The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 35 Forgotten Archmage

Chapter 35 Forgotten Archmage

"Of course." The Straw Hats, who had absolutely no resistance to the banquet, joined the banquet before they had time to ask the most critical questions.

People who live underground all year round, whose freedom is restricted by the bell, the madness they show during the time they can move freely makes the straw hats and others feel their passion, relax their tense nerves indulgently, and These simple people enjoy rare happiness together.

Although these people are not particularly powerful, the barbecue they make has a different taste than Sanji's cooking, which makes Luffy and the others feel good, and Sanji naturally joins in the cooking gone.

But what excites Sauron is that people here have a kind of wine, which is buried in the ground all year round. Every time a jar of wine is taken out, a new jar of wine will be put in for storage, and the wine put in is often better than the wine taken out. There are many, so over the years, some particularly old wines will be kept for use in sacrificial ceremonies, and today they also took out some for these guests from afar to taste.

The mellow wine juice is not sweet when passing through it, but the anesthesia of alcohol is stronger than the fruit wine outside. After asking, I found out that this kind of wine is made from wild fruits and the shin bones of some wild animals. , was finally stored at a place 20 meters underground, and it took more than ten years to unseal it. However, the wine that Sauron was drinking at this time had been 30 years old.

This couldn't help but make Sauron's appetite whet, and he drank thoroughly with these villagers.

But Nami is the calmest one. After eating some barbecue and drinking some light fruit wine, she got together with those women, because she still has some things to ask from these women's mouths, otherwise I have been holding it in my heart and I am very suffocated.

"Sister-in-law He, why don't you kids hide underground with you? Are you not worried that they are wandering alone in this village at such a young age? Although those beasts can't get in, they can You ran out, what should you do if something goes wrong." Nami asked the woman she was already familiar with.

This woman, whom Nami called Mrs. He, was stunned when she heard Nami's question, then sighed deeply, and said, "How can you rest assured, but we have to do this."

"Why." Hearing Sister He's words, Nami not only had deeper doubts.

After taking a look at Nami, Mrs. He slowly revealed the matter. It turned out that this unpredictable light could not move in the bright area within the specified time except for the birthmark on the body that restricted people to the size of half of their face. In addition, there is another effect that these children have to let the birthmark grow to a certain extent under this light.

This level is five years old. After five years old, these children must be concentrated in the underground for five years. Knowing that when they are ten years old, the birthmarks on their bodies have fully grown to the size of half the face. Only then can they Live in the light of this light again.

Otherwise, they would either have to live under the light all the time, or they could only live in the dark underground. Some women used to pity their children, and in the end, the children had to live underground all the time. And those who didn't live underground until they were ten years old, when they saw the light again, their whole bodies would burn and turn into ashes.

After Mrs. He said all this, she couldn't help crying.

Looking at the sad looks of these women, Nami knew in her heart that some of their children must have suffered from such a situation, which is why they were so sad, and after experiencing Bermer's mother's love, Nami felt completely can understand.

"Sister He, don't worry, we will definitely help you get rid of this curse this time, for sure." Nami said firmly to Sister He and the others, and at the same time made up her mind.

"Well, I believe you, because you are the warriors predicted by the Forgotten Master." Aunt He nodded.

"By the way, Mrs. He, I heard you often mention the Forgotten Master. What kind of person is that? Can you tell us something?" Regarding the Forgotten Teacher, Nami has always had a doubt in her heart. Who is this person? What kind of existence? From the mouth of the village chief Ossi, I know that he is a magician. Since he can help these people drive away snakes and insects, he should be a very powerful person. Why not help them lift the curse? What is hidden.

Mrs. He shook her head, and then said: "Only the village head knows this, but we all know one thing, that is, the Forgotten Master was originally a villager in our village."

"He is a villager in your village, so why doesn't he help you lift the curse?" Nami then asked this question again.

"It's not that he doesn't help us, it's that he can't help, but in the end he still gave us hope, that is when he said that one day in the future there will be warriors who come here following the guidance of the formation map, Those warriors will help us lift the curse on our bodies, but these are all conveyed to us by the Forgotten Master directly through the village head. As for us, we have not even seen the face of the Forgotten Master, but we are sure that the Forgotten Master has been watching Follow us." Mrs. He has a sense of trust in the words of the Forgotten Master, like a believer who worships a god, and the Forgotten Master may be a god-like existence in their hearts, and it is their belief.

Knowing that there is no doubt about asking too much, Nami stopped interrogating these questions. Instead, she chatted slowly with Mrs. He and the others while eating delicious barbecue and drinking the specialty broth here.

As time went by, everyone slowly reached the end. Some villagers were drunk during the fight with Sauron, collapsed to the side, and were quickly carried to the cellar by some villagers. When the bell rang, they would have no time to retreat, and something might go wrong by then.

At this time, Nami also slowly came to Luffy's side. Looking at Luffy's fat belly because of eating too much, Nami couldn't help smiling, and whispered what she knew in Lufei's ear. Some information told Luffy.

After listening to what Nami said, Luffy felt that he could not stay here any longer. He had to get some information from the village chief, and then he was about to set off. Help these poor villagers lift the curse as soon as possible, and then come and fight with them. It would be more fun if they had a party together.

Pulled Zoro who was still fighting for wine, called Sanji who was still waving a chef's knife, and pulled Usopp who was still bragging about his great achievements with a group of young boys.

After the five people summed up the information they knew together, they decided together that Nami and Lu Fei should ask the village chief for some urgently needed information, and then the team would set off and leave here. When the curse on them was lifted, the five of them secretly made up their minds at the same time.

After finishing speaking, everyone returned to their original positions, Luffy stood up slowly, and Nami followed behind Luffy, and they slowly came to the place where the village chief was.

"Oh, dear warriors, you are here." When Luffy and his party muttered together, the village chief Ossi had already noticed and understood what these young people were thinking, and couldn't help being moved.

"Hee hee." Lu Fei smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Osi, thank you for your kind hospitality, but unfortunately, if the villagers are not persecuted by this damn curse, I would like to have a carnival with everyone." It’s been a month, but the reality is always so cruel.”

"Osi Village Chief, I don't want to say anything else, please tell me something about the curse, I want to help you get rid of this damn curse." Luffy said to Osi Village Chief all of a sudden.

Looking at the young man wearing a straw hat in front of him, Village Chief Osi was deeply shocked. Although he knew that these people would choose to help them, what he didn't expect was that for people like himself who didn't want to be locked up , this young man has made such a determination, so determined.

Not only did Village Chief Osi stand up all of a sudden, he looked deeply at the straw hat and said, "Thank you, warrior, I will tell you everything I know, but."

"But what." Nami said hurriedly after seeing Village Chief Osi frowned slightly.

"Because there is only one person who knows about the method of lifting the curse, and that person is the Forgotten Master. The Master once said that when some people come to rescue us, let us directly guide us to where she is, but the Master is A person with a very strange temperament, so although I hope you can help us lift the curse, at the same time, I don't want you to be hurt by the teacher's weird temper." Village Chief Osi said slowly.

"But it's okay, Village Chief Osi, just tell us how to find the Forgotten Master, and we will take care of other things." Luffy said firmly.

Seeing the determined expression of the young man in front of him, Village Chief Osi had no choice but to nod.

(End of this chapter)

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