The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 42 Zha Lei's Strength

Chapter 42 Zha Lei's Strength

"Must kill? Gunpowder Star." A yell came, and Usopp didn't care about Zha Lei's anger. Instead, he shot a lead bullet in Zha Lei's direction.

The lead bullet exploded in front of Zha Lei, and before the smoke had time to disperse, Usopp ran away in a hurry, because Usopp realized the danger in an instant.

Did he try his best to hide to one side of the square, and the position where Usopp was originally standing has been smashed by three consecutive hard stones at this moment, splashing a cloud of mist.

After being startled for a while, Usopp hurriedly shot another lead bullet at Zha Lei. Usopp was determined to win this blow, but the smoke was exhausted. Seeing the lead bullet flying over, Za Lei did not dodge, but instead Stretching his hand directly forward, he wanted to catch Usopp's attack directly with his hand.

The moment the lead bullet came into contact with Zha Lei's hand, Zha Lei's hand changed, and the originally hard hand changed instantly, turning into a cave that wrapped the lead bullet, sucked the lead bullet in, and then After the hands were closed, the lead bullets exploded in the tightly closed hands, but it only caused Zha Lei's hands to vibrate a little.

"Chacha, it's too weak." Saying that, Zha Lei quickly put his hands down and pressed them tightly to the ground, and then Zha Lei slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of Usopp, with a look in his eyes Zhong seemed to laugh at Usopp's incompetence again.

Zha Lei had already clearly realized in his heart that the guy in front of him was too weak and did not pose any threat to him just after two moves, so Zha Lei wanted to end the battle quickly.

With a secret force in his hand, a wave of air was transmitted along Zha Lei's arm to the ground, and the originally calm ground trembled violently at this moment, and this tremor quickly rushed towards Usopp's direction.

Feeling the danger, Usopp did not sit still, but accelerated his movement speed, and at the same time, various lead bullets and mechanisms began to swarm towards Zha Lei.

Among them are not only powerful lead bullets, gunpowder stars, but also some special lead bullets that only exist in Usopp's small bag.

However, all of these were blocked by a stone wall that suddenly rose in front of Zha Lei, and there were still some remaining stone chips around the stone wall.

Although Usopp's series of attacks did not pose any threat to Zha Lei, the sound of the explosion was also very violent, which not only slowed down the speed of Zha Lei's originally vibrating An Jin that was rushing towards him. some.

Seizing this opportunity, Usopp hurriedly ran towards the other side of the square, because during the short confrontation with Zalei, Usopp understood one thing, that is, he should not get too close to this person.

I am good at long-distance attacks, but this Zha Lei's tricks are more powerful the farther away they are, so Usopp chose to open the straight-line distance between himself and Zha Lei in the shortest possible time.

As if aware of Usopp's movements, Zha Lei showed a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and then accelerated the dark force in his hands again, and at the same time raised his head, and shook his head violently.

A large number of stones came out of Zalei's mouth, and his direction was a large area where Usopp was.

This is also a trick Zalei uses to deal with guys like Usopp who don't like confrontation and keep dodging, shooting randomly with stones.

This time Usopp was unavoidable, the stone hit Usopp's body fiercely, and his body fell backwards along with the stone.

In the process of falling backwards in the air, Usopp shot a small lead bullet into his mouth at a speed that was extremely difficult to observe, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The appearance of Usopp who fell on the ground suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood made Zha Lei who was behind him couldn't help laughing, little ants, how dare you shake the uncle.

"Stones? Crush." ​​Following Zha Lei's yell, the dark force that had taken some time before suddenly erupted, and in an instant a large number of stones emerged from the ground towards Uso The direction of Pu rushed over, and Usopp was about to be buried alive in the stones, and then he was slowly crushed to death.

"Must kill? Gunpowder star bombs." More than a dozen explosive gunpowder stars burst out from Usopp's unicorn fairy slingshot, and rushed towards Zha Lei in four different directions.

Because of his contempt from the beginning, Usopp, Zalei's fierce attacker just now, removed all his defenses, and this time Usopp's shooting made him have nothing to dodge.

At this moment, there was a trace of panic on Zha Lei's face, but these were not enough for Zha Lei to change his attack rhythm, and the violent stone dregs rushed towards Usopp the thinker more quickly.

At the moment when the buckshot shot by Usopp hadn't hit Zalei, the stone had already leaped above Usopp's head, and then shot violently in Usopp's direction, killing Usopp in an instant. Pu was buried among these stones.

At this time, Zha Lei also recalled the dark energy that had been released in a hurry, and the dark energy attached to the stone disappeared in an instant, and hurriedly avoided in Zha Lei's direction to resist Usopp's last attack counterattack.

But no matter how fast Zalei's reaction is, the explosive bomb shot by Usopp has already reached Zalei.

Explosion~explosion~ The sound of continuous explosions sounded beside Zha Lei, and at this time Zha Lei seemed to be seriously injured, and his originally hard body loosened a bit.

It's like a man who was originally full of muscles and suddenly turned into a bloated man covered with fat.

However, Zha Lei did not hang up. On the other hand, Usopp, after being pressed down by the stone, did not move at all, as if he had died.

Zha Lei slowly moved towards the direction of the pile of stones.

Zha Lei, who was close to the stone, felt the changes in the stone with one hand, and couldn't help but have an evil smile on his face.

"There is still an aura in the chatter." As he said that, Zha Lei was about to add a dark energy to these stones to make him burst completely, and finally this wretched and weak man died like this of.

However, the hand that was pressing on the stone stopped at the last moment, and after looking at the stone quietly for a while, Zha Lei couldn't help but said: "Your aura seems to be very tenacious."

"Hmph, do you think that little attack of yours can hurt me? It's ridiculous."

"I, Zha Lei, am the most powerful warrior in the entire Amo City, and I was given the hardest stone ability by the boss. It is extremely hard. Just your little attack thinks it can hurt me."

"Let you die in peace." Saying this, Zha Lei shook his whole body, and his loose body suddenly produced a suction force, which sucked a large amount of stone force from the area behind Zha Lei. When it reached Zha Lei's body, it was injected slowly, and Zha Lei's body began to swell with the injection of these original forces.

In the end, Zha Lei's body was a little bigger than it was at the beginning, and his muscles were much stronger than at the beginning.

This is the special ability of Shishi fruit, which can absorb the essence of stone dust in the earth to replenish its own energy, and become a fighting machine that will never stop running.

"Hmph, you should be able to rest in peace if you die in my hands." Zha Lei didn't say anything else, and pressed his hand again on the pile of stones that buried Usopp's body.

Slightly closed his eyes, then Zha Lei opened his eyes abruptly, a dark energy started from Zha Lei's body towards Zha Lei's hand that was tightly pressed on the stone pestle.

"Shishi? Blast."

Following Zha Lei's yell, the dark energy stored in the stone exploded at this moment.


The sound of blasting came from a place that was originally a pile of stones, but now it had turned into a pile of abandoned stones and dregs.

Abandoned in a corner of the square.

(End of this chapter)

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