia Ji for a bottle of dry red, slowly uncorked the bottle and took a sip, then Lei Li said to Xia Ji: I'm going out for a while, Xiao Ba will be taken care of by you.

"Well, okay, don't play too late." "This time I'm going to get down to business, but it will take a little effort to get rid of the group of watching guys." After speaking, Rayleigh pushed open the door of the tavern , went out.

It didn't take long for Rayleigh to disappear into the generational bubble.

Not long after, on the edge of Bubble Island, Octopus Xiaoba successfully opened a small barbecue shop with the help of Xia Ji, and the specialty snack is Takoyaki.

Finally, after sailing for a full 35 days, Luffy and his party saw the existence of land, which made their mood that had been silent for a while suddenly exploded.

After finding the destination, the Golden Meili seemed to be gliding forward more vigorously than usual, but the few people who had been practicing intensively at this time of the day all stopped practicing, and instead all stood at the bow of the ship , look to which unknown place in the distance, what kind of adventure awaits them there?
Sea Breeze seemed to understand what they were thinking, and worked harder to blow the sail, making the sail round with the sea wind, and the speed was happier.

Slowly, this originally mysterious village is showing its charm to Luffy and his party at this time, and the straw hats and his party also slowly see the setting of this village clearly.

The village is completely covered by the trees, if you don't pay attention, you will not be able to see the village blocked by the trees, but at this moment is the time when the bell in this area is ringing, the smoke slowly drifting from the other side of the forest, Let Luffy and the others know that there is indeed a village over there, so they can see the general appearance of the village after careful observation.

The boat slowly approached the shore, and found a secluded place to dock the boat on the shore. At the same time, some trees were built to hide the boat, so that at least their boat would not be in this unknown place. Something big went wrong.

After finishing all this, several people set off towards that unknown place.

It is not as easy to pass through the woods as imagined. There are all kinds of big trees, and there are many thorns growing between the big trees. Every time you go a certain distance, you need to slowly clear the obstacles in front of you.

That's why Luffy and the others didn't see anyone on the edge of the coast. It turned out that it was blocked by the woods, but whether the blocking of the woods existed naturally or was intentionally created by humans here.

However, these were not great obstacles for Luffy and the others. After splitting all the way, Luffy and the others finally came to the vast area belonging to the other side of the forest.

At this moment, in front of Lu Fei and the others, there is a large area of ​​living houses, and there are children playing everywhere. They are playing happily, but there is a characteristic that there is a part of the skin on their bodies. It showed a kind of abnormal pitch black, some were on the back, some were on the arms, the distribution was different, but all of them were the same size, about as big as a small teacup, like a dark birthmark.

And about 100 meters in front of Luffy and the others, there is a wooden sign with three big characters written on it: "Ximi Village."

(End of this chapter)

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