The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 51 Strong moves require a good knife

Chapter 51 Strong moves require a good knife
Cowardly, while thinking in his heart how much his strength could be improved after this battle, he was coping with Sauron's frenzied attack.

Obviously, there is still room for flinching at this moment, and the reason why he didn't go all out immediately is because he wanted to learn more about Sauron's moves.

Is this the performance of the legendary sword idiot? Has the shrinking reached that level?

Even though he was in the midst of a sword move at the moment, Sauron could clearly feel the fearful mind at the moment, as well as the ease with which he flinched.

"Then try this move with sword intent." Sauron drank in a low voice, and the light egg that was still tightly wrapped around Sauron exploded in an instant.

The light egg surrounding Sauron's body has also slowly spread out at this moment, but the light egg has not become thinner with the increase of the covered volume, but its density is constantly rising.

It seems that countless sword lights will be attracted by the bright light of Sauron's slashing in the air, and finally slowly pour into Sauron's body.

This is the 'Three Swords Flow?Profound meaning?The completed state of "Light Slash" just now is only the initial state, and it is also the biggest flaw of this move. If he flinched and seized the opportunity to slam Sauron, this move would have been broken at that time.

And Sauron, who was in charge of this move, might be backlashed by the move and suffer extremely serious injuries.

Perhaps it was because he realized from the beginning that Coward would not want to solve the battle in a short time, but wanted to know more about his own moves. Sauron was not worried about the serious consequences of breaking his moves.

The sudden change of moves made the guy who was the captain of the Silver Sword Pirates feel dazed for a moment, but what was shown on his face was not remorse, but a hint of excitement.

This move is too subtle, and I can't help but secretly praise it while cringing in my heart, but it is not without flaws.

Recluse suddenly fell to the ground and fell half short, the sword followed his heart, and attacked Sauron's lower body. This blow included the most powerful form among the sword moves practiced by Retreat.

It's called "Strength Splitting Mountains and Rivers." The support evolved from the saber technique and the epee in his hand can exert super power. The flinching at this moment is such a powerful move for the first time.

The momentum is like a mountain, and the force is like a stream.

At this moment, Sauron could completely feel the pressure from the cowering blade, but Sauron's light slash was not vegetarian, and it was not very difficult to deal with the cowering blow.

With a horizontal slash with his right hand, he hit the flinching blade. At this moment, the light slashed from no light to the heavy sword.

The two swords were separated as soon as they were glued, without the slightest sloppy.

In this move, Sauron's light slash had a slight advantage, but it made some of the main attack advantages that Sauron had just obtained invisible, and the momentum of the two returned to a balanced point.

Sweeping the lower body is not enough, so what about vertical chopping, the flinching is not discouraged because the previous blow did not achieve the desired effect, but instead swung the sword upwards, and then used the forceful chopping mountain and river move, thinking that Sauron would start to attack .

This is the advantage of Lianjian. The sword moves are continuous and do not require any artistic conception. Except for some powerful moves that require the process of accumulating energy, other moves only need to rely on their own strength. 80.00% of the strength can be displayed, and these sword moves can be used one after another in the face of the enemy, and can be used repeatedly to exert the absolute power of the sword move.

However, those who practice sword intent like Sauron are much worse in terms of sword moves, because the practice of sword intent is about a kind of artistic conception, which follows the artistic conception, and the sword moves at will, and its power is extremely powerful.

But when it comes to the continuous moves, it is far from the proficiency and variety of those who use consecutive moves.

So at this moment, Sauron also felt a little difficult when dealing with the flinching combo.

Because the light-slashing sword intent had been lost, all that was left was the three-sword style sword move and the flinching confrontation. Of course, Sauron would feel very strenuous in such a confrontation.

One knife, one sword, one style.

Sauron gradually became familiar with the flinching move of "Splitting mountains and rivers with force." The sword move gradually improved when he resisted it, and he was able to counterattack with one or two swords from time to time.

However, in this case, it is often only less than two breaths, because of shrinking and changing tactics.

He attacked Sauron with a more powerful force than Li Chopping Mountains and Rivers, and at the same time, he casually said the name of this move from his shrinking mouth.


And with the change of this move, the originally clear sword shadow in Sauron's eyes also began to become blurred, and the speed of shrinking the sword became faster and faster.

"No, I originally planned to fight sword moves, but it seems that I can't do it anymore." Sauron had already realized when he flinched and just changed his moves. If he didn't change his moves, failure would only come. Just faster.

"Boom." Sauron fiercely slashed towards the cowering.

Three knives, three directions, three strengths, the sword moves are three cuts.

A simple but applicable move, three kinds of strength hit the blurred sword shadow and produced a violent blasting sound.

And following the force generated by this collision, Sauron also took a big step back, and his body changed accordingly. His originally tall and straight body climbed down in an instant, just like a tiger hunting down the mountain.

Gathering the momentum for a fierce charge, the body was carried by the sword intent, and in an instant, it flew across the sky like a scorpion, and there was a sting.

The form of the tiger erupted in an instant, "Tiger? Hunting.".

The sword move that was supposed to cut directly through the enemy's abdomen had no effect this time, instead it was just a hissing sound in the cowering epee, that's all.

But at this moment, Sauron's goal has been achieved, which is to separate from the place where he cowered in the sword stroke.

With the actions of the two sides, it is impossible to make up for the gap above the middle distance in an instant.

Three knives form three blades extending in three directions. The blades are harmonious and consistent, and the three are the world.

The heart moved at will, and the three knives spun suddenly at this moment, like the most primitive fan, and began to rotate in this empty place, and Sauron was in the middle of the fan.

The surrounding space seemed to become more blurred in an instant, as if it had been constructed into many different worlds, with blurred shadows and transparent sword intent.

"Three-sword style mystery? Three thousand worlds."

Sauron was rushed by these blurred worlds in the direction of shrinking, this move is enough.

And shrinking back seemed to have predicted danger, the whole person fiercely raised the heavy sword in his hand, slashed horizontally, with the blade pointing down, and the tip of the sword pointed in the direction of Sauron.

In an instant, the two sword forces charged towards the same point in different directions. There was only one ending for them, and that was a violent explosion.

This blast is powerful enough to destroy any solid rock.

"The evolution of the knife technique sees the dragon ascend to heaven."

One move against one move, but at this moment, even if he used a more quintessential move, he could vaguely feel the strength of Sauron's sword at this moment.

"Oops." I was shocked in my heart, and flinched and changed the movement.

On his silver epee, there seemed to be some silver lightning flashing across, but when he looked at it himself, he found that they were wrapped around the sword like strands of lightning.

Three thousand worlds in one move, so wretched was forced to change the moves twice in a row, and the power was increased once. This cannot but be said that Sauron's three thousand worlds have been improved a lot, and the moves better match the power of Sauron's sword. Sword intent.

This may be the reason for Sauron's newly bought Yukisou and Three Generations of Ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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