The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 43 Must Kill?Explosive

Chapter 43 Must Kill?Explosive

As the Anjin Yiyi in Zha Lei's hands exploded, a black figure flashed out from the stone pestle, and at the same time, the explosive lead bullets smashed towards the blasting place.

With a bang, it exploded on Zha Lei who was just about to go out, and the violent explosion hit Zha Lei's body, as if it wanted to tear Zha Lei's body apart.

"Definitely kill? Double the gunpowder explosion and star bombs."

This made Zha Lei's body, which had been strengthened by absorbing the Force of Stone, not only loosen again, but this time Zha Lei did not push himself up, but quickly retreated backwards, his body The ground began to absorb the power of the stone again, and the originally flat square ground had sunk deeply down for a distance of more than one meter at this moment.

Zha Lei hurriedly regained his physical condition while looking at the black figure who was attacking him. The guy who should have died in his attack was standing opposite him energetically. A trace of blood could be seen.

"Hmph, you think you can kill me with that little attack, but I am Usopp who has [-] subordinates." Usopp returned all the words Zalei said just now, as if relieved land.

"Next, you can almost die." Usopp pulled up the unicorn again and started a crazy attack. Ten consecutive rounds of starburst bombs rushed towards Zalei, Usopp thought If Zha Lei's body was to be blown into pieces in one breath, then even if he had super strong body defense and super recovery ability, it would be impossible for him to survive.

However, Usopp still underestimated Zalei. Zalei who ate the stone fruit is not so easy to defeat.

When the smoke dissipated, Zha Lei was surrounded by a thick layer of stone, and all attacks were blocked by him. For Zha Lei, as long as he did not harm his body's original strength, as long as he wanted to defend, No force can harm his body.

"How on earth did you do it? No one can survive after my crushing and blasting, and just now I clearly felt that your breath of life is already very weak. Tell me, I can give you You leave a whole body behind."

Zalei had a hard time accepting the fact that Usopp was able to survive his two consecutive fierce moves. Perhaps this was an insurance policy for overconfidence in his abilities.

"I said your mother is a ball." Under Usopp's rage, he started to attack again, but this time he changed the type of lead bullets, and for Zhalei's leaving a whole body, he even I am so angry, I don't want to die, and my friends are waiting for the news of my victory.

"Must kill? Swarm of stinky eggs."

I saw a continuous group of stinky eggs rushing towards Zha Lei.

Zha Lei was not surprised when he saw the enemy coming, because even the starbursts were useless to him, not to mention that these were just stinky eggs, and he only needed to use stone walls to defend them, no need to spend much effort.

So after Zha Lei set up the surrounding defenses, he spouted a big squirt, and there was a storm of rocks, which was called stone random shooting, and this time the random shooting was more violent than the previous one.

But because of the battle just now, the square that was originally flat is now full of potholes, so Usopp can still retreat and dodge, not in a panic, but instead shoot some stinky people in Zha Lei's direction. Egg group hit.

The two started shooting each other crazily for a while, but Usopp was scurrying around to avoid the attack, while Zalei kept hiding in those places and just used the surrounding stone walls to defend, shooting some stones out of his mouth. From time to time, a stone shuriken formed in his hand and was thrown towards Usopp.

Glancing at Zha Lei's surroundings, Usopp nodded slightly, and muttered: "It's almost there."

Speaking of which, Usopp put a large number of starbursts into the unicorn again, and under his intention, this behavior was also clearly seen by Zha Lei.

"Chacha, it's useless, you should know." As he spoke, Zha Lei slowly thickened the stone wall by another layer, and then he slowly hid himself in the stone wall, leaving only one The small mouth can be used for him to attack and observe Usopp's movements.

Usopp did not change his strategy because of Zalei's series of changes. Instead, he loaded the lead bullets more quickly. This time the number of lead bullets seems to be more than last time.

After everything was equipped, Usopp was slowly looking for an opportunity while constantly dodging Zalei's attack, an opportunity for him to attack, and this attack should be able to finish him off.

At this time, during the interval between Zha Lei's attacks, Usopp raised the Unicorn and shot in Zha Lei's direction.

"Must kill? Flame explosion."

I saw lead bullets that were much larger than the previous attacks shooting towards Zha Lei, like the sky was covered with arrows, and rushed towards Zha Lei like a torrential rain.


Feeling the strength of this blow, Zha Lei quickly made the stone wall thicker, and the original small hole has now been closed.

When the lead bullet fell on the stone wall, the rotten eggs wrapped in the lead bullet burst first, and slowly covered the entire stone wall from the top of the stone wall, faintly moving toward the stone wall. The feeling that permeates.

Dong dong dong

The time was calculated according to the sound of the heartbeat, but more than 40 heartbeats had passed, and the expected blasting sound did not sound.

After carefully feeling the breath outside the stone wall, Zha Lei couldn't help but feel humiliated.

"Damn it~ After a long time of ostentation, it's still a stinky egg attack." Zha Lei quickly opened an opening in the stone wall, wanting to erupt his angry flames at Usopp again from this opening.

"The breath in the stinky egg contains a strong smell of stinky eggs, which is flammable." Zha Lei, who just opened a small opening on the stone wall, immediately heard such a sentence.

As soon as the voice fell, a loud drink came through.

"Must kill? Fire bomb."

I saw a lead bullet in the air slowly turning into a flying firebird and charging towards Zha Lei. When the firebird touched the stone wall around Zha Lei's body, there was a sound of pounce, and Zha Lei In an instant, a raging fire ignited around the body.

"Chacha~ I'm not afraid of fire, and it took me a long time to do such a stupid thing. You are indeed too weak."

Zha Lei's arrogant voice came out from his almost petrified mouth again.

"Really." Usopp's movements at this moment are so handsome, he gently posed a POSS, and then imitated the cowboy's appearance, snapped his fingers, and then spit out a word with a blasting sound from his mouth .


"Boom bang bang."

As if in response to Usopp's words, Zha Lei suddenly remembered the sound of several explosions, and all of these sounds were the sound of exploding stars.

In an instant, Zha Lei didn't deliberately increase the defense strength and exploded, causing Zha Lei's stone wall defense to fall off completely at this instant, and the subsequent violent impact caused Zha Lei's body to be seriously injured. the collision.

This is Usopp's new move "Definite Kill? The Power of Pyro Explosion."

"Boom boom boom~." The sound came from Zha Lei's body, and Zha Lei's body also followed the sound, and the body that had been almost crushed by the impact was resurrected from the stone dust again. over here.

But this time there was a stronger defense on his body, a pure dark blue stone defense formed on Zha Lei's body.

Zha Lei's strongest fighting state, the stone state is activated.

In the stone state, Zha Lei has super strong defense and attack power, but there is a big side effect, that is, after using it, he needs to rest for more than three consecutive days.

The use of this move is enough to prove how seriously Usopp's Pyro Explosion hurt Zalei just now, and he had no choice but to use this bottom-of-the-box move.

(End of this chapter)

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