Chapter 39 Amo City

Although the sand fox helped Luffy and the others recover from their anger, they still couldn't escape the end of being cooked by Sanji. The group also ate a sand fox feast, replenished enough water, and headed back to the desert Starting from the central area of ​​the city, you should be able to reach the city of Amo that the Forgotten Master said by crossing the desert.

This time, Luffy and the others really felt the power of the desert. Although there was no strong sun, but at the same time there was no cooling at night, so the temperature in this desert area has remained high, and the road has not been halfway. , The fresh water carried has gone down by more than half. In the end, Nami had to forcibly restrict the drinking of fresh water, which also solved the crisis.

There are dangers everywhere in the desert. In addition to the sand fox they encountered at the beginning, the Straw Hats and their party have also encountered various powerful desert creatures. The powerful ones appear alone, and the average ones usually appear in groups.

However, this also happened to give Luffy and the others a good opportunity to train their troops. At this moment, there happened to be a king in the desert in front of him, the poisonous scorpion king. If the Scorpion King hurt his skin, he would definitely be poisoned. At this time, Sauron walked out slowly.

"This time it's my turn." With a light tone, it seemed that the powerful poison of the Scorpion King had no effect on him.

Staring blankly at the Poisonous Scorpion King, Sauron slowly pulled out the blade wrapped in white leather from among the three knives stuck in his waist, and even pulled out the sheath.

The knife made a fuzzy rotation with the change of hand, and Sauron suddenly moved, and saw the knife sheath was quickly inserted into the center of the waist, and at this moment, both hands were holding the knife handle at the same time, and the body followed suit. Move it.

Feeling the power of this move, the pupils of the poisonous scorpion king suddenly narrowed rapidly, and as if he also felt the threat, he hurriedly wanted to retreat and escape, but by the time he realized that he was moving, it was already too late.

I saw that Sauron quickly passed through the body of the Scorpion King, and the whole person stayed behind the Scorpion King. At this time, the knife sheath was held by Sauron again, and the blade was slowly inserted into the knife sheath. , Slowly spit out a sound that broke the eardrums.

"One knife and one life together? The lion sings."

Ignoring Zoro continuing to stand there posing possingly, Sanji kicked away the fat body of the Scorpion King, and took out a meat ball-like thing from the body of the Scorpion King.

"The poisonous scorpion king will naturally grow a kind of sarcoma in his body. This sarcoid can produce a refreshing smell. After eating it, people will be immune to most toxins. Let's eat this scorpion king's sarcoma at noon today." Sanji said as he took out his exquisite cooking equipment from the small package.

I saw the smooth knife skills flying along the Scorpion King's sarcoma quickly. After a while, the sarcoma, which was originally a ball, turned into a large plate of sliced ​​meat. The thickness and size of the meat slices were almost the same, and it could not be seen from the outside They have the slightest sticking.

At this time, Usopp has also made a simple small boiler in the desert. The gunpowder ignites some glycerin, and a little soft sand is spread on it to isolate the poisonous gas of glycerin.

With a wave of Sanji's right hand, all the pieces of meat flew into the air at this moment, burning along with the burning flame of glycerin, and Sanji's hand was constantly moving accordingly, and a sweet aroma came out .

Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Nami all waited quietly, watching Sanji's performance at the same time, but most of them were watching the flying roast tumor.

Ten minutes passed under the watchful eyes of Luffy and others and under Sanji's deliberate showing off, and the sarcoid slices were barbecued meat. After Sanji skillfully threw a few dining plates at the group, With a movement of the knife in his hand, a large number of sarcoid slices rushed towards Nami's plate, and landed firmly on Nami's plate.

Then it was distributed to Luffy and others casually, and Sanji himself took a plate and slowly tasted the fresh barbecued meat slices, and at the same time walked slowly to Nami's side, and took it out from behind He took out a goblet, and the goblet contained bright red blood.

"Nami-san, please taste my newly developed poisonous scorpion king fine wine. It is made from the uninfected blood of the poisonous scorpion king's heart. .” Sanji used a standard knight etiquette to present this blood-like wine to Nami.

"Beauty, it's not bad." Nami slowly took the Scorpion King wine from Sanji's hand, took a sip lightly, felt the sweet taste of the wine, and the sweetness after entering the belly, Nami not only There was a cheerful moan.

At this time, the proud Sanji suddenly found that there were three terrifying eyes staring at him. When Sanji slowly turned his head, he smiled disdainfully and said, "Hurry up, don't you just want to taste this food?" The peerless poisonous scorpion king fine wine, hum."

Just after Sanji finished saying this, three people shot at Sanji at the same time, but Sanji alone could not resist the attack of the three people. Finally, after a few distinct footprints were left on Sanji's handsome face, This short interlude has just come to an end.

After tidying up, the Straw Hats and their party continued on. Although there were many small episodes on the road, they were easily passed by them. And as the desert deepened, they also found that the monsters they encountered were far away from each other. There was a gloomy atmosphere inside, and this gloomy atmosphere became more and more obvious and thicker with the appearance of a city in their sight.

Although the Forgotten Master used dirty tricks against Luffy and the others, the last few bottles of alchemy potions that the Forgotten Master gave them were not fake. After all, the Forgotten Master’s starting point was to exhaust the vitality of the Straw Hats to realize their own potential , and all these potential values ​​need to be used to deal with Honda in Amo City?Jayton's, so try not to be harassed by small shrimps at the front of the city. In this regard, the oblivion master will not make some fake and shoddy products.

There happened to be five bottles of alchemy potions, one for each person. After smearing them on their bodies, several people stepped towards the direction of Amo City, and their goal was the sealed place in Amo City, where What they need to face will be the biggest betrayer in Simi Village: "Hondo? Jayden."

(End of this chapter)

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