The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 44 Zha Lei's Ending

Chapter 44 Zha Lei's Ending

An evil smile came out of Zalei's mouth after the transformation, and it sounded more creepy, but it still couldn't change Usopp's determination to win, no matter how Zalei's strength improved, Usopp Will not back down, because he has no room to back down.

Compared with the opponents of Luffy and the other three, what I am facing is just a side dish, and I still need to get rid of this guy in front of me as quickly as possible and then help Nami.

Thinking in his heart, Usopp didn't relax in his hand, since Pyrobomb couldn't completely blow up this guy, and it seems that the current state is the strongest form of this guy, hey, it seems that there is only one to use.

Speaking of which, Usopp restarted the bombardment tactics, constantly jumping and changing places and throwing various lead bullets at Zha Lei. This time, there was no choice anymore. Lei's body is thrown.

"Chat, it's useless." Zha Lei gently discharged the lead bullets shot by Usopp, and Zha Lei suddenly closed his hands together to form a huge muzzle.

Facing the place where Usopp was, a stone bullet shot rushed over, and the speed of the stone bullet increased by as much as three parts. Usopp was hit by the stone bullet before he could adapt for a while.

Around that time, Usopp once again used the word "softness" in the eight trigrams technique to assist body skills, and he could only remove part of the force as much as possible, but even a stone bullet that removed half of the force was enough to make Usopp Feel the power of Zha Lei's move.

With a bang, Usopp's body was slammed into the ground by the stone bullet, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of emerald red blood spurted out. This time it was real blood, not Usopp stuffed into his mouth. The blood pills in it.

"Chacha, let me activate the stone state, you are also very good, die." Zha Lei did not insult Usopp this time, and the opponent who can force him to use the stone state is worthy of respect.

However, respect does not mean that you can not kill. The turret formed by Zha Lei's hands is re-aligned in the upside-down direction where Usopp is, and a more violent stone bomb is ready.

At this time, Usopp was in a very bad state, because the impact just now caused him to suffer serious internal injuries, hurting his internal organs, and when he moved a little, he felt severe pain from his chest cavity.

Raising his head slightly, what caught his eyes was the stone bullet that Zhalei was ready to fire back at his body at any time, Usopp smiled helplessly.

"Sure enough, it doesn't work, do you need to use it to deal with such a guy?"

Thinking of this, Usopp raised his head again, his eyes suddenly changed, as if he was thinking about Zha Lei and said, Xiao Mian, you are dead.

Seeing the sudden change in Usopp's eyes, the whole person's momentum suddenly changed, which made Zha Lei feel a little panic, and the more panicked he was, the more he wanted to end the person or thing that made him feel panicked as soon as possible.

"Go to hell, him." Zha Lei seemed to say it with a growl, and then the stone bullet came out of the chamber, and rushed towards Usopp's position more quickly. According to the duel just now, this blow can be confirmed Usopp can't dodge it.

Similarly, Zha Lei also saw Usopp's predicament, and his face couldn't help becoming a little hideous. The feeling that he tried to laugh but had to wait for the stone bullet to hit the ground before he laughed, made Zha Lei's face It became a little strange for a while.

But will things develop as Zha Lei imagined?Of course not, hidden strength can only be used by Zha Lei, and Usopp also has his cards, and his cards seem to be more than Zha Lei's.

The moment the stone bullet was shot, Usopp's body suddenly changed. His body, which was scarred and leaking a little blood, softened. "Must kill? Reflecting star.".

With the sound of lead bullets exploding, Usopp's body suddenly rose into the air, floating in the air as if without weight, and turning along a very wonderful trajectory.

"If there is no transmission of Luffy's skills, it will kill? It is impossible to shoot the reflection star at such a short distance."

At this time, Usopp's gratitude to Luffy deepened, or the friendship between them deepened. When they first boarded the ship, Luffy unreservedly took this infinite Let a few of them study the exercises in the book. Although there are signs of the script in the comic book, but if you can do things so relentlessly, there are not many people who are open-minded, and Luffy is the only one left. one of several.

