The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 48 The Six Swords Are Not Empty

Chapter 48 The Six Swords Are Not Empty Formation

It didn't take much time for Sauron to clean up these miscellaneous items. Looking at the surrounding area after the fake house was destroyed, Sauron felt a sense of clarity, and he no longer had the trouble of not finding the enemy.

Now that we have reached this point, let's do something crazy again. Thinking of this, not only did Sauron show an evil smile, but the destruction continued.

It doesn't matter whether there are people in the house anymore, because there are only the last ten or so houses left in front of Sauron at this moment, and there are some houses that he has searched, and there are only less than ten houses left. There are so many to be distinguished, all you need to do is destroy them one by one.

With the knife in his hand, a room in front of Sauron burst open, turned into ashes, and cleared the obstacles for Sauron to move forward.

These consecutive rooms were all searched by Sauron, so Sauron was even more reckless when he destroyed them, and he didn't need to care whether someone would stab him in front of his slash.

However, these rooms only slightly slowed Sauron's footsteps, and soon he came to the front of this row of rooms. These eight consecutive rooms are after Sauron beheaded several rooms with small miscellaneous items in a row. Where we arrived, is it still the same mess here, Sauron thought to himself.

But looking at the orderly arrangement of these eight houses, Sauron did not take his guard lightly this time. He bent his legs slightly, held the sword in both hands, and swung it fiercely. The two blades merged into one and charged forward.

But this time, no one ran out in a hurry because of Sauron's slash. Thinking of Sauron swinging the knife, there was no reaction at all. The house completely collapsed, and there seemed to be no one inside.

Zoro glanced at the place that had already been turned into ruins, and instead of hiding in nostalgia, he made a very lazy look and continued to move forward. The next time he swung his knife, it would be
"Die." With a violent shout, the two knives once again flew past the ruins according to the established rules. Following Sauron's blow, a figure suddenly burst out of the ruins, and the figure was covered with blood. The black patches make it impossible to see his face from the outside, and neither beauty nor ugliness can be seen clearly at this moment.

Although the black shadow reacted quickly, it was still drawn to the body by Sauron's prepared sword light, and several bloodstains flowed out.

"It's not bad, it's qualified to be the opponent of Black Hawk, the eighth officer of the Silver Sword Pirates, um." Just when Black Hawk was about to say a few beautiful words to restore his momentum, he suddenly felt a stab wound from his waist. At this moment, he realized that the role he was facing at this moment was not just for him to be high-spirited.

Then there is only one way out, Black Eagle thought in his heart, and the action started immediately, and he saw that Black Eagle accelerated violently and charged towards other rooms.

Black Hawk is not looking for a helper, because there is no such word as a helper in the Silver Sword Pirates. The most powerful person is the captain, and then ranked down according to his strength, and Black Hawk ranks first in the Silver Sword Pirates. The eighth is also the weakest cadre, and the room he ran to was full of cadres who were higher than him. They would not have the slightest sympathy to help Yinjian, and they might be injured. There will be a decline, and their status will be challenged at that time.

You must know that in the Silver Sword Pirates, status is very important. A higher level can crush people to death. In the Silver Sword Pirates, lower levels must obey their superiors, and any request must be obeyed.

Of course, superiors are not allowed to force subordinates to die, that's for sure.

At this moment, Black Hawk is not going to ask for help, but to lure the incoming enemies to other rooms and let them deal with them, and then he can be a fisherman.

However, he still underestimated Sauron's strength, because in the first attack, Sauron didn't know how much stronger this person who dared to hide in front of him and play peek-a-boo with him was stronger than those little bastards, so he shot At that time, Sauron still had too many reservations, so he didn't kill him with one blow.

But since, if you realize it now, then it's all right, one trick is enough.

Sauron casually raised the saber with his right hand, and then slashed at it, seemingly slowly and quickly, and during the operation of the saber, a ray of light was naturally produced, which came out with force.


The seemingly natural blade glow directly across Hei Ying's body, causing his tightly wrapped body to be divided into two halves indifferently. Before any surprise could be shown on his face, he died completely.

However, Daomang didn't stop because he killed the black eagle. Instead, he continued to think about killing the past.

"Boom~." With a sound, another house was destroyed, but this time the figure inside flew out without any hesitation, and there was a fierce sword in the direction of Sauron. Turbulent, like a roaring angry whale in the sea.

However, in Sauron's eyes, this sword was like a child stabbing a big sword master with a small toy sword, so powerless and unbearable.


Before he had time to put down the sword blade, he directly took advantage of the situation and made a horizontal cut, directly resisting the sword that had already attacked Sauron's eyes, and the blade touched the comer's sword tip.

Then, along the tip of the sword, he split the sword in the figure's hand, and the blade directly resisted the heart from the tiger's mouth.

"A role like yours is not enough for me to remember my name. Your sword does not have the most basic things for a swordsman. You insult the way of the sword. There is only one consequence, and that is death." Looking at the person under the sword, The corners moved slightly, as if trying to say something, Sauron said such a sentence fiercely, and then the barrel pierced his body under the condition that the other party's face turned from shame to anger.

Is this the seventh cadre?The strength is too bad, how much time does it take to dawdle one by one, forget it, come out all at once.

"Two Swords Flow? 72 Annoying Wind." Bang, a much smaller wind flow rushed towards the seven houses in front, and it was about to blow away those houses in an instant.

However, these houses are actually built houses, and they have not been completely destroyed after withstood by Sauron's extremely targeted 72 troubles, but they are finally able to destroy the wall facing Sauron. It was lifted up directly.

"咻咻~." There were several consecutive sounds, and then six figures appeared in front of Sauron. They wrapped Sauron in six directions. It seemed that they would draw their swords and attack Sauron at any time. land.

Why are they all practical silver swords?No wonder it is called the Silver Sword Pirates.

Seeing the weapons in the hands of several figures in front of him at this time, Sauron seriously noticed that all the people he killed were holding silver swords along the way, but there were some differences in the quality of the swords. .

"Are you the person we are going to deal with this time?" A figure who seemed to be a leader among the figures spoke, without any emotion in his words, as if he was not facing a living creature, but a dead person.

"Are you the bastards I want to kill? Hahaha, you are too weak." Sauron closed his eyes slightly, feeling the breath from these people, but found that these people were not very powerful.

Sauron's words, of course, also reached the ears of these six people. Although they were angry, none of them took the lead. It seemed that they had a rare cooperation at this moment. It may be that they have realized the strength of the incoming person, not because they reserved their strength. When it comes to fighting for status, it's good to be able to survive.

"Hmph, since you say that, then please show your Excellency that our six swords are not empty." The guy who spoke at the beginning tried very hard to calm down the anger caused by Sauron's words just now. , said coldly.

And just when the figure finished saying this sentence, the whole person started running quickly, and at this moment, the other five people who originally surrounded Sauron tightly also started running at this moment.

After a while, their speed made people feel dazzling, and it seemed difficult for the naked eye to see who they were.

Sauron didn't move at this moment, because this was his first time facing the sword formation, so he needed to first understand the power of this so-called 'six sword formation', and find out the weakness of this formation, and then break it array.

Sauron, who was standing quietly in the field like this, seemed to have weaknesses all over his body, but the cadres of the Silver Sword Pirates who had cast the 'six swords are not empty' never attacked Sauron.

Because the person who does not move in their eyes at this moment does not have any flaws, and if they make a move rashly, it is easy to get caught, so for a while, both sides chose to stop with silence.

(End of this chapter)

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