The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 36 The Sea of ​​Desire

Chapter 36 The Sea of ​​Desire
The straw hat party riding on the Golden Meili at this moment is exactly the straw hat group who bid farewell to the villagers of Ximi Village before the bell rang, and they shouldered all the hopes of the villagers of Ximi Village at the same time.

Seeing the completely different sea ahead and the sea area close to Ximi Village, I couldn't help being speechless.

Luffy and his party, who originally thought they didn't need to take a boat, had to drive out the hidden Golden Meri again when they learned the location of the Forgotten Master from Osi Village. The small raft for yourself and others is much better.

Looking at the torrential sea in front of him, Luffy was not only puzzled, how did the Forgotten Master cross this sea area, it was really confusing.

But remembering what Village Chief Osi told him last, Lu Fei couldn't help laughing. It turned out that the Forgotten Master didn't want to help these villagers lift the curse, but that the Forgotten Master himself had already been cursed by the curse, and what she suffered His curse is much more severe than that of the villagers of Ximi Village, because his whole body has turned into a pitch black color, so the most taboo words in front of the Forgotten Master are: black, dark, and ugly.

"Hey." After sighing, Luffy didn't think too much about it. The most important thing now is how to get through this place called the Sea of ​​Desire. Mayor Osi said that there are huge monsters living here. (that is, Neptune class).

"Nami, command, how can we pass through this sea area, the opposite island should be the location of the Forgotten Master.

Before Luffy said this, Nami had already started to calculate with a pen and a notebook, thinking that this kind of sea area full of whirlpools would be involved if one was not careful, and it would be completely over at that time.

Moreover, although the Golden Meili they were riding was small and nimble, but at the same time, the dhow had some obvious defects in power, and its functions were much less.

After calculating for a while, Nami put away the pen, then closed the notebook, and said confidently, Sanji and Usopp are at the helm, Zoro is pulling the sail, and Luffy is at the bow to see clearly, to prevent There are Neptunes haunting them.

"Oh." As soon as Nami's voice fell, the whole team began to operate in an orderly manner, each performing its duties.

Glancing at the water surface of the Sea of ​​Desire, one after another orders were continuously thrown out of Nami's mouth, and the ship also began to enter the vortex following various adjustments, and seemed to be completely following the vortex towards the center of the vortex.

Although common sense tells me that the best way to face the whirlpool is to avoid it, and escape as quickly as possible, but at this moment they are heading towards the whirlpool, saying that they are not afraid in their hearts is a lie.

But since Nami made such a decision, she would naturally have her reasons. On the sea, you need to fully trust the navigator, and this navigator is still your partner, so even if there is a deep pit ahead, if Nami says to move forward, they will not give up. Go forward without hesitation.

The Golden Meili kept moving forward along the direction of the vortex, and as the vortex deepened, the ship began to enter the center of the vortex, but looking at the firm expression on Nami's face, there was nothing else, Sauron and the others Just know to move on like this, don't have other thoughts.

One circle, one circle, another circle, the boat circled in the middle of the vortex. Although the vortex was very large, the speed of the boat's circle along the vortex was not slow, on the contrary, it was getting faster and faster.

In the end, the speed of the ship had increased by two or three times compared to the initial speed, but Nami still had no other instructions, so Zoro and the others could only continue to control the angle of the sail and the rudder according to the initial order. direction.

At this moment, Luffy stood quietly at the front of the bow, looking at the turbulent vortex, and Luffy fell into deep contemplation. Maybe he understood Nami's thoughts a little bit, although his instinctive reaction to the vortex was quick Leave him, but the name of this sea is the sea of ​​desire, the sea of ​​desire.

If you escape from this vortex desperately at the first time, you may be safe, but you will never reach the other side, because there is only one way to the other side, and that is to cross the vortex of the sea.

"Zoro turned the sail to the direction of three o'clock, Sanji, Usopp, turned the rudder to the direction of nine o'clock." Two diametrically opposite angles came out of Nami's mouth.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zoro quickly adjusted the sail to the three o'clock direction, and Sanji also reacted quickly, turning the direction of the rudder.

With the sudden adjustment of the sail and the rudder, the ship exploded at its maximum speed in an instant, and this speed made the whole ship fly up, yes, it just flew up.

After gliding in the air for a certain distance, the boat landed on the water again, its speed suddenly increased, and at the same time, it rushed towards the other side of the vortex.

This time, the influence of the power of the vortex on the ship can be completely ignored, because the speed of the ship is too fast, and it hits forward like an arrow leaving the string.

The wind is calm and level, there is no big wind and waves, and there is no frightening vortex. The ship successfully escaped from the restraint of the vortex, and at the same time safely reached the other side of the vortex. The sea area here is equally calm.

At this moment, Sauron and the others seemed to have escaped from death for a while, and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead fiercely. Sauron slowly lay on the deck, and Sanji and Usopp at the helm were also at the moment. The same collapsed on the deck.

Only Luffy at the bow walked towards Sauron and the others with his mouth open, "Hehehe, Nami's sailing skills are really good."

"After using the power of the vortex to increase the speed of the ship, change the direction of the ship instantly, and change this centripetal force into a centrifugal force at that moment, so that the ship has enough speed and strength to break through the obstacles of the vortex, Nami, yes Is that so?" Luffy said, looking at Nami with a smile.

After Nami patted her forehead helplessly, she complained, "Are you really the stupid one in the script? I think you are smarter than anyone else."

"Hehe." Hearing Nami's words, Luffy didn't explain much, just smiled lightly.

After resting for a while, the ship set sail again, but the following sea route was not in great danger, and the sea kings that appeared from time to time were also KO'd by the three perverts, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji.

However, these sea kings were finally used reasonably by Luffy and others. I saw a sea cow swimming in front of the Golden Meri at the moment, and there were several pieces of rope firmly tied to his body. above his horns.

At this moment, the manatee is completely used as a coolie's boat puller, but because of the help of this manatee (of course, it is only coerced by force), the Golden Meili sails forward quickly in this calm sea area After a while, a small island appeared in the sight of Luffy and others, and that island should be the destination of Luffy and others' trip.

The Forgotten Master should be on that island. Since they already had a target, Luffy and the others not only urged the sea cow to swim forward faster, but the boat approached the island after a while.

This time, Luffy and the others found an inland lake on the edge of the island, and it was connected to the sea. Without any extra words, they drove the boat in, heard the inland lake, and concealed the boat at the same time.

And Luffy and his party have already noticed the location of the only castle on the small island, which should be the settlement of the so-called forgotten masters.

(End of this chapter)

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