Seeing Usopp's body rising with the smoke, Zalei thought at first that it was caused by the bombardment of stone bombs, but when he was about to laugh, he found that Usopp in the air suddenly descended. Shen, and then stood firmly on the ground.

The originally laughing expression froze for a moment, but this was only a momentary reaction. Although he didn't directly kill Usopp, Zha Lei felt a little unhappy, but Usopp's death was already doomed, because no one could If he can beat his own stone state, maybe the boss can.

For his own strength, Zha Lei has a kind of blind confidence.

"Boom boom boom." Three consecutive bullets were fired at Usopp, but Usopp dodged them all without exception.

Usopp's avoidance of these stone bomb attacks is not because of how fast Usopp is, but because Usopp has learned another kind of movement method from the "softness" in the gossip pattern. Just float.

Moving with the wind, rising with the wind, this is a kind of identity "floating" extended from the eight trigram pattern exercise "soft."

This is also one of Usopp's hole cards, which is much better than the unmodified softness used to avoid Zalei's stone-rock shooting and avoiding Zhalei's stone-shattering at the beginning.

Seeing his strongest attack being dodged by people whom he identified as weak in front of him, the anger in Zha Lei's heart was getting deeper and deeper, and it might erupt at any time.

"Boom, boom, boom~." There was a continuous wave of attacks towards Usopp. Of course, the final result was still obvious, although Zhalei used a few stone bullets to attack this time. He attacked Usopp from an angle, but Usopp dodged it in the end.

But this time Usopp did not continue to dodge, but held up the unicorn fairy and shot at the top of Zha Lei's head. A huge lead bullet that was more than ten times larger than ordinary lead bullets was placed on the unicorn by Usopp. In the bullet hole of Xian, Usopp will decide the outcome of this blow, if it continues to delay, it will be bad if Nami encounters any danger.

"Must kill? Wan Jun."

With this violent shout, the unicorn in Usopp's hand flicked fiercely, and it was launched, the target was Zha Lei's sky.

Looking at the huge lead bullet flying towards him, Zha Lei's face was a little moved. After all, he has already felt how powerful this kind of lead bullet is, not to mention that this time the lead bullet is ten times larger than normal as much.

However, what happened next made Zha Lei's original heart drop instantly, and he returned to the original, because the lead bullet seemed to deviate from the direction, and it flew towards the sky instead of hitting Zha Lei. .

As long as it doesn't hit the body, no amount of impact can cause the slightest damage to Zha Lei's hard body.

"Chachachacha~, you really are a weakling. As a shooter, you missed your shot." Zha Lei mobilized his strength to condense the defense above his head, while laughing at Usopp.

Listening to Zha Lei's words, Usopp not only showed a smile, but at the same time, two words "stupid." came from Usopp's mouth.

"Eh." Feeling Usopp's words, Zha Lei was stunned for a moment, because the person in front of him had a feeling that he couldn't see through.

"Fall." Ignoring Zha Lei's daze, when the huge lead bullet accurately hit Zha Lei's body, Usopp yelled out such a word from his mouth.

"Falling" of the eight trigrams pattern exercises

Immediately afterwards, the flyer's lead bullet, which was originally stable, seemed to be attracted by a huge gravity, and smashed in the direction of Zha Lei. An incomparably huge momentum shrouded Zha Lei at this moment. on the body.

"Boom." With a sound, the lead bullet slammed heavily on the defense set up by Zha Lei, and then rushed towards Zha Lei's body without stopping at all, breaking through all the defenses around Zha Lei's body.

Then, with a bang, it exploded.

The explosion this time made Zha Lei's body unable to bear the oppressive feeling any longer, and it seemed that he was about to turn into powder and disappear into the air in an instant.

"Did you just die like this?" A voice sounded in Zha Lei's heart, "No, I am invincible, I am invincible."

"Boom~." Immediately after Usopp's buckshot exploded, there were two more explosions that were more violent than before, and the scope of the explosion this time could easily reach Usopp's body.

Even if Usopp has the movement method "Gone with the wind." It is useless. The burst explosion is too violent and affects too much range, no matter how ingenious the movement method is, it will not help.

This is Zha Lei's final move, "Shishi? Self-destruct."

(End of this chapter)

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