The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 38 Honda?Jayden

Chapter 38 Honda?Jayden (2)
"Okay, Master, wait for our good news, let's go." Luffy didn't continue to find out more information from the Forgotten Master, but turned around and walked towards the door. At this moment, in Lu Fei's heart, he just wanted to beat up Turn over the guy who betrayed his companions.

"Wait a minute, take this." The Forgotten Master threw five bottles of potion in Nami's direction.

"This allows you to enter and exit Amo City at will without being recognized, but it will be useless when you reach the sealed land, and you need to rely on your own efforts."

"Thank you, Master."

No.30 Eight Palms: Emotion of Anger
The straw hats who left the Forgotten Master moved forward according to the route. Since most of the next journey will be on land, there is no need to continue to travel by boat.

Walking on foot is sometimes a good way to exercise. During the whole journey, the Straw Hats all marched forward rapidly, moving forward without the slightest hesitation. There seemed to be a breath of energy in their hearts. Well, this anger needs to be vented as soon as possible, otherwise, their forward speed will always be as fast as they are now.

After passing through a jujube forest, what appeared in front of them was a low bush. Although these bushes were not very tall, they were enough to block their vision from the front. It is very easy for people to lose their way, and finally get completely lost in this bush.

Fortunately, there is a navigator like Nami, who not only has a keen insight into the route and direction of the sea, but also has an easier grasp of some directions on land.

Under the leadership of Nami, they soon passed through this not-so-small bush area, but they were greeted by endless sandstorms, which surrounded a large area in front of them, and it seemed that it was extremely difficult to take a step forward. However, this is not particularly difficult for the Straw Hats who have advanced for more than ten hours in a row.

It is an extremely irrational behavior to march into the desert in such a rapid march mode, but at this moment, they have already forgotten all about reason in their hearts, and what they have is just a depression that continues to vent.

But it seems that God intends to help them. When they recommended more than 100 miles in the desert, an oasis appeared, but at the moment leading to the oasis, it was hidden by a large number of powerful people in the desert. Obstructed by the sand foxes, there was a trace of contempt in the ferocious eyes of these sand foxes as they watched the Straw Hats come.

But this contemptuous attitude made the Straw Hats extremely angry at this time. It doesn't matter where the anger comes from. What is important is that there is such a group of people living in the desert in front of them at this moment. Foxes, they dare to look down on themselves.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were the first to strike, but Usopp was the fastest to hit, because Usopp's gunpowder star rushed towards the front sand fox with an angry roar.

When the sound of gunpowder blasting sounded, the sand fox that was so arrogant just now was wiped out in an instant.

"That's too weak." Usopp yelled, and then continuously fired various new types of lead bullets he had researched, and all kinds of strange colors filled his ears for a while.

As for Nami, who used the ability to use the atmosphere for the first time, she chose to attack to the side very carefully, and slowly formed enough dark clouds in the sky, and slowly let the dark clouds impact towards the rear of the sand fox group past.

In an instant, the momentum of the two sides was completely reversed. In fact, it can't be blamed that these sand foxes are not strong enough, but that the straw hats are too strong. The main reason why these sand foxes can dominate this area is that they are often few when they are dispatched. Hundreds of them appear at the same time, and their individual strength is not strong.

But even if they are good at summing up, it is useless at this moment, because the three evil stars of the straw hat group have rushed into the sand fox group at this moment, and from their facial expressions, it can be seen that they are very angry at the moment, and the consequences are very serious. Seriously, so no matter how many sand foxes you have, it's not enough for them to fight at this moment.

Although Shahu's strength is not as good as it is, it is just right for Zoro and Sanji to train the latest comprehension at this moment. During this period of time, they have also made new breakthroughs in their understanding of the exercises in the gossip pattern, and at the same time they also use the exercises for themselves. The original learning slowly merged together.

And at this time, when they really used this fusion strength, they were surprised to find that the exercises in the eight trigrams pattern are the most practical panacea exercises, not only have extraordinary strength when used alone, And when they were integrated into what they had learned, they found that they could better display the essence of the exercises in the gossip patterns by using them in this way, and because of this, they had a deeper understanding of the gossip patterns at this moment. One floor up.

But at this moment, the No. 1 with the fastest killing is not Luffy and the three of them, but Nami. I saw the weather stick in Nami's hand, a silver snake flickered in the sky, and a small The group of sand foxes were completely shocked, without a breath of life.

Followed by Luffy, Luffy broke out completely, not only because he felt the one called Honda from the Forgotten Master?That person from Jayton betrayed the anger of his fellow clan, and Luffy’s recent suffocation that seemed to understand but didn’t fully understand the incomprehension of the fourth level of the martial arts. The foxes had no ability to resist, and they all fell down.

Although there are a lot of sand foxes, they can't stand such a killing. With the outbreak of Sauron's "Three Swords Technique? Three Thousand Worlds.", the only remaining sand foxes were also wiped out.

At this time, the few people who were originally in high spirits also fell into a trance for a while, and fell to the ground.

This may be because of the gas that was pent up in their hearts was let out, which allowed their spirits to be relaxed at this moment, and also allowed their bodies, which had almost reached their limit, to gain a little space to rest at this moment.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Luffy got up slowly, he realized that he was waiting for a group of people to sleep in a pile of sand fox corpses, and Luffy not only shivered.

What if I and others have been going with that state in this state?If Jiedon starts to fight, although he and others will be strong for a while, they will definitely be insufficient in the future, isn't it?

It must be like this, this old witch must be his fault, Luffy thought in his heart, but no, how did he act as bad as us?We didn't use the last few bottles of potion given to us.

Lu Fei couldn't figure it out, although in his heart he more or less guessed that the strangeness of himself and others was caused by Master Forgetting, but he couldn't figure out what Master did.

At this time, the partners also woke up one by one, and they also realized that their previous emotions were completely affected by something. If it weren't for the obstruction of this group of sand foxes, they would have caused complete anger in their minds Get up, rushing into Amo City like this is not purely courting death.

"No wonder I felt a strange feeling at that time, but that master drugged us." At this moment, Sanji seemed to think of something.

Hearing Sanji's words, everyone not only looked at Sanji, hoping to get some useful information from him.

"At that time, I felt strange, because I smelled a very sensitive smell from the Forgotten Master, and the smell is very light but very fragrant. Generally speaking, it is a kind of sandalwood smell, but there is a faint I have also heard the old man say that there is a seasoning in the world that tastes very similar to that smell, which one can make people feel angry for a period of time after eating it, and stimulate all the potential of the human body, but when this It will take a long time to recover after the medium potential is released, but I have never seen that kind of seasoning, I only heard the old man say it, and it has a little influence, I don’t think there is such a strange thing in the world.” Sanji was full of emotion Tell what you know in your heart.

At this time, Nami, who had been frowning all the time, snorted coldly and said: "It seems that the oblivious master doesn't believe in our ability, she wants us to use all our potential to defeat that person in an instant After that, we don’t care about our life or death at all.”

"Although the approach is a bit vicious, but I understand her feelings, take a break, let's continue." At this time, Luffy stopped everyone from continuing to discuss.

He took the lead to walk to the water source in the oasis, drank some water, and replenished some water that was seriously lacking in his body.

Seeing Luffy like this, everyone didn't discuss much, because no matter how viciously the Forgotten Master framed his group, some things have been decided and must be done.

(End of this chapter)

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