The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 47 The Silver Sword Pirates

Chapter 47 The Silver Sword Pirates

After finally finishing applying the ointment on the three people, Nami stood up after a short rest, and looked at the two doors. The two doors were still guarding the space behind the door. The thickness can clearly sense the strength above him.

Nami first came to the place where Sauron was, and there was a clear mark on the handle of the sword. This is the code name of the door Sauron entered. Nami slowly put her hand on the guardian energy of the door, Feeling a huge force of repulsion, he just pushed Nami's hand on it away.

"Huh." Although he realized that the guarding energy of the door was strong enough, it should have been a while since they had fought against each other. There shouldn't be such a strong energy guarding the door, Nami thought in her heart.

However, such a strong energy also shows that there is nothing wrong with Sauron at this moment, because if Sauron has died at this moment, according to what the guy who was fighting with him said, he will walk out of this room and kill other people.

Thinking of this, Nami also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although judging by her energy, she must not be able to break through the energy protection of the door in front of her, but Sauron should be fine at this moment, and she just needs to wait.

Thinking of this, Nami couldn't help but came to the door where Luffy went. There was nothing else on the door, but it was more than twice as big as the other doors. There was a strong coercion coming from the door. feel.

Let Nami not dare to get too close, and when Nami walked in secretly, she found that the energy protection on this door is stronger than other door protection. It not only has a strong energy thickness, but also What's outrageous is that the energy on it seems to be moving, scurrying around.

Nami tried to touch the guardian energy on the same surface, but found that before her hand touched it, a stronger force pushed towards Nami, and stepped back hastily, before Nami stood still down.

After taking a deep look at the two doors, Nami finally returned to Sanji and the others helplessly. At this moment, she must prepare for the worst, take a rest first, and be ready to face the unknown battle at any time.

But at the moment, in the door with the shape of the sword hilt, Sauron, who had been in for a while, frowned deeply, because since he entered this space full of rooms, although he had killed several A small soldier, but the character that should exist in this door has never appeared.

This made Sauron a little annoyed. He kicked open a door in front of him. Seeing the empty room, Sauron's endurance had reached a certain limit.

At this time, several figures slowly appeared behind Sauron, raised the swords in their hands, took advantage of Sauron's momentary inattention, and rushed up, trying to kill Sauron and the sword.

"Hmph, have you lost your game?" Although annoyed, Zoro, who aspires to become the world's number one swordsman, will never relax his vigilance of the surrounding situation.

Turn around, draw your sword, wipe your throat, all in one go.

And then these little guys came to the end in response, seeing a silver sword-like plaque on all of them, with a point of Sauron's sword, picked up the silver sword plaque on them, and put it on. Arriving in a bag hanging casually on his waist, Sauron put the sword into the sword sheath with the sound of a warning, and continued to search door by door without looking back.

Occasionally, some little minions ran out, but there was only one result, that was to be killed by Sauron, and then their silver sword brand was taken away.

And along the way, Sauron has collected a lot of brands, but the cloth bags made to hold the brands are no longer enough, which makes Sauron have to reconsider what to do next.

Forget it, don't collect it, these should be enough for this idiot swordsman to understand that the sword cannot be used as any code name, the sword is used to cut everything, it is not used as an ornament.

Sauron made a secret decision in his heart. Looking at the endless and intricate arrangement of rooms, Sauron couldn't help but feel a headache. He searched for this for a long time, and there was no clue. If this continues, how long will he have to stay here? Yeah, and I don't know how the battle between Usopp and Nami is going.

Sauron was anxious when he thought of this, and punched the wall next to him fiercely.

"Puchi." With a sound, Sauron's fist punched out a big hole in the wall that should have been solid, as if it hadn't been particularly hindered.

Suddenly, an idea sounded in Sauron's mind. As soon as his eyes lit up, Sauron ran in one direction and struck again, but found that the wall hadn't changed in any way.

Changing another room, Sauron punched down again, only to find that the wall was fragile and ugly, and a big hole was directly punched out.

"But it's like this." Sauron, who confirmed his thoughts in his heart, finally relaxed his brows.

The hood wrapped around the arm was knotted and tied on the head, covering Sauron's green algae hair.

Then he easily pulled out the three murder weapons at his waist, put the sword in the middle into his mouth, bit it tightly, and then held the hilt of the sword with his left and right hands.

The changed image of Sauron instantly resembled Shura from the Nine Nether Hells, exuding a strong murderous aura from his body, but this murderous aura disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Clenching the two swords tightly, Sauron exerted a strong force, and the two swords led Sauron's body to spin, and the sword in his mouth followed the trajectory of the rotation and slowly followed the two swords in Sauron's hand. The swords formed a strange meeting point, it seemed that the three swords were fused into one at this moment, and their purpose was to fuse together, and then burst out the most powerful eruption in an instant.

Suddenly, for a moment, Sauron felt that the speed of the rotation was enough to use the next move. With a sudden release of force, the three swords slashed into the air at the same time.

And Sauron also shouted out the name of this move in a timely manner.

"One hundred and eighty troubles and winds."

This move is not the same move. The power of this move used by Sauron at this time is far higher than the trajectory of the move he originally set. One move has also made some improvements, so the power of the move displayed at this time has also become quite large.

I saw a group of breeze that was born around Sauron, and suddenly scattered to the surroundings, and with the sudden storm, the storm produced a catastrophic scene in the originally quiet place.

A large number of houses could not withstand the baptism of the storm, and they collapsed one after another, and almost all of them were uprooted, and were blown directly to a corner of this large space.

The rest of the houses can only be talked about dozens of houses. If you search one by one, you can easily find the right owner.

Sauron couldn't help feeling a little proud of his intelligence.

First of all, this room, Sauron did not stop his destruction, but aimed at the room he had already searched, swung his double blades fiercely, and a gust of air rushed towards this house.

And even though this house is made of tough wood and stone, it can't withstand the powerful moves wielded by Sauron's two death blades.

With the collapse of this house, some little guys who were hiding beside those fake houses just now, but were also blown down by the wind because of Sauron's hundred and eighty troubles, also woke up at this time.

Seeing the scene of Sauron beheading the house, they were deeply shocked, but as members of the Silver Sword Pirates, they would not choose to retreat.

Because retreating, for them, there is only one result, and that is death.

Since you can't retreat, let's go forward. Although the man with the three knives seems to be very powerful and killed many of their partners, but at the moment there are so many people going up together, I'm still afraid of him.

The hero can't stand the crowd, so today the buddies will fight together.

Most members of the Silver Sword Pirates thought so, but when they got close to Sauron, they found that there was still only one result waiting for them, and that was death.

Even if they have more people, it is the same, just like when they are facing their captain.

(End of this chapter)

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