The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 33 The Village Without Adults

Chapter 33 The Village Without Adults

Seeing outsiders invade their territory, the children who were still playing there fled back to their home and hid. They seemed to be very afraid of Luffy and his party.

But these children are still young after all. Although they hid at home, their strong curiosity made them stick out their heads to look at Luffy and his party. They always have a strong curiosity about unknown things, especially children.

Seeing this scene, Luffy and his party couldn't help but smile, and walked slowly into the village. As the Straw Hats and his party went deeper, they learned more about the village.

The houses in the village are all made of some hard wood, and a lot of effort has been put into the arrangement of these houses, like a circle. The back of the house is close to the woods, and the gaps between the rooms are also covered. Some wooden posts were stared at, probably because they were afraid that these children would run into the woods for fun.

Another thing that surprised Luffy and his party was that the snakes and insects active in the woods did not dare to take a step outside the circle formed by these houses and wooden piles. It seemed that there was something in the circled area that made them It’s the same thing that feels fear, but these are not something outsiders like Luffy can figure out. Ask the people here, and you should be able to know what method they use to achieve this effect.

However, as Luffy and the others advanced, they found that the more they wanted to go inside, the denser the defenses became, but the number of people was mainly children, and even women didn't see a few, which made Luffy and the others very uncomfortable. surprise.

"I'll grab a child and ask." Sauron said. Sauron felt deeply uneasy about the scene in front of him, so he wanted to ask a child to ask.

But Luffy stopped Sauron, shook his head and continued walking forward, and finally they came to the center of the village, but there was not even a child here, only an empty square.

There were still some ashes from the bonfire banquet around the square. Usopp rushed over to inspect some of these ashes and then ran over and said: "Judging from the temperature of these ash, it doesn't take long to extinguish."

This made Luffy and the others even more puzzled. What kind of village is this, Ximi Village, and what kind of secrets are hidden?

Luffy and his party are very interested in the adventure here, but now they don't have the slightest clue.

"How about, let's go to those houses and check it out, or just grab a few children and come over to ask." Sanji couldn't help but said, this place is too evil, just now I saw the smoke, but now I can't see it to an adult presence.

"Let's not catch the children and ask them. I always feel that there is something unsettling about them." Nami said very uneasy, but then thought about the predicament they are facing now and thought for a while Then he said: "Let's check the houses here to see if there are any adults, so we can ask."

"That's the only way, I'm with Usopp, the three of you are together, remember to notify when you find someone." After speaking, Luffy pulled Usopp and walked towards the house beside him.

The three of Sanji also cooperated and walked to the other side, but there was some discord between Sanji and Zoro, but it did not affect their cooperation.

"You did it on purpose. Sanji and Zoro have always been dissatisfied with each other, but they always care about each other in their hearts. They will inevitably bicker when they are together, not to mention Nami is here now. Sanji Zhi might want to overwhelm Sauron, but Sauron's personality doesn't seem to let Sanji go." Usopp very evilly pointed out Luffy's little trick.

"Hehe, it's not been a day or two for the two of them, they should be able to get used to it." Luffy not only snickered.

However, they didn't slow down and began to knock on the door one after another to see if there was anyone inside. Almost none of the doors were closed, and they could be easily pushed open, but there was no one inside.

Even if you can occasionally see a two-person presence, it is only a child who is two to three years old.

Nami and the others had the same result. After searching the entire village, Luffy and his party had to sit in the square, lying powerlessly. What is going on with the people in this ghost place? None of the above.

In the process of searching the house, Sauron also tried to ask these children when he saw that there was no time to avoid them, but all the results were question marks. These children seemed to be dumbfounded as if they didn’t understand Sauron’s language. Looking at Sauron, he hid in fear.

So Zoro wanted to be rough, but was stopped by Nami.

Since these people will hold a bonfire banquet on this square, they will definitely appear in this place again, so let's wait here.

Luffy and his party had no choice but to hold a bonfire banquet by themselves on this square.

And several people who were already hungry also actively participated in it. Sauron and Usopp went to prepare wood, while Luffy rushed into the woods and hunted down a few wild boars without eyes.

The fragrant boar meat was so fragrant that the children couldn't help crawling or walking towards it, as if they were particularly interested in this wild boar meat.

Under Sanji's superb cooking skills, a piece of wild boar barbecue was born. Of course, as a chef, Sanji will not disappoint anyone who wants to eat his cooking, so those who come to the side All the children were also given some barbecue by Sanji and they ate them.

The banquet lasted for a long time, but still no one showed up. In the end, Luffy and the others could not help but start practicing or sleeping on the square.

The round square made it a pleasure for Luffy and his party to practice, and the confrontation between Sauron and Sanji was also very exciting, and Usopp continued to mess with his gadgets.

The most unexpected thing is Nami, because at the moment she is holding the official weather stick in her hand.

"Although it doesn't have the blessing of the shock shell mentioned in the original book, but due to my recent innovations in research, this weather stick will be scary when you use it. Of course, you must pay attention to the method of use."

Recalling when Usopp introduced herself to herself, Nami couldn't help but smile, and now she has also started to practice the function of this stick, combined with the "softness" in the exercises. Nami can use this weather stick more sharply , so the area where Nami was gathered had the most children, but no one dared to come within 50 meters of Nami.

And Luffy is lying alone in the middle of the square, looking at the clouds in the sky, what is that feeling?I have always been very easy to understand the exercises, but why this time there is always one that can be mastered, but every time I try to catch it, it disappears, which makes Luffy very depressed. It's also hard to let go.


The bell rang again, and the mysterious Ximi Village seemed to show its demeanor to this group of visitors from afar at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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