Chapter 53

Sauron's sudden change made Finger feel a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart, because the darkness from hell made him feel the threat of death.

"Is he the demon god Shura?" said such a sentence unconsciously, because at this time Sauron's performance was like this, the demon god Shura existed, and this demon god still came from hell, Filled with the air of death, everyone who saw him couldn't help but feel a fear from the bottom of their hearts.

He slapped himself fiercely, and he regained consciousness after flinching. He was almost confused by the fact that Sauron showed, and would involuntarily wait for Sauron's knife to cut across his neck.

Looking at Sauron's changes with a solemn expression, a strong struggle occurred in his shrinking heart.

At this time, Sauron's figure has formally undergone some changes, and the dim aura has instantly solidified into a stereotype with the change in Sauron's aura.

This stereotype made the cringe watching outside think about nothing else, no matter how serious the consequences of the last move, it must be done at this moment, because if you don't use it, you will lose your chance.

The silver epee returned to its sheath with a bang, the right hand held the hilt, the left hand firmly grasped the opening of the scabbard, and pushed back fiercely, the scabbard turned into dust with a wave of the left hand.

At this moment, the cowering left hand was also severely cut with a big cut, and blood gushed out along the cut, pouring into the heavy sword in his hand.

The dust from the scabbard floating around the epee was fused into the epee, and the originally silver epee turned into a blood-red evil sword at this moment, exuding a fearless aura on the sword.

This is also the strongest move that Cowardly can use. This move kills one thousand enemies and damages oneself by eight hundred.

Although the power is powerful, but at the same time, the consumption of one's own blood energy has reached an astonishing level. Even the blood energy consumed by the Qi and blood coagulation just used is only a drop in the ocean.

It cannot be said in the same breath.

After using this trick, in the current state of fear, there will be a period of weakness that lasts for more than two years. In the stage of weakness, his ability is only equivalent to that of a second-rate swordsman.

Therefore, he would never use this move unless it was a life-and-death battle.

Apart from that time, this is the second time he has used this trick.

But the flinching at this time also clearly understood that even if he used this move, he couldn't resist the Demon God Shura who had transformed into the Nine Nether Hell at this time.

What needs to be done at this time depends on how much power Sauron can exert the power of the demon god Shura from the Nine Nether Hells.

Cringing is a gamble, and if the bet wins or the bet draws, he wins.

But at this moment, Sauron has changed into the appearance of Shura in his consciousness in the shrinking eyes.

Three heads and six arms support each other.

And the originally peaceful dim atmosphere also became violent at this moment.

The pupils from the Nine Nether Hells stared fiercely at the flinching sword holding the evil sword at this moment.

With a bang, Sauron flew past.

It was like nine life-threatening blades that descended from the sky, crossed the void, and rushed towards the retreating body.

At this moment, he could only vaguely feel that a figure was attacking him at high speed, but fortunately, he didn't need to focus too much on the specific position of the enemy for this move, as long as he knew a rough idea.

Surprisingly, the most flimsy move to flinch is so unremarkable.

There was no gorgeous prelude, just a very simple and unpretentious sword, slashing towards the vague figure.

"The ultimate form of knife evolution? The blunt form."

Like thousands of knives, he slashed towards the figure in front of him. This is an aura that drives the world to press forward violently, and blood energy also erupts at this moment, turning into a blurred bloody net .

The blood net pressed forward with an imposing manner of overwhelming Mount Tai. This was not the sword intent formed by shrinking and comprehending, but the aura caused by the flowers aroused by its own blood being slashed by thousands of swords. This aura is shocking heaven and earth.

The figure who attacked at high speed also paused with this momentum, as if it stopped at this moment.

Feeling the pause of the figure on the opposite side, he cringed with joy in his heart, and suddenly increased his strength, making the evil sword in his hand slash more violently, increasing the power and aura generated by the moves.

As the speed of the cowering slash increased, the speed of the figure that was attacking him was also getting slower and slower, and finally the figure slowly appeared.

Three heads, six arms, just like that appeared in front of the flinching body, only less than two meters away.

Three heads, three expressions, but the meaning of the expression is only one, that is mockery, a complete mockery of the moves used by flinching.

Seeing this change of shrinking, my heart was depressed again, and the evil sword in my hand instantly increased to more than twice the speed to attack the prison.

But this time, the figure didn't stop at all, but rushed toward the retreating at a faster speed than before.

Two meters can be reached in an instant, without any sloppy.

The figure drifted past, and finally fell into a place about five meters behind Tingzhi, and stood still.

The figure wrapped in the dark breath also began to strip off his coat at this moment, and stood there quietly, motionless, only the flickering pupils flinched and looked over.

But at this moment, he didn't feel any abnormality when he flinched. He just felt that there was a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and then the figure disappeared, and the sword in his hand was still smashing crazily, as if there was nothing unusual.

The three heads merge into one, and the six arms dissipate and become two.

Sauron, who had recovered to normal, slowly put away the two swords in his hands, and finally, the one in his mouth followed the momentum and inserted it into the sheath.

With the sound of friction between the blade and the scabbard, there was a bark.

With a final click, the sword returned to its sheath, the sword's intent was exhausted, and the sword move turned into nothingness.

"Ghost Qi? Nine Swordsmanship? Asura? One Mist Silver."

Following Sauron's soft shout, the flinching captain who was still feeling whether his body was damaged suddenly turned into nine yuan.

And the epee that had been strengthened into an evil sword was also broken into sections at this moment, without a trace of the momentum of the epee without a front.

The body then turned into nine pieces, and at the moment I was still feeling the shrinking of my body, but now I suddenly found myself floating up with my head and neck like this.

At the same time, with his head down, he saw his body disintegrating, but his senses didn't respond at the moment.

The flinching at this moment was not only a shock, but he suddenly glared in the direction of Sauron, roaring with all his last breath.

"You devil, tormented in hell."

Also following the last trace of struggle, his body also began to react, and the remaining blood began to spurt out wildly.

A burst of piercing pain made the face of the cringe who was about to die show a jealous and ferocious look, this is the final punishment of cringe, death also makes you unable to die happily.

"To endure all kinds of hardships."

"This is the way of Shura."

"In order to thank you for allowing me to comprehend this essence, I will let you return to the Nine Nether Hell in this essence, and suffer all the pain of heart-eating ghosts."

In the end, the deep voice came to the cringe's ears, as if it made him feel that death is so easy and happy now, and it made him feel uneasy even if he died.

(End of this chapter)

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