The Battle of the Pirate King

Chapter 52 Nine Hells

Chapter 52 Nine Hells
Three thousand worlds, divide up Tai Chi.

From the blade of the sword, whether the force is divided or not, its momentum is as heavy as the sky and the earth is wide, and its majesty is like the vast starry sky.

One move contains all the movement of the starry sky. This is the three thousand worlds of Sauron today. The world is infinite, and what is exhausted is only the artistic conception that Sauron uses.

A thunder pierced through the void and suddenly attacked the aura created by Sauron.

It was the thunder of the sky, and the world became one, united and vertical.

The fourth form of the evolution of the flinching sword technique is "Heavenly Thunder in the World". At this time, the three thousand worlds created by Sauron are also exhausted, so at the last moment, it collides with the flinching heavy sword with a bang.

The two separated immediately, and Sauron staggered back three steps before stopping the shocking momentum.

At the moment, the earth-shattering changes are taking place in Finch's body. He didn't use all his strength at the beginning of the confrontation just now, so even if he forced to upgrade his moves in the end, he was still affected a lot, and he felt a huge shock in his body.

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to suppress the shock in his chest, flinching from being extremely angry at the moment.

The idea of ​​observing some of Sauron's moves disappeared at the moment. What he needs to do most now is to find a place to adjust the disorder of his internal energy after killing Sauron, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

"Puff ~ puff ~."

With the puffing sound, the shrinking body gradually grew bigger, and the muscles of the body also became stronger, and as the muscles swelled, the armor that was originally worn on the body was also peeled off and fell to the ground.

Now there is no need for these cumbersome things, and he must use the killer move as soon as possible, even if he uses that move, it doesn't matter.

The shrinking heart is very clear about its state at the moment, and now it is time to race against time.

Flicking his hands back fiercely, the big knife was thrown back, the tip of the sword pointed directly at his heel, and he could completely cut off his own foot as soon as he got close.

Looking at the changes in the shrinking body, Sauron at this moment also understood that this is the last moment, and there can be no reservations.

He took a deep breath, then Zoro suddenly lifted his right hand, luck instantly reached the arm, strengthened the arm muscles, and saw that the abruptness on the right arm became more abrupt, "Yigang Liluo ’, just after the change of the right arm, Sauron’s left and right arms also lifted up, same, ‘Er Gang Li Luo’.

Sauron is also ready, confrontation, this is a confrontation of strength, the most severe confrontation, both sides seem to have used some secret methods to make their bodies reach a state of space, so that their physical strength will skyrocket in an instant.

Putting away the words of Hedao, at this moment, Zoro must trust Yukizoku and Nidai Kisuke in his hands with all his heart, feel their strength, and then follow this strength to slash towards each other.

Let's slash, "Ergang force slash." With Sauron's loud shout, the originally quiet scene suddenly attracted a baptism like a storm, and this was only the initial momentum of the move.

At this time, the cowering was also ready, and was about to strike hard. Seeing Sauron's attack, the time just arrived.

Hold the epee tightly with both hands. At this moment, the epee has undergone some changes with the force of shrinking forward. These changes make people feel in a trance for a while. This may be the epee evolved from the shrinking sword technique. The tricks are powerful, but at this moment these imaginary things have no effect on both parties.

The snow walks, the ghost retreats, like a bright star, irradiating two soul-stirring forces, like a demon god.

However, the flinching epee had undergone major changes at this moment. The blade that was originally extremely sharp was suddenly coated with a layer of ground, making the original sharpness completely disappear.

What is left is the epee without Kaifeng.

This also just caters to the name of this move of Cringe, that is: "Big Sword Without Edge."

When the blade reaches a certain level, it no longer needs a sharp blade to increase the damage, because he doesn't need the strength attached to him, all he needs is the momentum of the big knife going forward.

That's why it's called "Big Sword Without Edge." This move is also more suitable for shrinking the heavy sword in your hand.

The fifth form of the evolution of sword technique "Big sword without edge."

Without more words, the three knives slammed together at this moment, and the blades of both sides seemed to condense together at this moment, as if they were still.

It's as calm as a small lake in the mountains, without any waves, but the two in the middle can clearly feel the speed at which the knife in their hands is consuming power and consuming their hands. The strength in the middle.

As long as any party slackens in the slightest, the result is only one, and that is to be crushed into meatloaf in an instant.

So at this moment, the comparison between the two sides is endurance and the strength of the subsequent battle, but the flinching at this moment is a slight smile. He is very clear that the strength of the two sides is in an extremely balanced state at this moment, and only needs to add a little more strength It is enough to repel the opponent, and whichever side is repelled will definitely be fatally injured.

"Don't think this is all I have, just die." Finch suddenly increased the strength in his hand, and slashed towards Sauron's two swords. This is a secret technique that Finch has mastered.

At the cost of consuming the blood in the body, in exchange for an instant increase in strength, this is why both sides are violently slashing, and when the strength of both sides is exerted to the extreme, shrinking can also increase the strength.

Boom~ The sudden power imbalance caused Sauron to be severely injured, and his body was also bombarded towards the rear wall, just like the shells blasted from the muzzle of a large-caliber cannon.

No matter how tough the body is, it can't compare with the hardest wall, so the moment his body hit the wall, Sauron's body received an unprecedented blow.

The body seemed to soften instantly, collapsing into the ruins smashed by him, like a soft worm without bones.

"Die." He murmured such a sentence in his mouth, and his body returned to its original appearance. The swelled muscles disappeared, and the face that was originally shining red was pale at this moment. , This is a sequela of using qi and blood to enhance one's own strength, and it takes a period of time to adjust.

"Fortunately, I just used Qi and blood coagulation, otherwise, my body would have to rest." I flinched a little scared thinking about it, and couldn't help but glance at the collapsed Sauron in the distance, thinking that this guy is really strong.

But at this moment, the shrinking body couldn't help but tremble, because at this moment, his eyes were full of surprise.

I saw that the place where Sauron collapsed was suddenly surrounded by some dark aura, just like the aura of Hades from the Nine Nether Hells.

But Sauron, who was supposed to be almost dead, suddenly slashed up, and his body shook a few times, but he didn't fall down and stood still.

A dark atmosphere enveloped Sauron's body.

"It is the way of Shura to suffer all kinds of hardships without getting tired."

Such a sentence, like a voice from the Nine Nether Hells, reached the cowering ears in an instant, and then the word "He Dao" on Sauron's waist jumped out involuntarily, and fell into Sauron's upturned mouth accurately. middle.

"Crack." With a sound, he bit the sword of fate.

The body also changed accordingly, and the three swords danced along with the dark breath.

Sometimes like a jumping elf, sometimes like a god of death in hell.

Either to reap life, or to bestow blessings, it only takes one thought, one thought per person.

This is the way of Shura. Thousands of years of practice and thousands of years of suffering can't make him feel bored in the slightest.

It's not that I don't get tired of it, it's just that the attachment in my heart never changes.

There is only a thin line between life and death, death is death, spiritual energy disappears like an empty world, and souls go to hell, but those who often practice the way of Shura's attachment, souls go to the nine hells, Suffer endless torment.

(End of this chapter)

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